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Future Events

 July/August -no meetings





Sept 11

Indiana PHCC Golf Outing

South Grove


Sept 12

Indiana PHCC Convention

Omni Severin

Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


Enrollment Now Open at Mechanical Skills 
Classes start the week of August 19th

Call 352-1189

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The July 2014 GIPHCC Ventstack


Loyal GIPHCC Support and Participation


GIPHCC is on summer hiatus; this is a good time to relax, enjoy ourselves, reflect, and get ready to start up again in the Fall.  


Indiana PHCC is the 3rd or 4th largest state PHCC chapter in the country.  GIPHCC is the largest local in the state.  Currently GIPHCC has 90 members.  In 2008 pre-recession we had 100 members.  As the recession intensified, our membership dropped to 77.  We've slowly regrown our membership.


Growing our membership is a never-ending process.  There is a constant drop out/addition process. We can't pat ourselves on the back about our numbers and simply rest on our laurels.  Members have been encouraged to bring other contractors or vendors to our luncheon meetings to see what the organization has to offer them.  Contractors can benefit from reduced rates at Mechanical Skills, pertinent topics at meetings and helpful networking.  Vendors can benefit from the Vendors Fair and increased opportunities to network and make connections with contractors.


You can be a member/a part of the organization or a part of the nucleus/the central mass of members to which others may be variously attached.  Both types of members are important and needed.


This is an excellent time to decide your own participation level for 2014-15.  We hope you will suggest meeting topics you would like to see addressed to board members so the meetings can be relevant to your particular situation. We encourage your attendance and participation.  We also hope that you will bring others with you to GIPHCC meetings and activities.  Please help us grow our organization and participation.

Let's make it a goal for 2015 to grow our membership back up to 2008 level: 100 members.  



 Message From The President
Brian Lebo, President
Dear Friends,
As I'm writing this letter, I realize that summer began just days ago.  I don't have a great short term memory, so I'm not sure what happened to spring--but I'm certain it was better than winter.  I'm not sure where the songs about summer being a lazy time of year came from.  Most of the people I know are usually bustling with activity, hanging on, and trying to keep up.  Make time in your calendar this year to slow down at some point and focus on the things that really matter.  I hope you'll also to take time during this steamy summer season to consider the richness we are afforded in this great land.  Independence Day is just around the corner.  Take the opportunity to be thankful for the heritage you've been given.  As you have opportunity, tell someone younger than you why this is a special day for you.
Summer will be over before you know it.  Enjoy and be safe.  Please remember also to send in your reservation for the IAPHCC Convention coming up in September.  Now is a great time to reserve your spot.  It's a great way to relax, network, and learn more about what's going on in the industry. 
Best regards,
Brian Lebo
GIPHCC President 

News of Note


Our condolences to Eugene Schuler, Schuler Plumbing, on the death of his mother, Leona Grace Schuler.  Memorial contributions may be made in Mrs. Schuler's name to the Nativity Catholic Church, 7225 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis,  46239.

Welcome to Tim Snodgrass, Wolverine Brass' new representative, 494-5378, tim.snodgrass@wolverinebrass.com

Congratulations to P-M & Associates as they celebrate 40 years in business!.  
Is It The Real Pfendler?
Which Steve Pfendler is it?  At last year's state PHCC Convention a cardboard version of Steve Pfendler held court.  Who will show up this year?  The only way for you to find out is to attend th
e convention on September 12th at the Omni in downtown Indianapolis!  You can sign up for the state golf outing here.  You can find the schedule, sponsor, etc. here.  


  • July/August--no meetings
  • Sept. 11, Indiana PHCC Golf Outing, South Grove
  • Sept. 12, Indiana PHCC Convention, Omni Indianapolis
  • Sept. 17--possible GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Oct. 15, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Nov. 19, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!