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Future Events


June 11

baseball game/picnic


July/August -no meetings


Sept 11

Indiana PHCC Golf Outing

South Grove


Sept 12

Indiana PHCC Convention

Omni Severin

Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


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The June 2014 GIPHCC Ventstack

June Social Event:  Indians Game

A new social event for GIPHCC Members on June 11!  63 GIPHCC's and family/friends will be attending the game and picnic before the game.  We have secured a 5:30 picnic in the left field picnic area.  It's a 7:05 game time against the Durham Bulls.  Tickets were passed out at the April 16th meeting or mailed shortly thereafter.  

Thanks & Congratulations to Golf Outing Players and Sponsors


On a cold May 15th, the fearless GIPHCC golfers set out to have a great day of fun and friendship.  The putting contest $10 prizes went to Brian Lebo, Dave Seamon, and Dave Nance.  Closest to the Pin was won by Wayne Williams.  Longest drive honors went to Jim Curry, Jim Barry, and Joe Anthis.  First prize team was the Barry team: Joe Rosinski, Brad Beeson, Mike Thayer, and Jim Barry.  Second place was the Wahl's Custom Plumber's team of Adam Wahl, Jeff Grey, Brett Gard, and Miggy Cabrera. Last place was Par None: Dave Heffner, Dave Nance, Keith Smith, and Brad Crawford.  


We truly couldn't have done it without your help and support. The following companies helped make the day a resounding success:

Central Supply: the luncheon and 2 beverage carts

Restorex: awards presentation and Closest to the Pin

Plumbers Supply: Longest Drive and Putting contests

Hole Sponsors: Ciriello Plumbing, MMI, Rocchio Kiley Insurance, Indianapolis WinSupply, Citizens Energy Group, Aspinall Associates, Inc., Ashworth-Train, Federated Insurance, JEBCCO Marketing, Co.

Flag sponsors: Winthrop Supply, Diversified Sales Group, Heffner Plumbing, P-M & Associates, K2 Plumbing, Central Supply, Plumbers Supply

Flag/hole sponsors: Viega, Schuler Plumbing, Ferguson Enterprises, Spears Manufacturing, Barry Co., Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, P.I.P.E. 

Teams: Indianapolis WinSupply (4 teams), Winthrop Supply, Carter's My Plumber, Wahl's Custom Plumbing, Plumbers Supply, Ferguson Enterprises, TOP Marketing, Aspinall Associates, Inc., P.I.P.E., Citizens Energy Group, Barry Co., Lee Supply, Central Supply, Farm Bureau Insurance, Par None, Federated Insurance, and Amerestore.


Additional thanks go to Dye's Walk; Joe and Todd, the beverage cart drivers; Amerestore and Becky Adams for the great prizes and tv.


Also a heartfelt thank you to retired board member Vicki Garrett for all her help organizing and spearheading this yearly event.  

 Message From The President
Brian Lebo, President
 Dear Friends,
Unseasonably cold!!!  That is likely what our 2014 GIPHCC golf outing will most likely be remembered for.  As one contractor member mentioned to me at the start of the day, "It will make a good story."  And, that it will!
What I hope to remember is the upbeat attitudes of everyone I spoke with.  Smiles and laughter were abundant all day long.  This is typical of the dedicated people who make up this association.  Always seeing the best and making the best in every situation.
I would be remiss to not take a moment to thank all those who participated in this event.  The list is almost endless, but some special mention needs to be given to Vicki Garrett and Cathy Stegemoller who did a fabulous job working the event throughout the day.  Also to WinSupply who took the day by putting together the most teams with a grand total of 4 teams in all--some of them doing very well in the competition.  Thank you to Central Supply for providing the luncheon and both beverage carts.  Thanks to Restorex for sponsoring the Closest to the Pin contest and the awards reception.  Thank you to Plumbers Supply for sponsoring the Longest Drive and the Putting contests.  Let's not forget all the hole and flag sponsors and Amerestore for donating so many wonderful prizes.  Thank you to all who put together a team and braved the cold to support the GIPHCC.  To all of you, your support of the industry is genuinely appreciated.  Thanks also to the staff at Dye's Walk.  This is a great facility, and their people made the difference.
All said, I think the golf outing was a true success.  We had 21 teams with 84 participants. Many generous associate members pulled out all the stops to support the organization and make this a fantastic day.
Thank you to all.
Best regards,
Brian Lebo
GIPHCC President 

News of Note

Welcome to new contractor member,

Mishler Plumbing Services, Inc., Nate Mishler, PO Box 714, Brownsburg 46112, 858-3089, 585-3261, nate@mishlerplumbing.com.


Welcome to new associate member,

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, Chris Moore, 8760 Michigan Road, Ste. C, Indianapolis 46268, 650-4519, Chris.MOORE@infarmbureau.com.  

Is It The Real Pfendler?
Which Steve Pfendler is it?  At last year's state PHCC Convention a cardboard version of Steve Pfendler held court.  Who will show up this year?  The only way for you to find out is to attend the convention on September 12th at the Omni in downtown Indianapolis!  You can find the schedule, sponsor, etc. here.


  • June 11 --Indians baseball game
  • July/August--no meetings
  • Sept. 11, Indiana PHCC Golf Outing, South Grove
  • Sept. 12, Indiana PHCC Convention, Omni Indianapolis
  • Sept. 17--possible GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Oct. 15, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Nov. 19, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!