Quick Links

Future Events


 May 15

Golf Outing, Dye's Walk


June 11

baseball game/picnic


Sept 11

Indiana PHCC Golf Outing

South Grove


Sept 12

Indiana PHCC Convention

Omni Severin

Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


Join Our Mailing List


The May 2014 GIPHCC Ventstack

Backflow Testing Changes 


Citizens Energy Group has developed a partnership with ArchonSafe to automate backflow device test reporting.  As of April 22nd test reports must be submitted through the ArchonSafe website or through the mobile portal.  Beginning August 1 there will be a $4.95 charge for each backflow test device.  That fee rate goes to $9.95 per submittal on January 1, 2015.   Citizens Energy contacted the Landscape and Irrigation groups prior to the rollout, however, this program includes ALL backflow test reports including fire protection, domestic, commercial, industrial, etc., for all of Citizens Energy Groups' water service areas.


 If you have questions about the program contact ArchonSafe at 1-800-288-5969.

Thanks & Congratulations



Thank you to Dave Niezgodski, IAPHCC president, for being the speaker at the April 16th business meeting and for swearing in the newly elected Board of Dire

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vogt




Congratulations to

the Associate Esprit de Corps honorees--Mary Jane Thomas, Gene Burt, Paul Vogt, and Brian Battersby and Bill Thomas, Sr. (both deceased).  Their names will appear on the plaque which hangs at Mechanical Skills.


Congratulations to Vicki Garrett, Dave Nance, and Brian Lebo who also received recognition for their service to GIPHCC and the industry at the April meeting.  

 Message From The President
Brian Lebo, President
Dear Friends,
I want to start my first president's letter with a word of thanks.  Thanks, to Dave Nance for his leadership over the past 2 years.  Dave, you did an outstanding job!  Thanks also to the balance of the GIPHCC board for their involvement and personal sacrifice. 
Thanks, to all who have expressed words of encouragement to me as I now begin to fill this office.  Thanks, to past leaders of this organization who have labored to build what is now a meaningful influence in our industry.  Thanks for all those who have played a role in my personal and professional development through the years.  And a special thanks to my wife; she is definitely the better half.
The GIPHCC is a strong organization.  It is filled with partnerships and friendships.  It is filled with people who care about their communities, their families, their companies, and their industry.  It is filled with people who care enough to be involved.  It is filled with people who understand that their involvement can make a difference.
A dear friend and associate recently made a statement that I loved and would like to claim at this point in my journey.  "I've not always been the person I should have been, and I'm not currently the person I hope to become."  For me, the key take away from a statement like this is "development."  One thing I know for sure, you can't develop, you can't grow, you can't change for the better if you're not in the game.  You have to be involved if you're going to make any positive change.  I would like to extend an invitation to those who may read this letter but have not previously been involved or have not been active for a while.  Come to our meetings.  Participate in our events.  It is your industry.  I can tell you by experience that it will cost you to be involved.  But your investment will be rewarding.
A poem I learned many years ago speaks of how the paths we choose will often start us down a journey that we will someday look back upon with a sense of satisfaction, with a sense of understanding that our efforts have been worthwhile.  I hope each reader will choose to be personally involved in the GIPHCC.  When you are, you may find yourself agreeing with the last line of the famous poem by Robert Frost.
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
Best regards,
Brian Lebo
GIPHCC President 
Doggone It...Don't Forget to Sign Up for the Golf Outing
As of April 24th we have 9 1/2 teams and 2 hole/flag, 4 hole, and 4 flag sponsors.  We need to have the sponsors signed up by  NEXT THURSDAY, APRIL 30 so that the flags can be embroidered in time.  Please sign up for these openings ASAP.
Brian Lebo, GIPHCC Contractor of the Year
Barb and Brian Lebo

GIPHCC Board of Directors'

Newly elected Officers


Pres.  Brian Lebo, Benjamin Franklin

                    Vice Pres.  Bill Fite, Fite Plumbing, LLC

2nd Vice Pres. Jamie Carter, Carter's My Plumber

Sec/Treasurer  Dave Heffner, Heffner Plumbing

Past President Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing 



 Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing

Eric Damon, Kellie Plumbing

Cathy Stegemoller, Steg Plumbing

Frank Bruggner, Viega

Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply

Mark Fasel, Town of Fishers Building Commissioner


The slate was voted on at the April 16th business meeting and the Board was sworn in by IAPHCC President Dave Niezgodski . 

Putt In Your Registration Today!
May 15--Golf Outing, Dye's Walk--
The GIPHCC annual golf outing will take place Thurs., May 15th, 9:30 registration, 10 am putting contest, 11 am shotgun start.
SponsorsLunch, 2 beverage carts, Central Supply; Awards reception, closest to the pin, Restorex; Longest drive, putting contest, Plumbers Supply.  Flag/hole sponsors--Schuler Plumbing, Ferguson Enterprises; Flag sponsors--Winthrop Supply, Plumbers Supply, Heffner Plumbing, and K2; Hole sponsors--MMI, Rocchio Kiley Insurance, Indianapolis WinSupply, and Aspinall.  
Teams: Indianapolis WinSupply, Winthrop Supply,  Wahl's Custom Plumbing, Plumbers Supply, TOP Marketing, Ferguson Enterprises, Central Supply, Carter's My Plumber, Aspinall--full teams and K2 1/2 team.  
Click here for a sponsor form.  Flag and flag/hole sponsors need to have submitted their paperwork by April 30th in order for the embroidery to be completed.
Click here for a player/team registration form. 


  • May 15, GIPHCC golf outing, Dye's Walk
  • June 11 --Indians baseball game
  • July/August--no meetings
  • Sept. 11, Indiana PHCC Golf Outing, South Grove
  • Sept. 12, Indiana PHCC Convention, Omni Indianapolis
  • Sept. 17--possible GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Oct. 15, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Nov. 19, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
June Social Event:  Indians Game

A new social event for GIPHCC Members on June 11!  63 GIPHCC's and family/friends will be attending the game and picnic before the game.  We have secured a 5:30 picnic in the left field picnic area.  It's a 7:05 game time against the Durham Bulls.  Tickets were passed out at the April 16th meeting or mailed shortly thereafter.


Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!