Future Events |
Feb. 19th
John Elward, Immediate Past IAPHCC President,
The Value of Your PHCC Membership
Mar. 12
Vendors EXPO
Eagle Creek Golf Course Clubhouse
4:00 - 7:00
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Our Officers |

President Dave Nance
Nance Plumbing
1st Vice President Brian Lebo
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing
2nd Vice President
Bill Fite
Fite Plumbing
The February 2014 GIPHCC Ventstack
February 19, 2014
GIPHCC Luncheon Meeting
11:30 registration
12:00 lunch
12:30 speaker, John Elward, Fort Wayne
The Value of Your PHCC Membership
Cost: $25 per person
John Elward is the immediate Past President of Indiana PHCC and spearheading a state committee to bring more value to the individual member. This meeting is all about you! We will be finding out what you need to be more successful and how PHCC can help. Fax your registration information to Ann at 577-4574 or email her at mabooth@att.net by Feb. 14 as this meeting will be extremely well attended. |
Message From The President
 | David Nance, President |
On January 15th, GIPHCC was honored to welcome Denny Smith as our luncheon speaker. Thank you again, Denny, for your insight and inspiring words.
We are revamping our Vendors Expo this year in hopes of increasing attendance and awareness of GIPHCC. Please reserve your space early as we expect a huge turnout. A sign up form will be arriving via email shortly.
I have confirmed that our April speaker will be David Niezgodski, Indiana PHCC president. We will also be recognizing our Esprit de Corp honorees and the GIPHCC Contractor at this meeting.
Our February meeting should be very engaging and informative as it will be a round table type format that Brenda Dant has been working on. I am very excited about the ideas and information that I might gain from it.
See you at Primo's on the 19th.
Dave Nance,
President, GIPHCC
We're Begging You...
PLEASE make reservations for the luncheon in advance. This helps Primo's with the lunch count and makes check in onsite easier.
Fax your registration information to Ann at 577-4574 or email her at mabooth@att.net.
Membership Growth
In October 2011 we set a goal to increase contractor and associate memberships by 5 companies in each category. In 2012 we actually increased both categories by 13 each! However, this is a goal we must consciously strive to attain.
This year we're starting out around mid -40's for contractor members and at 30 already paid associates; however, there are several traditional associate members who have not paid their 2014 dues as of yet.
We adhere to the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Red name tags signify prospective new members at meetings. They receive information booklets and a free first lunch. The name tag color is also so that old, established members will greet them, make them feel welcome, and sit with them and introduce to fellow members during lunch.
Established members may also be entitled to a free lunch if they bring a prospective new member to lunch. Both the member and the prospective member get the lunch free.
We can't allow ourselves to become complacent and rest on our laurels.
News & Notes
Vendors Expo: The 2014 Vendors Expo will be March 12, Eagle Creek Golf Course, 5-8 pm. More details will be forthcoming shortly.
Many, Many Thank Yous--Thank you to Denny Smith, for his excellent January meeting address. As always this meeting was well attended and well received.
Thank you to Restorex--for their January tabletop and for the donation of 2 Pacers tickets. to the Feb. 7th Portland Trailblazers game. The tickets were won by R & R Plumbing. They will be much appreciated and enjoyed.
Thanks To Channel 13 SkyTrak Superstars --Special plaques were given to GIPHCC companies who were the main supporters of the Skytrak program. Over the 9 year these five companies supplied $105,000 of the total cost: L.E. Isley, Ciriello Plumbing, Schuler Plumbing, and P.I.P.E., Inc., and Kellie Plumbing.
Glad to see you back--Both Brenda Dant and Mark Fasel were in attendance at the January meeting after recovering from concussions suffered in recent traffic accidents.
June social event--A change of pace to be noted. The June social event will be an Indians baseball game; more details will be forthcoming.
- Feb. 19, luncheon meeting, John Elward, Primo's South
- March 12, Vendors Expo, Eagle Creek Golf Course, 5-8pm
- April 16, annual business meeting, evening meeting, Primo's South, David Niezgodski, IAPHCC president
- May 15, GIPHCC golf outing, Dye's Walk
- June --Indians baseball game
- July/August--no meetings
- Sept. 11, Indiana PHCC Golf Outing
- Sept. 12, Indiana PHCC Convention, Omni Indianapolis
- Oct. 15, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
- Nov. 19, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
- Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
A Friendly Reminder About Your Plumbing License
The State of Indiana requires that you carry your license with you. They don't automatically send you a new license. Once you pay your renewal it is up to you to either order a copy of the license (and pay an additional fee) or go their website and print one for free.