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November 20

Luncheon Meeting:  Lead Free Testing



Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

Join Our Mailing List

November 20, 2013 GIPHCC Luncheon


Place: Primo's South, 2615 E. National

Time: 11:30 registration

Noon, luncheon

12:30 Speaker/Panel/ Q & A

Topic:  Lead Free Law and NSF

Speaker: Dann Holmes


Mr. Holmes is a Business Unit Manager at NSF International, Ann Arbor, MI, working in the Water Divisions' Mechanical Plumbing Program.  Prior to NSF, he was a field salesman in the plumbing and mechanical industry.  He represents ASPE Region 2 as their affiliate liaison and holds positions on the ASPE Eastern Michigan Chapter Board as a Director and Chapter Affiliate.  He also regularly presents CEU classes to plumbing and mechanical inspectors and engineering firms.


Mr. Holmes' presentation will be followed by a panel discussion and q & a period.


Cost:  $25 per person.


* There will be a $5 reduction in cost per person to those people bringing a new toy for the Marines' Toys for Tots annual drive. 

  History of Veterans Day


Veterans Day gives Americans the opportunity to celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of all U.S. veterans.  However, most Americans confuse the holiday with Memorial Day.  (Memorial Day honors servicemen who died in service.   Deceased veterans are also remembered on Veterans Day, but the day is set aside to thank and honor living veterans who served honorably in the military--in wartime or in peacetime.


Some Americans don't know why we commemorate our veterans on November 11.  Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally "dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter known as 'Armistice Day.'"  It was to honor WWI veterans.  In 1954 Congress struck the word "Armistice" and inserted "Veterans".  It became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.


Take time this month to let our country's veterans know that you're proud of them and thankful for their service for our country, whether in time of war or peace.

Message From The President
Dave nance
David Nance, Nance Plumbing
 I have just returned from the PHCC national convention in Las Vegas and want to share with you what I learned while I was there.
First, congratulations to Greg Brenneman for being named PHCC National Contractor of the year!  Greg is very deserving of this award for all of his time and efforts given to PHCC.
Also, congratulations to Dave Frame for his company's being awarded by Federated Insurance for implementing a safe workplace and risk awareness program.
The national dues will be increasing by $35 next year.  I truly hope that this will not cause a drop in membership as I feel that the cost of membership is far exceeded by what can be obtained by participating in all 3 tiers of the PHCC.
The Thursday trade show was well attended, and there was quite a mix of vendors hawking their wares.  Most of the traditional plumbing manufacturers were represented; there were several software and GPS vendors in attendance, along with a couple of new companies with fresh ideas that may be of benefit to us.
Water heater energy standards are also going to change again.  This will apply to all residential water heaters manufactured after 4/16/2015.  Some changes will be minor as only more or better tank insulation is required.  Some changes will be drastic for larger capacity (over 55 gallons).  This could be a way for us to encourage customers to replace water heaters before new standards are enacted as the cost of installation could increase significantly, especially if they have water heater(s) larger than 55 gallons.
Also, I would like to thank QSC for their roundtable seminar on Friday afternoon.  It was extremely informative, and it reinforces to me that all members of PHCC truly want to help, to share their best practices and bad experiences, as well as to educate their fellow members.  Remember, if we can raise the standards of all contractors, it is beneficial to all of us.
If you have not attended a national convention, I would encourage you to do so.  The benefits outweigh the costs by far.
We will be having a lead free brass lunch meeting on November 20th at Primo South.  My understanding is that there are some concerns with soldering the lead free brass, so don't miss this meeting.  We will have the experts there with all the info concerning lead free brass.
Dave Nance,
President, GIPHCC
Welcome back
to Beth Hodgin, following her brain surgery earlier this summer.                               
A Friendly Reminder About Your Plumbing License
The State of Indiana requires that you carry your license with you.  They don't automatically send you a new license.  Once you pay your renewal it is up to you to either order a copy of the license (and pay an additional fee) or go their website and print one for free.   
News & Notes
Condolences:  To Kevin O'Kane, Diversified Sales Group, on the passing of his mother, Mary "Peggy" O'Kane on Oct. 24th.  In lieu of flowers memorial gifts are suggested to Second Presbyterian Church Food Bank and St. Vincent Hospice. 
Vendors Expo:  The GIPHCC Board of Directors is working on plans to change the Vendor Expo; thus, there will be no Vendor Expo this current year.  We are researching a new date in 2014.  Stay tuned for further details.
Thank you to Citizens Energy for the October presentation on Sewer Permits.
Yearly Charity DriveThe GIPHCC annual Charity Drive will be a collection of new toys for the Marines' Toys for Tots drive.  Please bring these new toys to the November 20th luncheon and have $5 subtracted from the cost of the lunch. 
Lead Free Plumbing Training Online Course
This online course was developed based on a presentation made by members of  the Get the Lead Out Plumbing Consortium to provide education to industry stakeholders to promote understanding and compliance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act, which goes into effect in January 2014.
The online course will cover 5 major topics about the new lead free law:
  • the law and its background
  • interpretation issues relevant to the law
  • manufacturing issues surrounding the development of new lead free products
  • installation considerations for properly installing new lead free products
  • preparing for the implementation of the law

To take the free course and earn .1 CEUs please visit: http://www.iapmolearn.org/course/view.php?id=70



  • November 11--Veterans Day
  • Nov. 20--GIPHCC luncheon, Primo South, topic: lead-free testing
  • November 28--Thanksgiving
  • No December GIPHCC luncheon
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!