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Future Events

October 16

Luncheon Meeting:  Sanitary Sewer Permitting


November 20

Luncheon Meeting:  Lead Free Testing

Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

Join Our Mailing List

October 16

GIPHCC Luncheon Meeting 

Primo South, 2615 E National

11:30 registration

12:00 luncheon



12:30  Speaker:



Topic: Sanitary Sewer Permitting Process Changes

Cost:  $25 per person


RSVP to Ann at mabooth@att.net or fax to 577-4574 before October 11, noon.

 SkyTrak Program Coming to an End


In 2005 GIPHCC began its involvement in the Channel 13 SkyTrak advertising program.  Over the ensuing 9 years, 25 GIPHCC companies have supported the program for a total involvement of $189,600.  L.E. Isley, Ciriello Plumbing, P.I.P.E., and Kellie Plumbing supported the program all 9 years; Schuler Plumbing was also a long-time contributor for 8 years.  These 5 companies supplied $105,600 of the total cost. The other 20 companies participated in the program 1-4 years.  Yearly participation varied from a high of 13 companies to a low of 6 companies.  The program provided GIPHCC and the "Call a Licensed Plumber; It's the Law " slogan with public awareness. 


In the early years the videos produced by GIPHCC featuring Eugene Schuler as the Handyman and also Laura Ciriello-Benedict were popular tv spots. A special thanks should also be given to Citizens Energy and Diversified Sales Group which paid for the videos.  The partnership with SkyTrak also led indirectly to the segment on Channel 13 on unlicensed plumbers. 


This program has helped GIPHCC and the local industry current format, it is no longer proving to be an effective educational and advertising method for GIPHCC.  Thus, as of January 2014 GIPHCC will no longer be participating in the program.  Thank you to all the GIPHCC companies which took part in SkyTrak over the years; we couldn't have done it without your support.

Message From The President
Dave nance
David Nance, Nance Plumbing
If you missed this year's IAPHCC convention, you missed a lot.  You missed a great day of golf and a great day of learning, networking, and fun!  "Well done" to everyone who was involved in organizing this year's convention.
Congratulations, Eugene!  Our very own GIPHCC member, Eugene Schuler, was awarded IAPHCC Contractor of the Year.  Eugene has worked untold hours this year teaching the new Indiana Plumbing code all over the state and promoting PHCC.  Thank you, Eugene!
On September 11, the GIPHCC attended the Plumbers Supply cookout and had membership info available to people interested in joining PHCC.  Thank you, Plumbers Supply, for the great lunch and table space made available to us.
On October 16th we will get back to our monthly lunch meetings at Primo's.  Citizens Energy will be speaking on the sewer permitting process that they are now responsible for.  If you do any sewer work in Marion County, do not miss this meeting.

Dave Nance,
President, GIPHCC
GIPHCC Congratulates Eugene Schuler:  Indiana PHCC Contractor of the Year
Eugene Schuler, Schuler Plumbing, Noblesville, was honored as Indiana PHCC Contractor of the Year at the President's Reception on September 13.  He is shown with his wife Donna. 
A Friendly Reminder About Your Plumbing License
The State of Indiana requires that you carry your license with you.  They don't automatically send you a new license.  Once you pay your renewal it is up to you to either order a copy of the license (and pay an additional fee) or go their website and print one for free.   
News of Note
Vendors Expo:  The GIPHCC Board of Directors is working on plans to change the Vendor Expo; thus, there will be no Vendor Expo this current year.  We are researching a new date in 2014.  Stay tuned for further details.
P-M & Associates: P-M & Associates would like to announce
2 new high-efficiency tankless water heater models, Navien NPE Advanced and NPE Standard. 
On Oct. 9th P-M & Associates will hold 2 sessions--9am-noon, and 1pm-4pm, at 1203 E St. Clair St, Indpls 46202 for demos by the Navien Team.  Both sessions are identical, so you only need to attend one.  There will be installation tips, product highlights, q & a sessions.  The session will have you ready to install, troubleshoot and service the Navien condensing heaters.
Please confirm your attendance by sending $10 per person to P-M & Associates at the address given above.  This is to cover the cost of food and drinks.  Lunch is to be served from 12 noon -1 pm.  You will be refunded your $10 when you arrive to sign in on October 9th.  Please call or email Debbie Ford with any questions, dford@p-massoc.com or 317-775-6283.
Yearly Charity DriveThe Board will also be announcing  the plans for 2013's charity drive shortly--what, when, where.  This will probably be announced at the October meeting.
Lead Free Plumbing Training Online Course
This online course was developed based on a presentation made by members of  the Get the Lead Out Plumbing Consortium to provide education to industry stakeholders to promote understanding and compliance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act, which goes into effect in January 2014.
The online course will cover 5 major topics about the new lead free law:
  • the law and its background
  • interpretation issues relevant to the law
  • manufacturing issues surrounding the development of new lead free products
  • installation considerations for properly installing new lead free products
  • preparing for the implementation of the law

To take the free course and earn .1 CEUs please visit: http://www.iapmolearn.org/course/view.php?id=70



  • Oct. 16--start back GIPHCC luncheon, Primo South
  • Nov. 20--GIPHCC luncheon, Primo South, topic: lead-free testing  
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!