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Future Events

Sept. 12--IAPHCC golf outing

Sept. 13--IAPHCC Convention

Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

Join Our Mailing List

No-Lead Enforcement: Who Will Enforce the Law?


Get the Lead
There is no simple answer to the question of who will enforce the no-lead law which goes into effect Jan. 4, 2014.  The enforcement will vary from state to state.  In some states the fines may be $25,000 per incident; in other states the plans are still being formulated. 


From a manufacturing/distribution side, if someone chooses to ignore the law and sell leaded brass past the deadline, it will become apparent in the local market place.  If a municipality chooses to use leaded brass past the deadline, that municipality will open itself up to exposure from a whistle blower.


GIPHCC will be holding a luncheon discussion meeting in the near future to discuss this important issue.  This will also be a workshop at the Indiana PHCC Convention on Sept, 13.

Indiana PHCC Auction

Needs You!

Laura Ciriello Benedict is looking for auction items for the IAPHCC Convention--tickets to sporting events, wine, b & b weekends, electronic items.  If you have something you're willing to donate, please contact Laura at laura@cirielloplumbing.com. 

Message From The President
Dave nance
David Nance Nance Plumbing
Thank you, Plumbers Supply!  PHCC set up a table at Plumbers Supply cookout on July 24th.  This is the first and hopefully not the last time that we have done something like this.  We hope to sign up some new members, but, just as importantly want to get PHCC's message out as well as expose PHCC to more people.
If your company is having a cookout and would like to have PHCC there, please let one of the board members know about it.
Just a reminder about upcoming IAPHCC convention in September.  If you haven't reserved your spot, now is the time.  You can register online here!  This is a great way to learn, network, and relax.  I'm really looking forward to the roundtable discussions with other contractors.  I will see you at state convention in September.
Dave Nance,
President, GIPHCC
A Friendly Reminder About Your Plumbing License
The State of Indiana requires that you carry your license with you.  They don't automatically send you a new license.  Once you pay your renewal it is up to you to either order a copy of the license (and pay an additional fee) or go their website and print one for free.   
News of Note
to the family of Brian Battersby and to Battersby-Danielson.  Brian passed away June 30, 2013 in Michigan. Memorial contributions may be made to Fauver-Martin Boys & Girls Club, 24 Ferris Ave., Highland Park, MI 48203-2912. 
to the family of Billy Gene Stokes, who died on July 12, 2013.  Mr. Stokes owed and operated Bill Stokes Plumbing for 47 years.  In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The Salvation Army, 3100 N Meridian, Indpls.
Good News
Beth Hodgin, IRCS, is back at work part-time as she continues to recover from her recent brain surgery.  She thanks everyone for their prayers, cards, and well-wishes!
Plumbers Supply Cookout, Sept. 11, 11am-1pm.
Cookout 2013
The 4th of Plumbers Supply's cookouts will be on Sept. 11th, the day before the state golf outing at their Raymond Street facility--pork chops and door prizes.
Plumbing 101, IUPUI
Dave Heffner Dave Heffner will be teaching a class at IUPUI for homeowners who want to gain a better understanding of what their plumbing system is all about. 
First class was Sat., July 27th, from 10 am- noon; cost is $49.
Lead Free Plumbing Training Online Course
This online course was developed based on a presentation made by members of  the Get the Lead Out Plumbing Consortium to provide education to industry stakeholders to promote understanding and compliance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act, which goes into effect in January 2014.
The online course will cover 5 major topics about the new lead free law:
  • the law and its background
  • interpretation issues relevant to the law
  • manufacturing issues surrounding the development of new lead free products
  • installation considerations for properly installing new lead free products
  • preparing for the implementation of the law

To take the free course and earn .1 CEUs please visit: http://www.iapmolearn.org/course/view.php?id=70



  • No August GIPHCC meeting
  • Sept. 11--Plumbers Supply Cookout, 11 am--1 pm
  • Sept. 12--IAPHCC golf outing - South Grove Golf Course
  • Sept. 13--IAPHCC Convention - Omni Hotel
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!