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June 19

Indiana Downs Night


Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

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Indiana Downs Night, June 19th 



Indiana Downs

40 people are needed to make this night happen.  Currently we've met just over half of our goal. Those attending include Vicki Garrett and her husband, P.I.P.E., Carter's My Plumber, Nance Plumbing, R & R Plumbing, Viega, and Mark Fasel. This has always been a fun event for those in attendance--fabulous food, good company, and fast horses.  Cost is $40 per person.


Please email Ann at with your name, company, and number of reservations asap, or fax the information to her at 317-577-4574. 

  Golf Outing, Huge Success!


Jamie Carter With 29 1/2 teams swinging into action, the 2013 GIPHCC outing on May 16th was declared a smash hit.  Many companies had multiple teams; thank you all.   Some of the day's winners included the following: 


Closest to the Pin: Ted Ashcraft, men; Molly Steg, women


Putting Contest: Dave Porter


50/50 winner--Dan Canter


Gas grill winner--Dan Canter


Weber grill--Roger Kean


Color photo printer--Dave Nance


Bill Ciriello won the $100 Speedway gas card in the GIPHCC questionnaire card drawing. 


We couldn't have done it without the wonderful sponsors: Central Supply--luncheon, beverage cart, and awards presentation; Restorex--beverage cart; Aflac--snack cart; Federated Insurance--registration tabletop; IRS--putting contest; Top Marketing--closest to the pin; Flag sponsors--Ciriello Plumbing, Plumbers Supply, Kavanaugh Supply, Nance Plumbing, Kellie Plumbing, and Fite Plumbing; Hole sponsors--Plumbers Supply, Rocchio Insurance, MMI, Indy Winnelson, Barry Co., P.I.P.E., Citizens Energy Group, Amerestore, Jebcco, Ashworth-Train, and P-M & Associates; Hole/Flag sponsors--Viega, Diversified Sales Group, Plumbers Supple, Mueller Industries, Schuler Plumbing, and Spears Manufacturing.


Of course, the 29 1/2 teams which represented the following companies (many with multiple teams) not only enjoyed the day's festivities but also supported the GIPHCC and its projects:  Indy Winnelson, Winthrop Supply, Hydronic Steam, Ferguson Enterprises, Federated Insurance, Carter's My Plumber, K2 Plumbing, Lee Supply, Plumbers Supply, Wahl's Custom Plumbing, Barry Co., Kellie Plumbing, Central Supply, P.I.P.E., Viega, Citizens Energy Group, Town of Fishers, Amerestore, Jebcco, Ciriello Plumbing, and Goddard School.


We couldn't have done it without you and your support.  Thank you also to Vicki Garrett for organizing and managing the event. 


Thank you, one and all!

Message From The President
Dave Nance

David Nance

Nance Plumbing

The golf outing was a huge success!  We had 118 golfers this year; this is more than we have had for several years.  The weather was great and so were the golfers.  The door prizes were super nice.  Dan Canter was the lucky recipient of a gas grill and cash! 
I really appreciate all of the volunteers who helped make this a fun and successful event.  Thank you!  I also want to thank all of the sponsors; this would not be possible without you.  And, thank you to Dye's Walk for having us.
In June the GIPHCC is hosting a social event at Shelbyville racino for an evening of great food, camaraderie, and horse racing.  Hope to see you there.
We are always looking for people and ideas for our lunch meetings.  If you know of a subject or person you think would be beneficial to/for GIPHCC, please let one of the board members know for a future lunch meeting.  If you took the time to fill out the short survey card at the golf outing, thank you. 
I hope to see you at Indiana Downs on June 19th.
Dave Nance
President, GIPHCC
News of Note
To the family of John M. "Jack" Baxter.  Jack passed away on May 1.  He was a "lifer" in the plumbing industry and retired from Winthrop Supply as Sales Manager.  Any one wishing to make a memorial contribution in Jack's memory may send it to the American Cancer Society. 


  • June 19--Indiana Downs
  • No July or August GIPHCC meetings
  • Sept. 12--IAPHCC golf outing
  • Sept. 13--IAPHCC Convention
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!