Golf Outing, Huge Success!
With 29 1/2 teams swinging into action, the 2013 GIPHCC outing on May 16th was declared a smash hit. Many companies had multiple teams; thank you all. Some of the day's winners included the following:
Closest to the Pin: Ted Ashcraft, men; Molly Steg, women
Putting Contest: Dave Porter
50/50 winner--Dan Canter
Gas grill winner--Dan Canter
Weber grill--Roger Kean
Color photo printer--Dave Nance
Bill Ciriello won the $100 Speedway gas card in the GIPHCC questionnaire card drawing.
We couldn't have done it without the wonderful sponsors: Central Supply--luncheon, beverage cart, and awards presentation; Restorex--beverage cart; Aflac--snack cart; Federated Insurance--registration tabletop; IRS--putting contest; Top Marketing--closest to the pin; Flag sponsors--Ciriello Plumbing, Plumbers Supply, Kavanaugh Supply, Nance Plumbing, Kellie Plumbing, and Fite Plumbing; Hole sponsors--Plumbers Supply, Rocchio Insurance, MMI, Indy Winnelson, Barry Co., P.I.P.E., Citizens Energy Group, Amerestore, Jebcco, Ashworth-Train, and P-M & Associates; Hole/Flag sponsors--Viega, Diversified Sales Group, Plumbers Supple, Mueller Industries, Schuler Plumbing, and Spears Manufacturing.
Of course, the 29 1/2 teams which represented the following companies (many with multiple teams) not only enjoyed the day's festivities but also supported the GIPHCC and its projects: Indy Winnelson, Winthrop Supply, Hydronic Steam, Ferguson Enterprises, Federated Insurance, Carter's My Plumber, K2 Plumbing, Lee Supply, Plumbers Supply, Wahl's Custom Plumbing, Barry Co., Kellie Plumbing, Central Supply, P.I.P.E., Viega, Citizens Energy Group, Town of Fishers, Amerestore, Jebcco, Ciriello Plumbing, and Goddard School.
We couldn't have done it without you and your support. Thank you also to Vicki Garrett for organizing and managing the event.
Thank you, one and all!