In This Issue
Future Events
Next Meeting
President's Message
Goal Reality
Quick Links
Future Events

May 16th --Golf Outing

June 19th--Indiana Downs

Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

Join Our Mailing List
What You Missed... 
If you haven't been to a GIPHCC event, May's golf outing will be an excellent time to get back into the swing of things.  The GIPHCC events are a good way to network with others.  Please plan to be an active member of GIPHCC in 2013.

May 16th GIPHCC Golf Outing, Dye's Walk, Greenwood


As of 4/25 GIPHCC has 16 1/2 teams signed up to play in the golf outing--K2 Plumbing, Carter's My Plumber, Ferguson/Isley, Hydronic Steam, Winthrop Supply (2), Indy Winnelson (4), Plumbers Supply, Wahl Plumbing, Lee Supply (4), and a 2 man team from Federated Insurance.


The beverage carts and luncheon have been taken by Central Supply, Restorex, and Aflac.


Hole/flag sponsors are Diversified Sales Group, Plumbers Supply, Heffner Plumbing, Mueller Industries, and Schuler Plumbing.


Flag sponsors are Ciriello Plumbing, Winthrop Supply, Kavanaugh Supply, Nance Plumbing, and Viega. Hole sponsors are Plumbers Supply, Rocchio Insurance, MMI, and Indy Winnelson.  

Contests include Closest to the Pin sponsored by Top Marketing and Longest Drive sponsored by Indiana Restoration and Cleaning. 


Registration Tabletop: Federated Insurance; Door Prize: Keurig coffee maker, donated by Restorex.


This is a great start; however, last year we had 22 teams, and 15 hole, flag, or hole/flag sponsors as compared to this year's current numbers of 16 1/2 teams, and 14 hole, flag, or hole/flag sponsors.


 **We still don't have an awards presentation sponsor, and we can always use more door prizes.


It's not too late to get your registration forms in.


Fax your registration information to Ann at 577-4574 or email her at asap as this function will be extremely well attended.

Message From The President
Dave Nance  
Last month I mentioned April showers; talk about an understatement!  This could be the wettest April in history.  I hope you all had plenty of sump pumps in stock.  I re-ordered more than once.
Hopefully May will bring sunshine and warmth for our golf outing on the 16th.  We have about 16 teams signed up so far, and several hole and flag sponsors.  Thank you all!  This is our primary fundraiser, and any and all sponsors and players are very much appreciated.
Welcome to new GIPHCC board members--Cathy Stegemoller, Eric Damon, and Dave Heffner.  They will be participating in their first board meeting on the first of May.
Also coming up in June is our annual trip to Shelbyville for a social evening at Indiana Downs.  Always a good time, great food, and awesome people at this event.  This is the only time that you could win enough money to pay for your meeting.  Send your info to Ann if you would like to attend this event.
I will see you all at Dye's Walk on May 16th.

Dave Nance,
President, GIPHCC
News of Note

June 19th, Indiana Downs--4:15, registration; 4:30, Racing 101, betting seminar; 4:55 1st race; 6:00, dinner.  Cost--$40 per person.


The menu is traditionally is chicken; chili and cheese dip; 7 layer ranch salad; garlic redskin mashed potatoes; orange glazed carrots; chicken cognac and apricots; and chef-carved roast prime rib of beef.  Assorted rolls and butter, iced tea, lemonade, soda, and coffee included.

Cash bar is available, but you are expected to take care of the server.


We need a final party of 40 people to make this event happen.  To make reservations, contact Ann by fax at 577-4574 or email at with your name, company, and number of reservations.  You will be billed after the golf outing; we need to have the reservation numbers asap.  Thank you. 


Mark Your Calendars

  • May 16th--
  • Annual GIPHCC Golf Outing
  • June 19th--
    Indiana Downs
  • July & August--
    no meetings
  • Sept. 13--
    IAPHCC State Convention, Omni Severin

Congratulations to Eugene Schuler!

 Eugene Schuler

Eugene Schuler received the GIPHCC Contractor of the Year award at the April meeting.  He has been instrumental in launching the SkyTrak program, the GIPHCC web site, and teaching many classes and training sessions.  He is retiring from the GIPHCC Board of Directors after 12 years of faithful service.

2012 Goal: Reality
We don't want to rest on our laurels.  Last year we met and exceeded our goal of 5 new associate members and 5 new contractor members, and we should pat ourselves on the back for this effort.  However, in the light of 2013, out of our associate list, we lost 8 members.  Reality:  14 adds, 8 losses = 6 actual adds.  We must remain ever vigilant in our effort to attract new members.
We adhere to the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid).  Red name tags for prospective new members at meetings, information booklets, greeters, and the first free lunch.
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!