In This Issue
Future Events
Next Meeting
President's Message
Goal Met!
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Future Events

 April 17th luncheon meeting'

Annual Business Meeting'

Installation of New Board Members

Contractor of the Year

Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

Join Our Mailing List
What You Missed... 
If you haven't been to a GIPHCC meeting, April's meeting will be an excellent time to get back into the practice.  The GIPHCC luncheons are a good way to catch up on industry topics and network with others.  Please plan to be an active member of GIPHCC in 2013. 

April 17th GIPHCC Luncheon

Primo's South

2615 E. National Ave. 

John Elward 11:30  registration

12:00 lunch

12:30  speaker

Speaker: John Elward, IAPHCC 2013 President

Topic: 2013 State of the State Association

Cost:  $25 per person


This is the annual GIPHCC business meeting.  Included in the activities will be the installation of the 2013 Board of Directors and the awarding of the GIPHCC Contractor of the Year.


Proposed Slate of GIPHCC Officers 2013-2014

Pres.  Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing

Vice Pres.  Brian Lebo, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing

2nd Vice. Pres.  Bill Fite, Fite Plumbing LLC.

Sec./Treasurer  Vicki Garrett


Board of Directors:

Jamie Carter, Carter's My Plumber

Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing

Frank Bruggner, Viega

Shane Christopher, Wolverine Brass

Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply


Proposed new members:

Cathy Stegemoller, Steg Plumbing

Dave Heffner, Heffner Plumbing

Eric Damon, Kellie Plumbing 




Fax your registration information to Ann at 577-4574 or email her at asap as this meeting will be extremely well attended.


Message From The President
Dave NanceApril showers bring?...
The start of baseball season!
The last day to file taxes is on April 15th.  Do you have your personal taxes in order and ready to be filed?  Maybe you are already finished.
Did I mention showers?  Do you have an ample supply of sump pumps?  Last year we needed very few; the year before we could not keep enough in stock.  What will this year bring?
The GIPHCC lunch meeting will be at Primos on the 17th.  This is our annual business meeting and a good opportunity to network as attendance should be high.  At the meeting we will be saying goodbye to the outgoing board members and hello to the incoming board members.  In addition, we will be presenting the Contractor of the Year award to a very deserving person.
Don't forget the annual GIPHCC golf outing on May 16th.  Get your foursomes together and send in your reservations today!
Remember, when you are in the supply house or a sales rep is at your office to please thank them for their support of the golf outing and all things PHCC!
April 17th at Primo's South!  I will see you there!                                
Dave Nance,
President, GIPHCC
News of Note
Welcome to new contractor member, Kristy Muse, Peterman Plumbing Inc., 5240 Commerce Circle, Ste. C, Indianapolis 46237, 859-46237, 859-4294,
PHCC Educational Foundation Scholarships 

Applications are now being accepted for scholarships awarded through the PHCC National Association.  These scholarships are generally targeted at students pursuing a course of study directly related to the plumbing-heating-cooling industry.  Select awards are limited to students enrolled in a plumbing or HVACR apprentice program; while others are reserved for students studying in a community college, trade school or an undergraduate degree program at a 4 year college.  For complete information and application forms, students can visit or call the PHCC Educational Foundation at (800) 533-7694.  Applications and supporting materials are due no later than May 1, 2013.  


Bookkeeping Issues  

After 2 very well attended meetings in January and February, the March meeting attendance was low.  Plus, 9 people who originally signed up to attend didn't show up.  We don't often remind members that you're expected to pay for the luncheon if you don't cancel your reservation in a timely fashion.  That has been our long standing policy.  There was a great deal of food left over. 



  • April 17th--Annual business meeting
  • May 16th--
    annual GIPHCC golf outing
  • June 19th--
    Indiana Downs
  • July & August--
    no meetings
  • Sept. 13--
    IAPHCC State Convention, Omni Severin


2012 Goal: Reality
We don't want to rest on our laurels.  Last year we met and exceeded our goal of 5 new associate members and 5 new contractor members, and we should pat ourselves on the back for this effort.  However, in the light of 2013, out of our associate list, we lost 8 members.  Reality:  14 adds, 8 losses = 6 actual adds.  We must remain ever vigilant in our effort to attract new members.
We adhere to the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid).  Red name tags for prospective new members at meetings, information booklets, greeters, and the first free lunch.
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!