April 17th GIPHCC Luncheon
Primo's South
2615 E. National Ave.
11:30 registration
12:00 lunch
12:30 speaker
Speaker: John Elward, IAPHCC 2013 President
Topic: 2013 State of the State Association
Cost: $25 per person
This is the annual GIPHCC business meeting. Included in the activities will be the installation of the 2013 Board of Directors and the awarding of the GIPHCC Contractor of the Year.
Proposed Slate of GIPHCC Officers 2013-2014
Pres. Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing
Vice Pres. Brian Lebo, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing
2nd Vice. Pres. Bill Fite, Fite Plumbing LLC.
Sec./Treasurer Vicki Garrett
Board of Directors:
Jamie Carter, Carter's My Plumber
Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing
Frank Bruggner, Viega
Shane Christopher, Wolverine Brass
Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply
Proposed new members:
Cathy Stegemoller, Steg Plumbing
Dave Heffner, Heffner Plumbing
Eric Damon, Kellie Plumbing
Fax your registration information to Ann at 577-4574 or email her at mabooth@att.net asap as this meeting will be extremely well attended.