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March 13:luncheon meeting, Primo South

Jewell DeBonis; featured speaker 


Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

Join Our Mailing List
What You Missed... 
If you haven't been to a GIPHCC meeting, March's meeting will be an excellent time to get back into the practice.  The GIPHCC luncheons are a good way to catch up on industry topics and network with others.  Please plan to be an active member of GIPHCC in 2013. 

  March 13th Luncheon Meeting


Jewell DeBonis Please note:

This is the 2nd  Wednesday of the month.  Primo's is the site of the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame dinner on our regular 3rd Wednesday of the month. 


Date:  March 13th

Place:  Primo's South, 2615 E. National

Registration: 11:30 am

Lunch: noon

Speaker: Jewell DeBonis,

Lewis & Kappes Governmental Affairs Group.  Jewell is a veteran lobbyist and has been a presence in Indiana politics for over 25 years.  She represents a diverse client base before the Indiana General Assembly and state government agencies.  She will give an update on this year's session and what to expect in the coming months.

Cost: $25 per person


To reserve your spot: fax Ann your reservation at 577-4574 or email her at prior to Fri., March 8th.

Message From The President
Dave Nance
31 Years!!
That is not a typo.  31 years of volunteer service that Laura Ciriello-Benedict, Mark Helm, and Eugene Schuler have given to the GIPHCC Board of Directors.  Thank you, Laura, Mark, and Eugene!
You have left behind quite a legacy for us to carry on.  You have molded the GIPHCC into an association that has received awards and attention throughout the nation.  You are leaving the GIPHCC in good financial condition due to your careful spending and planning for the future.  You are responsible for our relationship with WTHR/SkyTrak, the cool commercials, and the attention that it brought to our trade.
You have left a lasting impression on the GIPHCC, and I hope that current and future board members will look to you with admiration for inspiration and advice.
Personally, you moved me to get involved, to be more outgoing, and to be awed by what the three of you have accomplished within the GIPHCC.  Thank you!
On Feb. 20th I was standing at the podium and telling everyone how we have met at the same place, same time for years; little did I know that Primos could not help us in March on our regular day.  So, our March meeting will be a week earlier, March 13th, at Primo's South!  I will see you there.   
Dave Nance,
President, GIPHCC
News of Note
Proposed Slate of GIPHCC Officers 2013-2013
Pres.  Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing
Vice Pres. Brian Lebo, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing
2nd Vice. Pres.  Bill Fite, Fite Plumbng LLC
Sec./ Treasurer  Vicki Garrett
Board of Directors:
Jamie Carter, Carter's My Plumber
Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing
Frank Bruggner, Viega
Shane Christopher, Wolverine Brass
Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply
Proposed new members:
Cathy Stegemoller, Steg Plumbing
Dave Heffner, Heffner Plumbing
Eric Damon, Kellie Plumbing
Welcome to new associate member:
Jackson Systems, LLC, Tom Jackson, 5418 Elmwood Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46203, 788-6800, 227-1034,
Jebcco Announcement
Jebcco Marketing is pleased to announce: Rick Dodd has joined JEBCCO Marketing team.  Rick will be focusing his 17 years' industry experience in the plumbing industry on the commercial market.  He may be reached at 317-997-9226 or



March 13th--GIPHCC luncheon

April 17th--Annual Business meeting

May 16th--annual GIPHCC golf outing.

June19th--Indiana Downs

July/August--No meetings

September 13th--State Convention, Omni Severin Hotel

Oct. 16th--GIPHCC luncheon

Nov. 20th--Vendors Expo

December--no meeting

2012 Goal: Met & Exceeded! 
In October of 2011 we set goals for the coming year.  One of those goals was 5 new contractor members and 5 new associate members.  We already have signed up 13 new contractors since Oct.--Deem, Gills Plumbing, McNeely Owned , Mann Plumbing, Inc. and True Energy Integrity Construction, LLC, Mister Qik Home Services, Wahl's Custom Plumbing LLC, Hope Plumbing, LLC, and Paul Henderson Plumbing, Blue Plumbing & Mechanical, L.D. Smith Plumbing, Mansfield Plumbing Inc., The Drainman Inc, and Mr. Rooter of Central IN.  In addition we've added 14 associates-- RL Sales, Mercer Belanger, Morgan Stanley, Action Coach, 1-800 Water Damage, Mike Albert Fleet Solutions, Penwell Insurance, Spears Mfg.,  Amerestore, America's Restnoration Team,  Single Source Systems, Inc., Shepherd Insurance, RESTOREX Disaster Restoration, and Jackson Systems, LLC.
We adhere to the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid).  Red name tags for prospective new members at meetings, information booklets, greeters, and the first free lunch.
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!