Logo 2015-2016

Psi Iota Xi 
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July 2015


Message from National President, Susie Lewis




Message from National Conductress, Andrea Niedenthal


New NEDO Toni Warren


Historical Tibits


Camp About Face


Message from National Editor, Heather Mitchell


District Officer Information 


Presidents Directory


Newsletter Archive

Quick Links

NL 2015 07

A Message From Your National President


Our biggest thanks and appreciation go to Cathy Etzler and the ladies of Theta Zeta, Fort Recovery, Ohio, for a wonderful convention.  From the great food and venue, to the history and district displays, to the great raffle items, to the extra funds we were able to donate to our projects, it was a wonderful experience for all in Fort Wayne over the weekend.

If I would share some highlights with you, they would be:

  • We gave Dr. Gabel another $10,000 check, totally surprising him directly after his speech.
  • There were over 60 "first-time" attenders!  Thanks to Gamma Theta, Speedway for making buttons for them to wear.
  • Nearly $1000 was donated to the Long Term Project from the profits of the silent auction of the award icons.  Thanks so much to all the bidders!
  • Dr. Miyamoto was honored Saturday evening following his retirement from Riley Hospital.
  • Kaye Robison was recognized for ALL the time and effort she has donated to assist National Council and the organization with the membership database and her continued assistance with the pre-convention report.
  • 16 Past National Presidents were in attendance, and they were able to donate over $800 to the Memorial Fund because of the success of the 50/50 raffle.
  • Total attendance for the weekend was 382, up 30 from last year.
  • We were able to donate an additional $5000 to our national projects!
  • The Marriott hotel location for next year donated a two-night stay for next year's convention.  It was won by Beta Alpha, Flora.
  • We heard many inspirational and educational speeches from our national project representatives.
  • Heather Mitchell, our National Editor, spoke from the podium for the first time and gave us some great information.
  • Lorna Tribby, from Odon, was honored as our Psi Ote of the Year.

As we look ahead to the next Psi Ote year let us continue the enthusiasm seen at convention.  So many new ideas were shared.  COMMUNICATE with your chapter what you learned as you interacted with other sisters attending.

To those who attended, thank you so much for taking time away from your family, friends and other obligations to join in the sisterhood that is Psi Iota Xi.  


Lastly, many thanks to all convention attendees who completed the convention surveys!

Susie Lewis, National President 


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Psi Iota Xi Upcoming Events


Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 19th!  That is our "official" Founder's Day, and we are communicating with our project representative with Riley Hospital about a tour or some type of activity or service project we can do to coincide with this historical date for us. Stay tuned for more information.


A Message from National

Conductress Andrea Niedenthal  


As the National Conductress, I had the wonderful opportunity to chair the Psi Ote of the Year committee.  I want to thank every chapter that submitted a nominee for this award.  This year 33 names were submitted for consideration and as a committee it was a very difficult decision.  The committee (Andrea English, North West DO; Rhonda McNall-Crisenbery, East Central DO; Maureen Dix, Southwest DO; and Sue Simpson, PNP) used the following criteria to make our decision:   attendance, committee involvement, attitude and commitment to the chapter - which includes the emphasis on membership.  We felt the effect the nominee had on her chapter's membership was key to our decision due  to the fact that the last two years our National Presidents had asked our chapters to build new membership, while maintaining a good relationship with our current members. 

I would like for you to read her chapter's nomination application. 

NL 2015 07

This year's Psi Ote of the Year joined her chapter in June of 2008.  She joined the chapter during a difficult time in the chapter's history.  She helped the chapter flourish and strengthen.  She is an uplifting inspiration to all chapter members and to her community.  She has served as Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and President of the Chapter.  As President, she was a good listener and let members express their views and ideas.  She kept monthly business upbeat and fun.  Members shared laughter, fun and were able to share ideas and express opinions freely.  Her love and compassion for Psi Iota Xi, and for her community and love of God shows in all she does.  She reminds us, even though our numbers are small, we are making a difference in our community.  She works hard at recruiting members in order to keep the chapter a valued community asset.  She is the sister who convinced chapter members to start making cheese balls as a fundraiser.  It has been a very successful fundraiser and her chapter was able to keep funding their local projects due to these efforts.  She also does a lot for the community on her own time.  She helps coach kids on the local school track team and teaches multiple classes in her church, to both children and adults.  She visits the less fortunate to encourage and show them they are important.  She does mission work for people who are in great need.  This sister is a prime example of what a Psi Ote should be and is a great asset to Psi Iota Xi.

NL 2015 07

I am pleased to present to you the 2015 National Psi Ote of the Year Lorna Tribby, from Iota Rho Chapter, Odon, Indiana.


Kindest Regards,

Andrea Niedenthal

National Conductress 

Welcome Toni Warren our new Northeast District Officer 

Toni Warren, from Eta Zeta, Nappanee, Indiana is the new Northeast District Officer.  She replaces Pat Menge, who is now the National Project Chair.  Look for Toni's article in the Helicon later this year.


Historical Tidbits 

From Minutes held at the Indiana State Library in Indianapolis: 


History Article for July 2015 newsletter

Continued from June 2015

From Minutes of the 1924 National Convention of Psi Iota Xi

(Friday morning's business meeting)


The report of the nominating committee was read during Friday morning's business meeting.  Both the new Grand President and the Grand Secretary were from Sigma chapter.

After more discussion was held regarding a central place for Convention, result of the vote being that we continue as before, each chapter in turn entertaining the Annual Convention.  Nu Chapter, Eaton, Ohio, invited the sorority to hold the 23rd Annual Convention with them. 

Discussion was held regarding doing away with either the Helicon or Mid-Year Convention.  It was moved and carried to do away with Mid-Year Convention.  It was approved to hold a luncheon at Indianapolis at the time of the former Mid-Year Convention, to be overseen by Delta Chapter.  Attendance would not be compulsory at the luncheon so as to have a social get-together.

After further discussion, it was moved and carried to abolish the present form of the Helicon publication, because of its cost, and it be made in pamphlet form, published twice per year. It would be published by an "editress" and copies mailed direct to all Psi Iota Xi members.  An "Editress" was then named (Helen Thomas, of Zeta Chapter).

Two petitions for new chapters were presented, Wabash being voted down and Zionsville being accepted. 

Suggestions were in order for a different mode of recommendation or sponsoring of new chapters and it was moved and carried that after the petitions were presented to the Grand Officers the five nearest chapters to the group petitioning are to be notified of such petition and to visit the group and send in their decision.

The last item of business in Friday afternoon's meeting was a motion carried to change the two lines of the Psi Iota Xi song so that the verse would read:

"Sail if you will on Venetian streams,

Or whirl or twirl in Paris.

Go to Old Rome to dream your dreams,

Or drowse on a Chinese terrace.

Sail if you will the whole world round for faith or sincerity,

The joys of youth and the bonds of truth are in our Sorority."


Susie Lewis

National President
Smiling Faces at Camp About Face

  NL 2015 07

Everywhere you look, you see big smiles as kids greet their parents. They sing songs, dance, and celebrate each other. NL 2015 07


Camp About Face is just like any other summer camp for kids. Located in beautiful Bradford Woods in Martinsville, Indiana, there are trails, cabins, meeting halls, campfires, etc. The kids are connected by their common craniofacial anomalies.


NL 2015 07

Camp About Face gives kids the chance to be themselves, make new friendships, and build lasting skills that lead to a lifetime of success. Camp activities are designed to enhance socialization, and build self-confidence and leadership skills.


Psi Iota Xi voted at National Convention to continue our support of Camp About Face by sponsoring two camperships.


Connie McDaniel

National Project Chair

From the Editor's DeskNL 2015 07

I would like to thank everyone who signed up for 
YourChapter@psiiotaxi.org during our National convention. 

In case you missed it:

Now Available - Chapter email addresses



Why should YOUR chapter have its own email address?

  1. All PIX communications will be centralized into one mailbox. ONE dedicated email account for all communications instead of multiple personal email addresses.
  2. Address will stay the same even when the president and/or treasurer changes. No communications will be lost because National was not made aware of an address change or update.
  3. Chapter controls password and access so only the president, treasurer and whomever they choose can have access to the chapter's email. The password can be changed when officers change to protect access.
  4. Streamlines communications from National to all chapters. Nothing will be missed because someone did not read her email.

Contact  Heather Mitchell, National Editor, for details about establishing your chapter's new email address.

2015 Helicon
Each chapter will receive two Helicons. If your chapter would like to purchase more please let me know by September 30, 2015. 

Website Registration
Thank you to those of you who have supplied me chapter member email addresses to update. If your chapter members are not registered on the website please send me their email addresses and I will get them their log in credentials.

Heather Mitchell, National Editor, Zeta Theta, Niles, Michgan

  • Memorial Information Send memorial information and a picture, if possible, to your editor so we can honor them in the next newsletter.
  • Pictures, Pictures, Pictures! We all love to see pictures! They are a fantastic way to share your chapter ideas, fund-raisers and community events that shout out, "We love Psi Iota Xi!" They are also great to use on the website so interested visitors can see the fun we have and join us! Forward your images via email. And don't forget to post them on our Facebook Main Page and Group Page.  
District Officer Information

Important request -

What is one of the most effective ways to serve your sister Psi Otes? Become a District Officer!  It is a wonderful way to get to know so many of our chapter members and see our organization from a new angle.


Here are some updates, due to changes in the National Bylaws the last few years:

  • A District Officer does not have to live in the District she serves.
  • A District Officer does not have to have the written support of her chapter.  (While a District Officer is a member of National Council, it is not a guarantee that they will be appointed to a position on the Executive Council, therefore does not have to have the written support of her chapter in regards to supporting the hosting of a National Convention.  A District Officer appointed to move forward onto Executive Council would have to have the support of her chapter in order to do so.)
  • A District Officer cannot stay in the position more than four years.

National Council asks that ANYONE interested (regardless of location) in getting more information about the office, or becoming a District Officer, please contact Brenda Bonner, National Vice President

Chapter Presidents Directory
Please Keep us updated

We know changes are 
always happening. People move, get new phones, change email, etc. Please forward any changes to the Presidents Directory to the National Editor so the directory is always current.  Log in and visit the "Member's Only" section on the website for the most current version of our Presidents' Directory.
Newsletter Archive/Social Media

Have you missed previous issues of our electronic newsletter? If so, click below and find a complete listing of our archived issues. Be sure to share this link with your other sisters who may not be opening their newsletters. 

Like us on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? If so, stop by and say "Hello."
We have two pages with two different purposes. Main Page (accessible by this icon), is public and has posts from Psi Iota Xi that you may comment on. The Group Page is where you can opt in and post questions or ideas and get input from your sisters. It's currently public but, if you prefer, it can be made a private/closed group for members only. On this page, you can also announce events and activities with all of us there as well as recap the fun with photos! Don't forget that you can also add images to your comments!    
Let us know what's going on in your chapter. Post images from chapter meetings and events. Let us know about significant happenings in your life - new baby/grandchild, new job, promotion, retirement, marriage, engagement, or whatever you'd like to share with your Psi Iota Xi sisters. We'd love to celebrate with you!

Psi Iota Xi | 3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 303 | Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 | 317-471-3512