Psi Iota Xi 
May 2015


Message from National President, Cathy Etzler


Top 10 Reasons for a Psi Ote to Attend Convention

Happy Anniversary


Indiana State Meeting


Michigan Luncheon and Love Offering


Convention 2015 News -  Raffle, Convention Awards and Presentation, Scrapbook Pages, National Awards Ceremony


National Bylaws


Convention Reminders


Long Term Project, Project Chair, Connie McDaniel


Spirited Sisters




Historical Tidbits, National Vice President, Susie Lewis


Historical Display


Chapter News




Dates and Deadlines

Message from the Editor, Heather Mitchell

Presidents Directory


Fallen Petals

Newsletter Archive


Convention Invitation

Quick Links

A Message From Your National President.


Time marches on and my year is slowly coming to an end.  I hope I have provided you with information in the newsletter this year that has been inspiring and helpful.  I have certainly enjoyed this aspect of the job.


This month I want to emphasize the many benefits of attending our National Convention. Later in the newsletter you will see some reminders about Convention.  We hope these will help in making the entire process run smoothly.


I want to comment on the fees and fines that have to be paid when your chapter does not attend Convention.  Speaking for myself, it is heartbreaking to see a check come from a chapter for meals, registrations and fines, when they will not receive one benefit from that investment.  I understand issues such as:  small chapters, distance, and finances, but I want to clarify some of the Convention Procedures.

  1. All chapters know at least one year in advance that Convention is coming. (dates are given 2 years ahead of time)
  2. We have to continue working hard on membership so it is not an issue for non-attendance at Convention - all small chapters or chapters with financial difficulties cannot be excused, (Where would we draw the line?) as a matter of fact, many of these previously named chapters do find a way to attend every year.
  3. Host chapters make the decision to locate where it works for them as they are planning for convention at least four years out.
  4. Host chapters have little control over costs. An annual business meeting is required in order to maintain our tax exempt status.
  5. Not attending this year, for example, will cost chapters $270 in meals, registration and fines for two delegates.  Why not take that fine money and apply it toward the gas or hotel cost to attend?  There are SO MANY BENEFITS of attending that the delegates can take back and share with their chapter sisters.

I want to continue to work with chapters, even next year as Advisor, but let's start early in the year.  Your National Council and Past National Presidents are here for you.   We will visit, share and communicate ways to help, but we need notice early in the PIX year as late in our year is quite busy (for Council) finalizing reports and working on convention preparations.


I believe all of this needs to be communicated because I have had several questions already, through face-to-face, phone, and email conversations.  After communicating the above facts, it has helped chapters and they have been thankful, so I felt these facts needed to go out to all.  It is critical to our future to keep lines of communication open.


At the end of this article, you will see a Top Ten List of the "Reasons You Should Attend Convention."  I was fortunate to be able to read it at the Indiana State meeting on April 18th, and I hope you enjoy it.


We are sisters and we need to help each other.  Let's start thinking geographically about the chapters around us and how we can coordinate our efforts, do projects together, spend money together and have fun together.  This can only make us stronger.




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Top 10 Reasons for a Psi Ote Chapter to Attend National Convention:


10.  You can lose all your inhibition dancing at the Saturday Night Tip of the Hat Party and get away with it!


9. You will be a rep for your chapter and come back loaded with ideas and enthusiasm for the 2015-2016 year. 


8.  You will see wonderful raffles and a special raffle items for Indiana, Purdue, and Colts fans.


7.  On Saturday morning ( get there soon as you can) you will be able to pick up information from an Information Fair on Fundraisers, General Fund Ideas, Publicity and Marketing, Membership and Recruiting, Fun Ideas for Meetings.


6.  See a final display of our National Awards and consider bidding in the Silent Auction.


5.  See a display of Fun Facts about National Council and Chapters. See a display table of our historical past. 

4.   You will be a part of a gathering that will vote on $$$ to be spent on our National Projects.


3. You will be a historical part of honoring Dr. Miyamoto on his retirement.


2. You deserve the time away to renew, refresh, and bring an absorbing attitude which will allow you to take away many ideas, gain many friendships, and add revitalizing ideas to your chapter and their future.


1.  You will come out SMELLING LIKE A ROSE!  Actually a Yellow Rose.



Many of our chapters will be celebrating anniversaries in 2015. We want to be the first to express our congratulations to your chapters on the accomplishment of the many years of your wonderful relationship with Psi Iota Xi. We treasure you.
Take time to celebrate with your membership, and stop and reflect on all you have accomplished. What precious memories! 

Psi Iota Xi National Council 

The Indiana State Meeting



Greetings from the Indiana State Association


The 38th Annual Indiana State Association meeting was held on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at Antioch Christian Church in Washington, Indiana.  It was hosted by Alpha Psi Washington Chapter.


Registered delegates and non-delegates came together to "Cheer on Psi Otes" and that is what we did.  Project proposals totaling $8,000 were voted on and approved.  A bylaw amendment was also made.

The Rotating Grant recipients awarded were (North) Eta Nu, Rensselear; (Central) Zeta Epsilon, Bargersville; (South) Epsilon, Columbus


Advisor Terri Resler and Alpha Psi Chapter member hope all those in attendance enjoyed the day of Sisterhood.  Many look forward to meeting again in June at National Convention.


Your new 2015-2016 State Officers are pictured, (L to R):  Deedra Runyan, Project Chair; Terri Resler, Advisor; Kim Benzing, Treasurer; Mickie Hansen, President; Pam Gunterman, Vice President; Shirley Herrick, Secretary. 


Michigan Sisterhood Luncheon

Each year the sisters from the Michigan chapters gather together for Lunch. The chapters all donate to the Love Gift fund and take turns choosing a good cause to contribute to. This year Eta Omicron helped Michigan students.


Love Gift April 2013

Love Gift 2015  

 The 2015 love gift will provide funding for the purchase of three iPad Minis and cases for use within the special education and speech pathology classrooms at Haverhill Elementary in Portage, Michigan.  These iPads will provide educational support for children with special needs and incorporate technology exposure into their classroom environment in both individual and small group settings. Specifically, the use of educational applications will be used to encourage the improvement of vocabulary, spelling, reading, language formulation, speech sound productions and other academic areas.  Some of the students with more severe communication needs may even be able to utilize the iPads to facilitate their overall communication skills. 


 One specific example of how we will utilize the iPads includes: a small group of 5 and 6 year olds, facilitated by the speech language pathologist, will utilize an application called "Busy Bee Speech" to practice producing age-appropriate speech sounds.  This application has picture flash cards, matching games as well as interactive phrases, sentences and stories that the children can use to engage in practicing their speech sounds and expanding their sentences.  Another example, in the special education room, a small group of students, facilitated by the special education teacher, will utilize an application called "iTrace, Handwriting for Kids" to practice tracing and writing letters and words.  For students with more significant communication needs, and students who cannot produce intelligible speech, we have an application called "Touch Chat" on our wish list that allows an iPad to be used as a communication device with the ability for students to create and "speak" sentences through the device.


As we build our foundation of educational applications, our use for these iPads will expand.  We are beyond thankful and grateful to be given such a wonderful gift to support our students."


Bridging the Past to the Future, THETA ZETA preparing for Convention 2015


Extra Raffle Convention 2015


Theta Zeta Chapter of Fort Recovery was so forunate to have a local citizen donate a G.Harvey print for our Convention. It is entitled " A Child's Hero" and has a value with matting and framing of around $300.  This was his Focus on the Family Christmas print in 2005.

The first snow has fallen, the sky is clearing, the sun has not quite set.  It's the perfect time for the first sled ride of the season.

This will be an extra raffle held through out the weekend and will be drawn at the end of the Convention along with our #3 Raffle.

A donation from our profit on this raffle will be given to the Long Term Project by Theta Zeta chapter.

IN Festival License Number 136297


Convention Awards Presentation


For the last couple of years, we have eliminated the presentation of our historical icons at our Awards ceremony; this has been an item on National Council's agenda to finalize. There will still be awards given in the form of certificates.


We now feel we have a plan in the dispersal of these award icons that will benefit our Long Term Project.  Step by step and with much consideration and respect of these awards, here is our process.


1)      Gathering of Icons- Recollecting

2)      Researching the history of each icon and their possible donor.

3)      Offering the icon back to the original donor. (Many original                    donors are disbanded chapters)

4)      Appraisal of the icon.

5)      Process to Offer icons to Our chapters


Well, we have FINALLY made it to # 5 and I am proud to say that these awards (for the last time) will be part of our historical display at Convention 2015.  They will also be offered for Silent Auction Bids. Each will have a starting bid (listed below) and you will be allowed to bid in increments of $5.  The bidding will start as registration opens at 8:00 AM and end at 6:45 PM- 15 minutes before dinner is served.  You must sign a personal name or a name of a chapter on each bid.  You must be at the dinner when the winning bids are announced and be prepared with cash or a check to pay for your winning bid at that time.


All monies from this Silent Auction will go directly to the Long Term Project.


If you win, you will be taking the icon at the time of announcement.


I have had some chapters very interested in a specific icon, if that is the case with YOUR chapter, be prepared and discuss ahead of time with your chapter.




Listing of Starting Bids


Large Silver Plated Serving Tray- $75.00

4 Pc. Coffee/Tea Set- $125.00

Sterling Candlesticks- $60.00

10" Round Sliver Plate Tray-$25.00

10"Silver Plated Urn-$45.00

12.5" Square Silver Plated Tray-$25.00

11" Urn (Some damage)-$25.00

8" silver plated pitcher-$35.00

Teaching Teddy to Read-$50.00


Field of Flowers Painting- This was not returned to National Council- Any chapter having knowledge of its location; please contact Cathy Etzler, National President.



If your chapter has not turned in our scrapbook pages please contact your district officer or Pat Menge ( to make arrangements to get those turned in. The time and effort being put into these pages shows (and is greatly appreciated). Thanks!


National Awards Ceremony

As always, there will be National Awards (certificates) presented at Convention 2015, however, after much discussion your National Council has eliminated a few awards.  Our goal was to keep TOP awards in the main categories of our philanthropic work.  We also have challenged ourselves to honor and praise as many chapters as possible in our District Meetings.  Here is our summary:


  • Largest Amount Per Capita-All Music Projects
  • Largest Amount Per Capita- All Art Projects (Fine Arts)
  • Largest Amount Per Capita Contributed to Speech and Hearing Projects
  • Largest Amount Per Capita Contributed to All Philanthropic Projects
  • Largest Amount Per Capita to Literature/ Literacy Projects
  • Largest Amount Per Capita for Other Projects- Community Outreach
  • Volunteer Service Hours - Per Capita
  • Louise Clark Convention Attendance Award - Given To the Chapter who had the best percentage of Attendees from the last Convention (2014) - Awarded in 2015


  • Largest Amount Given to Symphonies

RATIONALE-The amount of money given will also qualify for the All Music Projects Award. Council believes there was redundancy. 

  • Largest Amount Given to All Cultural Projects

RATIONALE- This award was a combination of Music and Art, which are already awarded separately.

  • Meeting Attendance Award - Best Percentage

RATIONALE- This award was originally intended to go to the Chapter that had the highest attendance % at scheduled monthly meetings.  It was inferred that this would be based on original scheduled dates with individuals present; but due to our culture today of rescheduling meetings to meet the needs of its members and new possibilities for electronic meetings, we want all chapters to be creative and flexible on how members participate within a chapter without being penalized.   With this said, this award does not represent the current organizational culture and will be retired.  

Thanks again to all chapters as you work for the betterment of OTHERS.

National Council


National Bylaws

This will be the second year of approving our Bylaws in a different way than in the past.  The National Bylaw Committee has 16 different proposals. We will be considering our Bylaws in their entirety, a "Part" at a time, and approving them a "Part" at a time.  There are only 5 "Parts" to our Bylaws.  If you would like to introduce any discussion or question, please be prepared to come to the microphone prior to the specific "Part" you would like to discuss. 

A copy of the Bylaws, as they were amended after Convention 2014 has been emailed to your Chapter President, along with a "mark-up" showing the proposals to be considered this year. 

Please make sure your delegates are informed as to your chapter's wishes, as they will be voting on them at Convention.  Please also bring a copy of at least the document with the suggested amendments with you to Convention.

(Part 1) The first two proposals (No. 1 and No. 2) bring the biggest change to the organization as a whole.  Please make sure your delegates are prepared to discuss these as the Bylaws are introduced during the appropriate business session at convention.

(Part 5) No. 14, if approved, would mean a fee increase of $5 per chapter.  This is to support the transportation line in the National General Fund Budget.

(Part 5) No. 15 is another very important amendment to discuss.   "The cost of insurance has been decreasing slightly each of the last few years, for the national organization.  The excess has been set aside in a separate "Insurance Deductible" account in case there would be a claim against the national organization.  The amount in the fund surpasses any deductible. 

National Council is proposing to "redirect" the insurance fee assessed to members during the next two years and let a partial cost for the insurance come from the excess in the "Deductible Fund." 

National Council proposes that $1 from the Insurance fee go to the National General Fund, and $1 go to the National Project Fund. $1 will go to the Insurance assessment, along with partial payment from the Insurance Deductible Fund. 

This proposal will allow for the National General Fund and the National Project Fund to see an increase, without increasing National Fees to the members for the next two years. There has not been an increase in National Fees since 2007." 

National Council continues to do its best to remain fiscally responsible in the best interest of the entire organization.


The last page of the Amendment document contains "Non-substantive" changes, which can be made without discussion by the convention body.


If you have questions, please contact Susie Lewis, National Vice President, at 765.4000.PIX (749).


Convention Reminders

  June 27-28, 2015

  1. Meet all deadlines for required forms. (Meals, Registrations, Sales Room, & Memorial Form) Forms available at
  2. While at convention, please get Credential tickets turned in on time.
  3. Wear any type of hat to Saturday Evening.
  4. Give yourself time to look around on Saturday Morning-LOTS TO SEE.
  5. Box Lunches- 11:00- Noon ( � hr. earlier than last year) -Pick up in Gallery
  6. Business Meeting on Saturday will start at 12:30 (� hour earlier than last year).
  7. SUNDAY-Breakfast Buffet 6:30-8:00 AM
  8. SUNDAY- BE SEATED by 8:15 AM- National Memorial Service begins at 8:30
  9. Memorial Service is part of Convention and all delegates will attend.
  10. Dress appropriately and in layers. Convention Centers temperature are impossible to control.
  11. Brings Bylaw changes that were sent to each chapter, there will not be copies.
  12. If chapter is bidding on the Silent Auction for the National Award items please bring check or cash in case of winning the bid.
  13. Take time to educate your first-time delegates.
  14. Bring some cash for a chance to win raffle prizes!
IN Festival License Number 136297

Long Term Project


National Council met the weekend of March 14th and discussion took place about the Long Term Project.  In the first three years, Psi Iota Xi members have donated $23,000 to the LTP.  National Council is concerned that we are not moving toward our goal in funding the Multifaceted Intensive Stuttering Services in the time frame originally planned.  We know Dr. Gabel has big plans and is busy developing programs for upcoming summer clinics.  

National Council has suggested in newsletter articles that each chapter donate to the National LTP.   A few chapters have already sent in checks.  Others have added the LTP to their budget and that is great and we thank you for your donations. 

National Council realized something needed to be done to help motivate chapters to give even more, in an effort to move toward the $100,000 goal more quickly.  A motion was stated and approved to take $10,000 out of the National General Fund and move it to the Long Term Project Fund, to be disbursed immediately.

National Council looks forward to our Psi Iota Xi membership continuing to donate funds toward Dr. Gabel's Multifaceted Stuttering Clinic at the University of Toledo. Again, this allows Dr. Gabel to provide more services at his clinics, to help more individuals and expand the endeavors of Psi Iota Xi.

Please read this quote from, Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, and remember, "Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we have given."  

National Project Chair,

Connie McDaniel



Spirited Sisters

I chose this poem for Spirited Sisters this month, because of the words in the poem opportunity, difficult times, improvement, challenges, mistakes, made a difference, and blessings.  I have a lady in my church that uses the phrase, "We need to have an attitude of gratitude."  I try to keep that in my head at all times.

Can't we all say that these phrases have come up in our chapters and our everyday lives?  And yet, we continue to move on and do THE GOOD WORK.  Thanks again ladies for all YOU DO!!!!!!!

Cathy Etzler


Be Thankful

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary
Because it means you've made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.

Author Unknown


Cathy Etzler



Who doesn't like freebies, give away something at a local event, have a table set up and at the same time that you hand over the freebie, hand them a pamphlet or two about your chapter and all their accomplishments.  It will be worth the investment!!!!!!!!

Cathy Etzler, National President
Historical Tidbits 


from a 1968 Helicon article dedicated to Mayme Oesterle

(originally written by Nancy Millard)

"I had no idea we were starting anything like this.  Several of us in high school thought it would be nice to have a little club... a sorority.  I'd been East for the summer with my family who had a place at Round Lake near Albany, NY.  One of my friends there told me about her high school sorority.  I told my friends about it so we started one here.

This must have been in my freshman year at Muncie High School because I went to Miss Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor, NY for my last two years.

We invited our favorite teachers to join us too; Mrs. Martha Ivins, Miss Emma Cammack and Miss Eve Kessler.

It was a very serious society.  We were allowed to meet in the high school...until a new principal took over.  We read books and discussed art and music, but we had no idea of founding anything as huge as Psi Iota Xi is today."

"Mary Carmichael had several brothers on the newspaper.  I can see her now, scurrying over to the paper to use their typewriters.  She founded the HELICON, you know."

Mayme Johnson married Karl Oesterle, who was later president of the Delaware County National Bank.  Her father had previously been

 president of the same bank.  She wintered in Dallas and came back to  her home on Riverside Avenue, in Muncie.

Charming, reserved, sitting elegant and straight on her velvet sofa, she smiled toward the many photographs on the old square piano.  "Those are my grandchildren.  They lead busy lives...traveling and starting their own families now.  I love keeping up with them."

One of Alpha Chapter's past presidents is the wife of one of Mrs. Oesterle's grandsons.


Susie Lewis

National Vice President


Historical Display- Convention 2015

Our goal for Convention 2015 is to have a historical display of pictures and items at least part of the weekend.  We will be limited as to the number of extra tables that we will have available.  The difficult part of this plan is the collection of items.  If your chapter or you personally have an item that holds historical significance, please contact me directly.  Cathy Etzler via Email or 419.375.4606.

 We can discuss the item, its significance, and the transport of the item.  Depending on your location, it can be given to me ahead of Convention, or brought to Convention by a member.

Cathy Etzler

Chapter News

Gamma Beta - Remington, IN

Each year the Gamma Beta Chapter of Remington IN sponsors a trip for the Tri-County 5th grade students to the Discovery Concert, put on by the Indianapolis Symphony.    As part of sponsoring the trip, members are ask to volunteer as chaperones.     This year we had 3 members attend, Monett Cochran, Andrea English and Barb Harper along with 56 children and 3 teachers.    It was a beautiful Spring day, so after the wonderful concert the group enjoyed lunch on the steps of the War Memorial across the street from the Circle Theater.



Zeta Beta - Anderson, IN

This spring, members of Zeta Beta, local chapter of Psi Iota Xi sorority, created a grant specifically to benefit the speech and hearing programs of Madison County schools.  Therapists from South Madison Community School Corporation, Anderson Community School Corporation, Liberty Christian schools, Anderson Preparatory Academy, and Elwood School Corporation were recognized as recipients of the grant funds at a reception on April 10th.  In addition, Zeta Beta recognized Meijer and Hoosier Park for their generous donations to this project. Pictured here are three of the fifteen therapists who received teaching aids: Valerie Robertson of Tenth Street Elementary, Jan Boudrot of Erskine and Anderson Elementary, and Mary Beth Brockley of Elwood Elementary.



We enjoyed traveling to Washington DC to see the 60th Anniversary Celebration Dance Concert at Gallaudet on Friday, April 3rd.
Our Psi Iota Xi scholarship recipient, Tanisha Russell (pictured here with us) performed in half the songs, along with both current and alumni dancers. The 3-hour concert was delightful, and included a wide variety of music, from "The Lord's Prayer" and "Amazing Grace," to modern songs by Usher and Bruno Mars.
Afterward we spent several minutes visiting with Tanisha, along with Sue Gill-Doleac (director of the Dance Company), the Director of Development and the President of the University.  Tanisha shared with us her goal is to become a special education teacher. 
The University President and his wife are both deaf, and his wife performed as a part of a duet in one of the songs in the concert.
There were three performances of the concert, over Good Friday and Saturday. Psi Iota Xi was mentioned with gratitude in the program, for providing a dance scholarship since 1994.  Ms. Gill-Doleac was excited to share with us which of the dancers would be the next to receive our scholarship.

L-R Rhonda McNall-Crisenbery, EC DO; Brenda Bonner, National Secretary; Beth Keeney, National Treasurer; Tanisha Russell, PIX scholarship recipient; Susie Lewis, National Vice President and Pat Menge, NE DO


Metropolitan Opera Winner

Do you remember Reginal Smith Jr. He was one of our winners a couple years ago. Where is he now?

Click Here to find out 

Psi Iota Xi Upcoming Events


May 10  

PCR Report Deadline (send to your District Officer)

Helicon Article Due to the National Editor 


May 15 

Convention Registration Deadline 

Hotel Reservation Deadline

From the Editor's Desk

Now Available - Chapter email addresses website Hosting Company.

Why should YOUR chapter have its own email address?

  1. All PIX communications will be centralized into one mailbox. ONE dedicated email account for all communications instead of multiple personal email addresses.
  2. Address will stay the same even when the president and/or treasurer changes. No communications will be lost because National was not made aware of an address change or update.
  3. Chapter controls password and access so only the president, treasurer and whomever they choose can have access to the chapter's email. The password can be changed when officers change to protect access.
  4. Streamlines communications from National to all chapters. Nothing will be missed because someone did not read her email.

Contact Heather Mitchell, National Editor, for details about establishing your chapter's new email address.

2015 Helicon
By now your chapter should have received our annual request for your cha
pter Helicon article. Remember that these articles preserve your chapter's dedication to our organization! Fill those articles with all of the great things your chapter and your sisters do. Please include names and photos.

Website Registration
Thank you to those of you who have supplied me chapter member email addresses to update. If your chapter members are not registered on the website please send me their email addresses and I will get them their log in credentials.


  • Memorial Information Send memorial information and a picture, if possible, to your editor so we can honor them in the next newsletter.
  • Pictures, Pictures, Pictures! We all love to see pictures! They are a fantastic way to share your chapter ideas, fund-raisers and community events that shout out, "We love Psi Iota Xi!" They are also great to use on the website so interested visitors can see the fun we have and join us! Forward your images via email. And don't forget to post them on our Facebook Main Page and Group Page.  

Heather Mitchell, Zeta Theta - Niles, MI

PIX National Editor

Contact Me Anytime 

Chapter Presidents Directory
Please Keep us updated

We know changes are 
always happening. People move, get new phones, change email, etc. Please forward any changes to the Presidents Directory to the National Editor so the directory is always current.  Log in and visit the "Member's Only" section on the website for the most current version of our Presidents' Directory.
Yellow Rose Petal 
Another Psi Ote Rose Petal Falls

Karen Ivanson

Karen D. Ivanson, 63, of Springville, died at 12:35 a.m. on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at I.U. Health Bloomington Hospital. Born May 17, 1951 in Lafayette, IN, she was the daughter of Robert and Helen (Wolber) Evanson. She married Darryl D. Ivanson on November 18, 1983. She was a beloved and trusted pharmacist serving the Bedford community at Lincoln Plaza Pharmacy, Crowder's Pharmacy and Med�Shoppe Pharmacy. She grew up in West Lafayette and studied pharmacy at Purdue University. Karen was a member of Bedford First United Methodist Church, where she was active in the choir, was on several committees and managed the Thanksgiving and Christmas basket food programs for many years. She was also a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and the Bedford chapter of Psi Iota Xi. Karen was a warm, loving woman who made everyone she met feel special and welcome. She could light up a room with her smile and laugh. Of her many talents, she most enjoyed interior decorating and sewing. Ivanson family vacations were often road trips, and Karen particularly loved the ones that went through the mountains or to the ocean. Karen was an incredibly strong woman, who as the loving center of her family, selflessly always put their needs first. She is survived by her husband, Darryl, of Springville; her daughter, Alyssa Ivanson of Ft. Wayne; her son, Brian Ivanson and wife, Olivia, of Indianapolis; her sister, Yvonne Nash of West Lafayette; and two nephews, Paul Robert Nash of Bellview, WA and Steven Nash of Aurora, IL. She was preceded in death by her parents.

Ruth Ann Seffrin

Ruth Ann Seffrin, 71, of Hagerstown, died Sunday, March 22, 2015, at St. Vincent Specialty Hospital, Indianapolis.

She was born in Richmond on December 11, 1943 to Ralph and Ruth (Nobbe) Clawson and was a life long resident of Wayne County.

She was a graduate of Lincoln High School, Cambridge City and a member of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. She was a long time member of Alpha Chi Chapter, Psi Iota Xi (Initiated in 1971), where she held many offices, including president for 2 terms, Treasurer and chairman of many committees. She operated a day care from her home for more than 25 years. She was active with Dollars for Scholars at Hagerstown High School and a member of Red Hat Society.

Survivors include her husband, Tim Seffrin; 5 daughters, Melissa Semler (Chad), Theresa Seffrin (Scott Berger), Jennifer Seffrin (Dee Tucker), Rebecca Smith (Ryan) and Natalie Rattan (Abhay); 13 grandchildren; 4 siblings, David Clawson (Gay), Mike Clawson (Fairlyn), Judy Shook (Ron) and Linda VanWinkle (Blaine). Ruth Ann was loved by her family and many friends.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her step-mother, Peggy Clawson, and 3 brothers, Bob Clawson, Keith Clawson and Edward Clawson.

The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, memorials be made to The Arts Place and Museum, 96 1/2 East Main St., Hagerstown, IN 47346.

Phyllis Taylor

Phyllis passed away at Deaconess Gateway Hospital in Newburgh, IN on February 23, 2015. She was born to the late Cecil and Thelma (Ladson) Woods on April 18, 1930 in Fort Branch, Indiana.

She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Fort Branch, IN where she was the secretary for many years. She was a Charter member of the Zeta Gamma Chapter of Psi Iota Xi, member of the Fort Branch Eastern Star, and a former member of the Sweet Adeline's in Evansville, IN. She was an avid, talented quilter. Phyllis's grandchildren and great grandchildren were the light of her life.passed away at Deaconess Gateway Hospital in Newburgh, IN on February 23, 2015. She was born to the late Cecil and Thelma (Ladson) Woods on April 18, 1930 in Fort Branch, Indiana.

She was preceded in death by her husband Raymond L. Reeves and her brother Bobby Woods.

She is survived by 2 daughters Doris Duffy of Salem, IN and Ellen (Larry) Sprinkle of Fort Branch, IN, 2 sisters Elinor Falls and Shirley Woods both of Fort Branch, IN, grandchildren Jonathan Sprinkle, Heather Swader, Audrey Rose, and Brian Duffy, great grandchildren Abby and Kate Swader, Summer and Wesley Sprinkle, and Devin Duffy. Donations can be made to the American Lung Association.


Selwyn L (Rafferty) Robinson

b. Thu., Feb. 9, 1922 - d. Thu., Apr. 2, 2015

Selwyn was the mother of our Southwest District Officer, Mo Dix

Newsletter Archive/Social Media
Have you missed previous issues of our electronic newsletter? If so, click below and find a complete listing of our archived issues. Be sure to share this link with your other sisters who may not be opening their newsletters. 

Archived Newsletters

Like us on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? If so, stop by and say "Hello."
We have two pages with two different purposes. Main Page (accessible by this icon), is public and has posts from Psi Iota Xi that you may comment on. The Group Page is where you can opt in and post questions or ideas and get input from your sisters. It's currently public but, if you prefer, it can be made a private/closed group for members only. On this page, you can also announce events and activities with all of us there as well as recap the fun with photos! Don't forget that you can also add images to your comments!    
Let us know what's going on in your chapter. Post images from chapter meetings and events. Let us know about significant happenings in your life - new baby/grandchild, new job, promotion, retirement, marriage, engagement, or whatever you'd like to share with your Psi Iota Xi sisters. We'd love to celebrate with you!

Psi Iota Xi | 3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 303 | Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 | 317-471-3512