Chapter Works 

An electronic publication of the 
Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Public Works Association

June 2016
In This Issue
The Mid Atlantic Chapter has a NEW WEBSITE!

We are excited to announce that we have migrated to the new APWA National template and our new URL reflects our "Mid-Atlantic" chapter name.

These changes do impact links that were in documents and emails prior to December 18th.

Need Help? Send an email to:
 Upcoming Chapter Events: 
Click the links below for more information

Chapter Works Sponsors!


Do you want your company's name out front
 for all to see?

Consider becoming a
Chapter Newsletter Sponsor.
The newsletter and website reach 
more than
1,000 readers!

  Click Here to Learn More about  APWA Newletter Sponsorship
Dawn V. Odom
Planning and Investment Manager
Virginia Department of Transportation
Suffolk, Virginia

Kenneth M. Eyre, P.E
Senior Associate
Greeley and Hansen, LLC
Alexandria, Virginia

Matthew F. Villareale
Assistant Director of Public Works
Prince William County, Virginia

Steven J. Yob, P.E.
County Eng/Director PW
Henrico County, Virginia

Judith L. Hines
Assistant Director of Public Works
City of Newport News, Virginia

Sharyn L. Fox
Municipal Program Manager
Whitman Requardt and Associates, LLP
Newport News, Virginia

Fred Whitley, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
Newport News, Virginia

Robert K. Bengtson, P.E.
Director of Public Works
City of Roanoke, Virginia

David Bradshaw
Clark Nexsen
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Harold R. Caples, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Virginia Department of Transportation
Richmond, Virginia

Donald J. Cole
Office Leader
Brown and Caldwell
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Sherry B. Earley, P.E.
Engineering Manager
City of Suffolk, Virginia

Gaynelle L. Hart
Director of Public Works
City of Lynchburg, Virginia

Phillip J. Koetter, P.E.
Operations Management Administrator
Department of Public Works
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia

Joe Kroboth, III, P.E., L.S., PWLF
Director, Transp. and Cap. Infrastructure
Loudoun County, Virginia

Kelly Mattingly, LEED-AP, CRM
Director of Public Works
Town of Blacksburg, Virginia

David W. Plum, P.E.
Senior Manager, Municipal Engineering
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Scott A. Smith, PE, LS
Chief, Coastal Resiliency
City of Norfolk DPW

2016 Mid-Atlantic Chapter 58th Conference & Equipment Show SPONSORS

Diamond Sponsors

Center for Organizational and Technological Advancement

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Friends of APWA Sponsors

Opening Reception-
Food and Beverage Sponsors

Golf Tournament - Hole Sponsors

Golf Tournament - Beverage Sponsor

Road-E-O Equipment 

Road-E-O Lunch Sponsors

Road-E-O T-Shirt Sponsors

Road-E-O Prize Sponsors

 For more information, or to become a sponor, 
2016 Mid-Atlantic Chapter 58th Conference & Equipment Show EXHIBITORS


Arrow Safety Device Co.

AshBritt, Inc.


Boxley Asphalt


Brown and Caldwell


Carter Machinery


CJ Geo


Clark Nexsen


Contech Engineered 
Solutions, LLC


Dominion Electric Vehicles


Duke's Root Control


Eagle Site Solutions


FASTER Asset Solutions


Helac Corporation


J. B. Coxwell Contracting, Inc.


Mattern & Craig, Inc.


MBP-McDonough Bolyard Peck, Inc


McClung-Logan Equipment Company




Paveway Systems, Inc.



PCA-SE Region


Pleasants Construction


Precision Safe Sidewalks


PSS- Plastic Safety Systems


Quarles Petroleum Inc.


RDS - Virginia


Renova Industries


Rinker Materials


Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP (RK&K)




Virginia Public Works Equipment


Volkert, Inc.


VT Center for Organizational & Technological Advancement

Winter Equipment Co., Inc.

Join Our Mailing List
 President's Corner

Greetings fellow APWA members!

As I write to you, it has been a month since the Chapter's 58th Annual Conference held in Roanoke, VA.  I continue to receive positive feedback and want to thank everyone who helped make the event a huge success.  Please take a moment to read the article about the conference in this edition of our newsletter.  Before we wrapped up the 2016 conference, plans were well underway for the 2017 conference.  Save the date May 10-12, 2017 and join us in Fredericksburg next year. 

Plans for other Chapter events throughout 2016 are also underway.  


  • Lunch and Learn programs will be held in Hampton Roads, Richmond and Northern Virginia. 
  • The Public Works Institute is gearing up for another session this fall. 
  • We have many active volunteer members working to bring relevant topics to you.  Please support these events and check our Chapter website often for details.
  • Also, be on the lookout for the Chapter Works Weekly email.  Recognizing the importance of disseminating electronic information in a timely and concise manner, we began sending out new weekly email messages in May.
  • The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held in August.
  • The Board will convene for the annual strategic planning session in October. 
During regular meetings of the Board, we strive to keep recurring events, programs and committees on task and on schedule by voting on required action items and ensuring necessary resources are provided.  As part of the annual strategic planning agenda we reflect on membership recruitment and retention, the Chapter's finances and annual budget, and the Chapter's website and use of social media.  We also review the committee structure and how we can strengthen committees.  The Board welcomes input from members on any items you would like the Board to address or consider.  Please send comments to the Chapter Administrator

As I was addressing the audience during the Annual Business Meeting at the conference in May, I challenged members not to just have a membership in APWA but to "be" a member.  With that in mind, let me recap the benefits of your membership.  Notice the first word is a verb because you have to be actively engaged to REAP the benefits:
  • REACH out to the network of over more than 28,500 members throughout North America and share common goals, challenges and solutions with other public works professionals.  Have you joined APWA's infoNOW communities? As a member of APWA, this email network of professionals is at your fingertips for no additional cost and can be accessed anytime you are faced with difficult questions concerning your community's public infrastructure.  infoNOW communities are based on subject area and can be accessed within the APWA Connect platform.  Subscribe to one or all, it's up to you.
  • EDUCATE: Save money on education and training. In addition to Lunch and Learn programs and the Public Works Institute supported by the Mid-Atlantic Chapter, your APWA membership includes free access to an online collection of educational resources. An online membership account is required to access this library and you can sign in via Member's Library.  You also have free access to live Click, Listen and Learn programs available by visiting the National APWA Event Site.    
  • ADVOCATE: Become an advocate and receive alerts on hot topics in public works, including important issues in Washington. Did you know that National APWA has a robust advocacy program?  "APWA Advocates" is the network of APWA members committed to promoting APWA's legislative priorities to Congress through outreach and education. You can easily sign up at ApwaAdvocates.  You can also read the latest legislative updates at the Legislative Action Center.
  • PARTICIPATE: Look for opportunities closer to home and participate in local chapter programs, meetings and social functions. The Mid-Atlantic Chapter Works Weekly email and Chapter Works quarterly newsletter have event calendars and you can always visit the website for the most up to date event information. 
I hope you found this recap of benefits helpful and encourage you to make the most of your APWA membership.  I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events.
Dawn Odom
Chapter President
APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter
2016 Mid-Atlantic Chapter Conference
By Bob Bengtson, Director of Public Works, City of Roanoke, Virginia

In many ways, it was a celebration!  The City of Roanoke was the proud host of the 58th Annual Conference and Equipment Show for APWA's Mid-Atlantic Chapter.  Centered at the historic Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center adjacent to downtown Roanoke's lively Market District, the conference committee pulled together a fun and educational conference with something for all 400-plus attendees to do.  This year's conference clearly also had much to be proud of, both at the Chapter level as well as the individual level. 
The annual golf outing and equipment rodeo were both greeted by perfect weather as conference activities opened on Wednesday morning. The golf tournament at Hanging Rock saw first place go to the team of Chuck Ingram, Johnnie Butler, David Stowell and Tom
Steven Yob, Scott Smith & Don Cole
Cocker.  Kudos also to Mike Mull for "Longest Drive" and especially to John Herzke for "Closest to the Pin"........which got as close as you can get:  a hole-in-one! A special thank you goes to our hole sponsors, ClarkNexsen, Mattern & Craig, Slurry Pavers and Waste Management, as well as beverage sponsorship by Woolpert.

The annual Equipment Rodeo was held at the Berglund Center, with a strong field of over 90 competitors vying for prize money ($150 for first place and $75 for second place).  We are appreciative of the equipment vendors who donated equipment for use in each competition.  A list of the vendors and the top three winners for each event are as follows:
Backhoe (by Lawrence Equipment)
Road-e-o Loader
1st Place~Mike Mills, Western Virginia Water Authority
2nd Place~Frankie Williams, City of Alexandria          
3rd Place~Gary Walker, City of Roanoke
Bucket Truck (by Altec)
1st Place~Ray Chojnowski, Baltimore County          
2nd Place~Jason Davison, Town of Vinton 
3rd Place~Donald Lightfoot, City of Virginia Beach    
Front End Loader (by James River Equipment)
1st Place~Cory Kitzmiller, Town of Vinton 
2nd Place~Greg Stephan, Maryland State Hwy
3rd Place~Donnie Rowan, Western Virginia Water Authority
Knuckleboom Truck (Virginia Public Works Equipment and Peterson)
1st Place~Frank Chandler, City of Newport News    
2nd Place~Daniel Wright, Town of Christiansburg
3rd Place~Edward Purter, City of Newport News

Refuse Truck, Side Loader  (by Mid-Atlantic)
1st Place~Tim Burford, Roanoke County
2nd Place~Elizabeth Taylor, City of Chesapeake
3rd Place~Jerry Brown, City of Virginia Beach

Snow Plow (by Godwin)
1st Place~James Price, Town of Blacksburg       
2nd Place~Keith Kehler, City of Alexandria
3rd Place~Greg Stephan, Maryland State Hwy

Street Sweeper  (by Virginia Public Works Equipment)
1st Place~Craig Newby, DC Department of Public Works
2nd place~Kenneth Jackson, DC Department of Public Works
3rd Place~Val Spence, City of Newport News

Thanks to the companies and agencies who donated staff and equipment:
  • Virginia Public Works Equipment
  • James River Equipment
  • Petersen Industries
  • Godwin
  • Altec
  • RDS Recycling & Disposal Solutions
  • Va - Dig With CARE
  • Mid-Atlantic Waste Systems
  • Lawrence Equipment
  • Town of Blacksburg
Wednesday also included our Chapter's very first Young Professionals (YP) event at the local Pinball Museum.  It was a great way for a young group to get acquainted through an old means of entertainment.  The day was capped off by our Exhibitors Reception with lots of good food, beverages and prizes to give away.  Special thanks to our food and beverage sponsors CJ Geo, Mattern & Craig and MB Contractors. 

John Herzke receives award from Brian Usher
As the conference continued into Thursday, we were pleased to have Roanoke's Mayor David
 Bowers provide the opening welcome for our conference, and honored to have National APWA President Brian Usher share his thoughts as well as provide special recognition for our Chapter's two "2016 APWA Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year" awards for John Herzke and Ken Eyre.  John and Ken will be more formally recognized for this national award at APWA's Public Works EXPO in Minneapolis this August.  Keynote Speaker Dr. Otto Schwake, of the Virginia Tech Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, wowed the audience with an overview of his participation in the Virginia Tech Flint Water Study Group through which he has acted as the lead scientist for the microbial research the school has conducted in response to the Flint, Michigan water crisis. 

A complete schedule of technical sessions followed, through which a wide range of current public works and
Dawn Odom & Bob Bengtson
infrastructure topics were provided by an outstanding array of presenters.  Whether it was stormwater, solid waste, alternative energy, asset management, community outreach...and more....there was a session for everyone.  Thursday activities included the annual Awards ceremony as well as the annual Chapter business meeting, during which Matt Villareale, Chapter President for the past year, handed the gavel over to  Dawn Odom for the year ahead.  The evening's main social event was held at the Virginia Museum of Transportation where the Chapter celebrated its 60th anniversary, complete with cake and our own historical display of Chapter memorabilia.

The Chapter is extremely grateful to all of our excellent exhibitors who provided conference attendees with many new ideas and tools for future planning.  A total of 57 exhibitors filled the exhibition area, with a little space left over for a game of cornhole!  We especially want to thank the sponsors of this year's conference:

Diamond Sponsors: ClarkNexsen, VT COTA
Platinum Sponsor:  Altec Industries
Gold Sponsors: Mattern & Craig, Precision Safe Sidewalks, RDS - Virginia, RK & K, Slurry Pavers, Volkert, Greeley-Hansen, LLC
Silver Sponsors: Crouch Engineering, HDR
Bronze Sponsors: Hurt Proffitt, Michael Baker Corp., VHB, Whitman Requardt and Associates, AECOM   
Friends OF APWA: Avis Construction, Branch & Associates, Contech Engineered Solutions

In all, the conference was a success.  Special thanks go to our conference committee for
Judy Mueller (L) & Dawn Odom (R)
all of their hard work over the many months leading up to the conference.  Kudos go to:  Kelly Mattingly, Town of Blacksburg; Dawn Odom, VDOT; Mike Tyler, City of Salem; Amy Linderman, County of Fairfax; Gaynelle Hart, City of Lynchburg; Jennifer Morrone, Association Builders; Marilyn Arbogast, Nell Boyle, Billy Basham, Timothy Martin, Mark Jamison and Bob Bengtson, City of Roanoke.

We are all looking forward to seeing everyone at next year's conference in Fredericksburg!  

Thoughts on Diversity from our Chapter Members 

Diversity Committee
The Diversity Committee would like to thank everyone who came to our session at the Chapter Conference in Roanoke.  We hope that you found it interesting and informative.  This month we continue with our diversity interviews.   If you would like to add your input, join the committee or have any suggestions for us, please email Scarlet Stiteler at

What are the consequences of ignoring diversity?
Ignoring diversity costs municipality's time, money and efficiency. Among the consequences include unhealthy tensions, loss of productivity because of increased conflict, complaints and legal actions, inability to attract talented individuals and retain valuable employees, resulting in lost investments in recruitment and training. On the other hand, heterogeneity promotes creativity and produces better solutions to problems and a higher level of critical analysis. Finally, diversity in the workplace saves money, time and efficiency by developing and maintaining a positive public image, and supporting the local community and economy.
Erin, Volunteer Environmental Coordinator, City of Greenbelt Public Works, Millennial

What organizational changes do you feel should be made to meet the needs of a diverse workforce?
A diverse workforce needs to work in an organization that is flexible and values the differences between the generational nuances. For example, flexible work schedules, telecommuting options, cross functional teams, and inclusion of the employees in decision making.
Eddie, Assistant Director, City of Newport News, Baby Boomer

Does your organization have a Diversity Statement and how do you see your individual role in advancing diversity in your organization?
When I took a poll at work in my department the overwhelming consensus was most people knew we had a diversity statement. The disheartening reality was most did not know what it was or where to find it. Our diversity statement is located in my division right on the wall where my staff enters and exits the building. I observed them for several days and found they never even look at the wall. It was as if it were hidden from them in plain sight. One staff member said and I quote, "is that what that is?" Furthermore my staff when asked about Diversity only thought of race and not other aspects of what diversity can be I.E.: cultural, age or gender. I am brainstorming to see if I can come up with incentives that would encourage at the least a knowledge of what our diversity statement is and how we can live up to its creed.
Curtis, Crew Supervisor C, City of Newport News
Anne Arundel County Celebrates National Public Works Week 2017 

In Anne Arundel County, the Department of Public Works has identified American Public Works Association's (APWA) National Public Works Week as one of its most effective efforts throughout the year to better educate customers about the critical role public works plays in their lives.  So each year, activities and events are planned for the third week of May that honor the contribution our 765 DPW professionals and promote the essential services, capital projects, and environmental programs they work hard to deliver each day.

One of the recurring activities each year is DPW Director Chris Phipps' tour of facilities,
DPW Director Chris Phipps testing monitoring Furnace Branch water quality with engineer Liz Shipley.
active capital projects, and ongoing work activities.  Phipps understands that not embracing awareness opportunities like these would be a wasted opportunity to promote many of the daily efforts that go widely unnoticed for the most part.

"While much of our work and the services we provide is underground, out of sight, or otherwise unknown, we do believe it's necessary to "daylight" them so the public is aware of everything we do," said Phipps.  "Informed citizens, civic leaders, and young people can become our best advocates for the important work we need to accomplish."

The Director's Tour is also an effort to personally thank field personnel, engineers, and managers for their hard work.

"These talented individuals effectively plan, design, build, operate, and maintain the transportation, water supply, water treatment, and solid waste infrastructure and facilities vital to our quality of life," said Phipps.
DPW Director Chris Phipps visits with Sewer Line Maintenance Supervisor Larry Dring and his crew.
The 2016 Director's Tour was planned to support this year's theme "Always There."  Tour stops included a Dredge Material Placement Capital Project, a recycling convenience center, waterway monitoring testing and monitoring activities, tree removal operations, utility line maintenance work, and employee visits at the DPW offices.  All stops were captured and promoted on DPW's Facebook and Twitter pages.  
Other events and activities included a public display outside the busy County Council Chambers in Annapolis, a press release, social media education and promotion, and public banners displayed outside 
DPW offices in Annapolis and at the entrance to the DPW Bureau of Utility Operations building in Millersville.

DPW officials will soon begin thinking about events and activities for National Public Works Week 2017.
How Did Your Agency Celebrate 
National Public Works Week? 
Submit Photos with Captions to the 
The Energy Revolution   
How Baltimore is Using Innovative Clean Power at City Facilities
Theodore Atwood, Chief, Sustainable Energy, Department of Public Works, City of Baltimore, Maryland

A revolution is taking place in the energy industry that is creating opportunities that were not economically possible five to ten years ago. These opportunities allow for increased reliability of operations, cleaner air, and reduced carbon emissions.

Take a moment to consider the many changes in energy production.  At the turn of the century almost 60% of the electricity in the United States was produced from coal. Today that number has dropped to 45% and in the spring of 2015 more electricity was produced from natural gas than coal. Twice the number of Americans work in the solar industry than in the coal industry and over 30% of the new generating capacity built in the U.S. in the past year was solar.

These changes bring new and less expensive small-scale generating technologies, as well as lower cost natural gas, which are opening new opportunities for municipalities to generate energy and save money.  Recognizing the growing energy demand combined with the need for increased reliability of energy supply systems, the City took steps to implement a three-part energy program - buy smart, use less, and generate our own energy.

The Department of Public Works found an ideal opportunity to try these new technologies at the water and wastewater facilities for the City of Baltimore and surrounding metropolitan area. Operation of these facilities represents more than half of the City government annual energy use. A combination of an increasing demand and more stringent environmental requirements will more than double the energy demand of these facilities over the next five years.

In 2010, the first generation application was conducted at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant with the establishment of a two megawatt (MW) combined heat and power (CHP) facility.  The Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant is located on 466 acres, serves 1.3 million residents and has the capacity to treat 180 million gallons of wastewater a day.  Highlights of this project include:  
  • Two stage anaerobic digesters produce a gas with 60% methane content. This gas is burned in internal combustion engines with low NOx burners.
  • The CHP facility operates with a efficiency in excess of 65%, far better than the average large-scale power plant operating around 40% efficiency.
  • With a grant from the U.S Department of Energy, the City formed a partnership with Hy-TEK to conduct a demonstration of an algae system to remove NOx and carbon dioxide. A slipstream of 10% of the flue gas from the CHP plant is bubbled through tanks of algae, which removes 99% of the NOx and over 80% of the carbon dioxide.
  • An added benefit of the algae technology used to clean the flue gas is the production of algae, which has a potential market to sell the algae at $18-$40/ pound, depending on the algae and the market.
  • In addition to algae, oxygen can also be produced for market or utilized in the aerobic digesters in another wastewater treatment facility operated by the City.
  • With the use of internal combustion engines in the CHP, a large portion of the heat comes from the jacket cooling which produces hot water. Staff is now testing a pipe in a pipe heat exchanger to preheat the sludge, which will reduce the steam needs in the digestion reactor.

For more information, contact Theodore Atwood, Chief, Office of Sustainable Energy, City of Baltimore Department of Public Works, at (410) 396-1221 or
Mid-Atlantic Members Recognized as Top Leaders

Matt Villareale(L) & Eric Martin(R)
At the Chapter's 2016 annual conference, held in Roanoke, VA, the Chapter honored the outstanding individuals, teams, and projects that were winners or received honorable mention in various categories. It was a tremendous year for submissions by our chapter
Ken Eyre
members with our Chapter receiving 44 award nomination packages. In addition, two of our own members were recognized as Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year by APWA National. Congratulations to Ken Eyre and John Herzke for receiving this outstanding award.  It is unusual for a Chapter to have two members recognized for this award and it is evidence of the outstanding individuals we have in the MidAtlantic Chapter.  A full list of the winners for this year is available on the chapter web site.  We have also placed the presentation from the award ceremony, as well as photos taken of the award recipients,  on Chapter web site for reference.

If your organization was not recognized this year, please ask yourself "Why not?"  The Chapter awards are an excellent way to recognize your staff
John Herzke
and the projects they work on.  Begin by tracking staff that wow you throughout the year - remember them when it comes time to prepare submissions.  Take pictures of great projects, document your public works staff providing exceptional customer service every day - include these with your submissions! The format of the Chapter and National awards is consistent from year to year, so please download a category form (or two) and keep a running list. The Chapter Awards Committee, which is made up of Donald Cole - Chair (Brown and Caldwell), Judi Hines (City of Newport News), Phillip Koetter (City of Virginia Beach), and Travis Davis (Woolpert, Inc) looks forward to some great nomination packages for 2017. If you have any questions on the awards, please contact our new award chair for next year, Travis Davis, at  Again, congratulations to the award winners for 2016 listed below.

The 2016 Top Ten award recipients include:
Kenneth Eyre, PE
Senior Associate
Greeley and Hansen, Alexandria, VA
Bob Patterson, PE
Director of Public Works
City of Pendleton, OR
John Herzke, PE, PWLF
Vice President of Municipal Services
Clark Nexsen, Virginia Beach, VA
James "Jim" Proce,  MBA, PWLF
Assistant City Manager
City of Rowlett, TX
Dena Mezger, PE
Director of Public Works
City of Lee's Summit, MO
Walter "Walt" Veselka, PE, PWLF
Public Works Director
City of Bristol, CT
Diane Nakano, PE
Assistant General Manager
Sacramento Regional Transit District.,
Sacramento, CA
Clark Wantoch, PE, PWLF
Executive Director
Wisconsin Concrete Pipe Association, 
Milwaukee, WI
James "Jim" Neal, PE
Public Works Director
Charleston County, North Charleston, SC
Paul D. Wiegand, PE
SUDAS Program Director
Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Downtown Roanoke "Cleans Up"!
Nell Boyle LEED, AP BD+C, 
Sustainability/Outreach Coordinator, 
City of Roanoke

The City of Roanoke wants more and more visitors to come downtown to shop and dine. However, everyone knows as business picks up - trash increases - causing unsightly and unpleasant streetscapes. There are additional challenges to keeping downtown clean and attractive, such as narrow streets, on-street parking, boxes from large retail shipments, varying business hours, food waste, and a host of different issues. In downtown Roanoke everyone knew that something needed to be done, but how to make that happen was a different story.

The original sealed trash compactor discussion started fifteen years ago. The city had an
Roanoke's Sealed Compactor Program uses a privacy screen on each unit for a neat and attractive appearance to the public.
empty lot with dumpsters and a grease trap for a local restaurant.  The area was unsightly and in a visible location. Based on the appearance and other unpleasant problems that occur from an unmonitored waste station, the city decided to dismantle the site and close it down.

In the meantime, curbside trash service continued and downtown business was increasing. Solid Waste Management teamed up with local non-profit partner Downtown Roanoke Incorporated (DRI) to find a better solution for refuse collection. This was the beginning of the sealed trash compactor conversation. Although the idea had merit, the resources and support for the project were not there. Instead, adjustments were made to improve service and the community went back to business as usual.

From the beginning, DRI was a champion of the program. DRI is a non-profit organization that advocates for the local merchants in the Central Business District. They recognized it was in everyone's best interest to find a solution that was flexible enough to provide service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. DRI and Solid Waste Management worked together over the next several years to continue to improve service for the merchants and to achieve the best results. Additional pick-ups were added to the schedule and recycling was introduced. The increased service was designed to remove the refuse as quickly as possible.

DRI approached the city again in 2012 to re-energize the compactor concept after a local property owner agreed to lease space to the city for the new sealed compactor program.The planning started immediately for a program that would service the core of the business district. The core would be designated into five zones that would provide recycling and waste services to the merchants and residents. Within each zone, target areas were located to best position the units and then negotiations began with property owners to secure the lots. The first unit, the Market Area Compactor, was launched in September of 2013. The unit is available 24/7, and it is monitored and well lit for safety. There is an attractive privacy screen that keeps the unit out of sight. It is accessible with a fob allowing keyless entry to the unit that also tracks who is using the site and how often.

Initially, there were concerns, however DRI was front and center by offering excellent resources on their website, taking the time to instruct new users on the program, and being available to answer questions. The city staff also trained merchants and provided excellent customer service to the users. After seeing the benefits of the sealed compactor unit, the downtown community began to embrace the idea. The sidewalks are now free of trash setouts and businesses have the ability to remove waste immediately, eliminating odors and mess.

Here are the program highlights:
  • Overlaying zones for additional customer convenience
  • Units are serviced weekly or more if necessary, greatly reducing labor costs
  • Trash volume is down 56 percent
  • Recycling has skyrocketed with a volume increase of 565 percent, which reduces tipping fees
  • Typical restaurant fees have been reduced by 50 percent
  • Community is appreciating the 24/7 safe access and a better customer experience
  • Benefit to economic development, a new business prospect commented on ourclean downtown and how it influenced his decision to select Roanoke as the home for the Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs hockey team!
At this time, four units are fully operational and a fifth unit will open this summer. The program has great support from the community and the downtown experience has greatly improved.

"I think it is wonderful and beneficial to all. It beautifies the streets, encourages recycling, and provides a positive opportunity for us to come together for a better Downtown Roanoke."  Maya - On the Rise Bread Co.

Finally,the Virginia Recycling Association recognized the Roanoke's innovative approach to waste and recycling collection by naming it the "2015 Recycler of the Year" for its Downtown Sealed Trash Compactor Program.
Chapter President-Elect and Greeley and Hansen Senior Associate, Kenneth Eyre, P.E., 
Named APWA 2016 
Top Ten Public Works Leader
APWA Press Release, May 26, 2016

Ken Eyre receives top ten award from Brian Usher
Greeley and Hansen Senior Associate, Kenneth Eyre, P.E., of Alexandria, VA was recently named to the American Public Works Association (APWA) national 2016 Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year.  Each national Top Ten Public Works Leader will be honored during the Awards Ceremony of the APWA 2016 PWX annual conference taking place in Minneapolis, MN during August 28-31, 2016 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.  Eyre was also presented the award locally by APWA President Brian Usher during the APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Conference on Thursday May 5, 2016 at the Hotel Roanoke in Roanoke, VA.

The APWA Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year program honors excellence and dedication in public service by recognizing career service achievements of individual public works professionals and officials, from both the public and private sectors.  As one of the most prestigious awards presented by the association, the Top Ten Public Works Leader award is given to honor the public works professional's career, in which he or she demonstrated excellence in public works, services and infrastructure in his or her community through advancement of public works services and technology.  Mr. Eyre joins other Top Ten recipients from the mid-Atlantic Chapter, including Past National APWA Presidents Judith Mueller and Diane Linderman, Past Chapter President Reed Fowler and another 2016 Top Ten recipient, John Herzke, recently Chapter President.

Mr. Eyre has engineering experience with industrial clients but the majority of his career has been providing engineering solutions in the municipal sector.  He is a civil engineer (licensed in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia) specializing in water/wastewater, stormwater and solid waste issues.  His professional career includes early exposure to land surveying and sewer infrastructure investigations which would support him  in future roles and responsibilities, including planning and executing field work, studies, design, construction monitoring and equipment commissioning for municipal water, wastewater, biosolids, stormwater and solid waste facilities and systems for numerous communities along the Eastern seaboard.

A Tale of Two Systems
How significant savings can be realized by developing a comprehensive system to better manage a department's fleet inventory
Shonte' Eldridge, PMP, Chief, Special Projects, Department of Public Works, City of Baltimore, Maryland

The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works' (DPW) is, among other things, responsible for providing safe drinking water to approximately 1.8 million people daily, the collection of mixed refuse and recycling from 210,000 households, and keeping the city's alleys, waterways and roadways clean and clear of debris. None of which can be done efficiently if the Department's fleet is not well maintained.

"The residents in our region depend on DPW to respond when there is a water main break or a street needs to be plowed during a snowstorm," said DPW's Director, Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. "We don't have the luxury of not showing up because our car is in the shop."

Currently, the Department of General Services (DGS) is responsible for monitoring and servicing almost all City agency vehicles, but the day-to-day management and monitoring of a vehicle's location, preventive maintenance, emissions testing, and taking it in for repairs is the responsibility of the individual agencies and their coordinators.  The big challenge is ensuring the data maintained by both matches.

In early 2015, Director Chow determined that he was not sure the City had the right tools.  He was unable to quickly ascertain the overall health of his Department's fleet.  He also wondered if the over thirty coordinators, who monitored approximately 1,900 vehicles and motorized equipment had what they needed to manage their portion of the fleet -potentially leading to the loss of time and money.

To correct this, DPW began the process of evaluating how to provide the Director and others with better access to fleet information and the ability to ensure that vehicles and equipment are maintained according to schedule.

Step 1: Determining the Need
Before a new system could be created, the current business practice had to be dissected. Several meetings were held with the coordinators to discuss topics such as what they believed their role as a coordinator was, how they were currently monitoring their assigned vehicles, and what features a new system should have that would best assist them and the Department.

It was determined that most of the coordinators had a good understanding of their duties, but often fell behind in their monitoring because they were using spreadsheets or paper filing-not the most efficient way to track items over time. The use of spreadsheets also made it difficult to track the various information associated with a vehicle in one view. Coordinators had to often switch between several programs and pieces of paper to get the complete history and status of a vehicle.

Coordinators also expressed frustration in the time it took to reconcile their maintenance records with the City's fleet system. Because data on their vehicles were in various formats and locations, they often had to review several bits of information just for one record.  If there were discrepancies, they had to spend even more time identifying the source.

Based on the information collected, it was determined that the establishment of a main fleet coordinator position and the development/acquirement of a centralized database would provide the Department with the best results.

Shonte' Eldridge can be reached at (410) 396-3317 or
Landslide Response
How Diligent Coordination Helped Restore Access to the Piscataway Hills Community
Unmesh Patel, PE,  Prince George's County Department of Public Works and Transportation and Dion Ho, PE, KCI Technologies Inc.

When disaster strikes, it's the individuals and organizations who step in to help that make all the difference. In late spring of 2014, heavy rains fell on already saturated soils, triggering a landslide in the Piscataway Hills neighborhood, located in Prince George's County, southeast of Washington, D.C. The unexpected and unpredictable nature of this natural disaster left several homes sitting dangerously close to the newly formed cliffside. Piscataway Drive, which provides the only access to the neighborhood, dropped four feet in one location. The damage that occurred to the roadway, along with fractured water and sewer mains, downed power lines and the unsafe nature of the hillside, led to an immediate road closure and subsequent evacuation of 28 homes.

The landslide lowered a 65-foot high ridge as much as 12 feet in places_ taking down trees and utility lines
KCI installed inclination monitors to record ground movements leading up to, during and following construction 
Sparks, Maryland-based consulting engineering firm, KCI Technologies Inc., was called in to assist the Prince George's County Department of Public Works and Transportation in investigating the cause of the failure. In the following weeks, the team completed a comprehensive subsurface exploration and monitored the hillside before developing a geotechnical report outlining their findings, which pointed to a 30-foot thick layer of clay beneath the soil as the cause of the slope failure. Found throughout Southern Maryland, Marlboro Clay is known to be highly susceptible to landslides because its impervious characteristics severely limit water infiltration.

A new Juntann rig was selected for its ability to quickly drive the H-piles, offering the potential to further reduce schedule, but created concerns in terms of the roadway's ability to support its weight as well as the complexity of maneuvering the equipment along the winding neighborhood street.
From the beginning, the county worked diligently to inform and engage homeowners. Public meetings, which were held regularly during the investigation to discuss results and alternatives, were often challenging, as residents fought to regain access to their homes and in some cases retain their homes. To provide temporary access to properties along Piscataway Drive, county and utility crews worked to restored basic services, including water, sewer and roadway repairs.

With the team's goal being to permanently return residents to their homes as quickly as possible, schedule became the driving force throughout the project. Engineers quickly began developing alternatives to stabilize the area and repair the road. KCI's team worked with the county engineers using their 'Most Practical Source' procurement method to identify and solicit proposals from several qualified contractors, bypassing the traditional design-bid-build and design-build approaches that could have delayed the schedule. "Corman Construction, the selected contractor, quickly became a critical part of the design team, working through constructability issues that included equipment availability and material selection," said KCI project manager Ken Briggs, PE. "Their early involvement in the design was key to developing an option that best fit their means and methods, which helped reduce cost and construction time." Co-located weekly team meetings and over-the-shoulder reviews with engineering, contractor, county, and regulatory agency personnel allowed the team to minimize review times in order to secure permits.
The community built two sets of lighted stairs to bypass the construction site_ which completely cut off vehicular access to the lower 22 homes. A zip line helped residents move heavy bags and larger items_ like Christmas trees_ up and down the steep slope.

"There were a lot of moving pieces - homeowner risk, how to mitigate their struggles, engineering studies, funding and county obligations - any and every delay could have been catastrophic," said KCI Vice President Mary C. Wiedorfer, PE, CCM, PMP, LEED AP.

Taking into consideration terms of cost, schedule and constructability, final plans called for411 steel H-piles (HP 16x141) in 60- and 70-foot lengths to be driven along either side of the roadway. To ensure the materials were available at the time of construction notice-to-proceed, the county approved an early payment to purchase the piles before roadway and utility plans were complete. The construction took six months and cost $11 million, making the Piscataway landslide the most costly natural disaster in Prince George's County history.

Notice-to-proceed was issued in July of 2015 in hopes of avoiding potential delays caused by winter weather. With their roadway access once again cut off, the community joined together to build two sets of lighted stairs that would allow them to bypass the construction site and continue to reside in their homes. An adjacent zip line helped move heavy items up and down the steep slope. Residents also worked with the County, Corman and KCI to develop a protocol to ensure that first responders could traverse the site and access homeowners during construction.

Residents celebrated when construction barriers were removed and Piscataway Drive reopened to vehicles just before Christmas.
Thanks in part to the fluid coordination, technical excellence, and diligent management, along with favorable fall weather, the community celebrated when Piscataway Drive was reopened on Christmas Eve. As unfortunate as natural disasters are, they are regrettably a part of our world. However, with a united front, we are able to rebuild and recover after disaster strikes. Early coordination between the county, public, engineers and contractors enabled this complex problem to be solved in a timely fashion and below budget. Excluding funding and legal research, the entire analysis, design, permitting and construction life cycle was completed in less than 14 months. KCI continues to monitor the site regularly for movement and will do so for the year following the stabilization efforts.
The Bees Have It
Works for Us Pollinator Meadow at the Fairfax County Government Center
Irene Haske

Dying bee populations are said to be a worldwide problem. The causes range from an insecticide containing neonicotinoids, to disease-carrying parasites such as the Varroa mite, to the elimination of habitat.
  • In 2011, nearly 12 million bees died in Florida
  • In 2012, 37 million bees died at a Canadian beekeeping operation
  • Again, in 2012, 25,000 dead bees were found in a parking lot in Oregon
Researchers who write articles for scientific journals say bees are dying in 'biblical' proportions; but it isn't just the bees. "A study published in Nature found bird populations in the Netherlands dropped more sharply in areas where (the pesticide) containing neonicotinoids was highest," wrote Terrence McCoy of the Washington Post, July 10, 2014, "Saving Honeybees."
  According to one researcher who was quoted in the Washington Post article, "We're wiping insects off of many surfaces of the globe and it's hard to think what won't be affected by this wholesale loss of biodiversity."

Honeybees, in addition to hundreds of other bee species, carry pollen from plant to plant, fertilizing along the way. Without them, people would not have many foods that are important to human health and enjoyment. Pollinators fertilize potatoes, broccoli, blueberries, squash, almonds, cocoa and many flowering plants. These hard working insects help pollinate more than 75 percent of flowering plants and crops. Birds, wasps, moths, bats, butterflies, hummingbirds, beetles and flies are pollinators, as well.

An emerging partnership among Fairfax County agencies, in support of the Board of Supervisors' Matter to Protect and Support Bee Populations, hopes to make a difference in our little corner of the world by creating a pollinator meadow on Government Center grounds.

"There are a number of advantages to installing a pollinator meadow in the Resource Protection Area here at the GC," said Suzy Foster, landscape architect III, Stormwater Planning Division (SWPD). "It's about one acre altogether near the ellipse that will be taken out of the mowing and maintenance schedule, which saves time and money," Suzy said. "We'll help the bees and other pollinators to flourish in the meadow, which will assist their populations to survive. With the meadow in our back yard we can easily keep an eye on its progress, and we can use the meadow as a public education tool about the value of pollinators," she said.

The plants to be used will support hundreds of pollinator species including native bees. The meadow will be developed in multiple phases over several years to make sure it's healthy. Development phases include site preparation, meadow installation, volunteer and staff planting days, invasive species control, monitoring and adaptive management.

A pollinator meadow at the GC that is open to the public 24 hours a day sets an example of
Charles Smith, Chief, Watershed Projects Implementation Branch - Central, and Suzy Foster, Landscape Architect III, both of the Stormwater Planning Division, review the to-be-created-pollinator meadow plans near the ellipse at the Fairfax County Government Center in early March, 2016.
what homeowners can do on their own properties. Large or small plot gardeners can promote and protect pollinators by installing a variety of native plants in flower and vegetable gardens. Native plants grow well in this climate and soil because they are indigenous to the region. Also, native plants promote rain water infiltration and prevent polluted stormwater runoff from entering streams.

An unnamed tributary to Difficult Run on GC property was restored recently; the ponds were dredged and the stream was reconnected to the floodplain. Adding a nearby pollinator meadow enhances the stream restoration by helping to prevent nitrogen and phosphorus from reaching the water, and provides an aesthetic and a public education amenity.

To accomplish all of this, a partnership was formed recently with the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, Fairfax County Facilities Management Department, Stormwater Planning Division, County Executive's Office, Board of Supervisors, Master Naturalists and Gardeners, Park Authority, Public Schools and Earth Sangha.

SWPD will provide funding, design, contracting support, coordination and oversight for the installation of the meadow. The land use conversion credit will be applied to the county's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. Buffer restoration will take place in a few years, there will be volunteer and staff planting days, invasive plant species control, monitoring and supplemental planting when necessary.

"For the most part, meadows with native species take care of themselves with one or two mowings per year at carefully determined times," Suzy Foster said. Periodic mowing promotes the health and growth of native plant species. 

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Unusual Object Found During Routine Pipe Inspection in Fairfax County Storm Drain
Matthew Kaiser, Public Information Officer, Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 608, 
Fairfax, Virginia 22035
An inert artillery shell was found in a Fairfax County storm drain by inspectors last July.
Hidden beneath our streets and sidewalks is a vast network of pipes that funnel rainwater from the surface to local waterways. To identify clogged pipes before backups and flooding occur, crews use closed-circuit television cameras every day to inspect miles of buried pipes. Along with tree roots, leaves, and concrete, DPWES employees often find balls, toys, skateboards, and other objects that have been washed into gutters. Last July contractors saw something on their monitor that they'd never seen before- a piece of military ordnance described as a bazooka shell, grenade, or a missile. 
The crew immediately contacted the Maintenance and Stormwater Management Division, who sent staff to the Mantua neighborhood to inspect footage of the "unusual device." Displayed on the monitor inside the control truck, clear as day, was a corroded artillery shell. Bill Schell, an engineer with MSMD, remembers finding a BB gun one time, but never an explosive device. In accordance with established protocols, emergency personnel were notified.

The police quickly cordoned off the area to keep the neighbors safely out of harm's way. Members of the bomb squad retrieved the object, which was resting in the drain about 10 feet below the surface of the road. The object was later determined to be an inert bazooka shell, possibly a training round from the Korean War era. 

It is still unknown how the old ordnance ended up in the storm drain or how long it had been there. At more than 50 years old, the shell predates the storm drain in which it was found. A commenter on the Washington Post's story wrote, "It was absolutely amazing the military castoffs that found their way into the old Army Navy Surplus stores in the '50s and 60s. Real Mauser and Enfield rifles were displayed in a barrel by the door at one with a $5.00 price tag. Practice grenades were a buck and I'm sure I saw old inert Bazooka and mortar rounds."

Little mysteries like this are what make DPWES such an interesting place to work. No two days are the same, and you never know what you'll find on the job. 
City Earns Pollution Prevention (P2) Diamond Award

The City of Newport News, Solid Waste Recovery Operations Center earned a Pollution Prevention (P2) Diamond Award for 2015, from Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) for 10 consecutive years of perfect permit compliance of its landfill leachate disposal system. The award recognizes the facility for having no spills, maintaining pH level at the appropriate levels, maintaining the collection station, and submitting all required paperwork within the deadlines. HRSD considers recipients of these awards to have demonstrated a commitment to environmental excellence.
2016 Transportation Safety Activities at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting & the Latest in Transportation Safety News
Tony Giancola, P. E., Transportation & Local Government Consultant

Over 12,000 transportation professionals attended the 2016 TRB annual meeting held every January in Washington D. C.  For many years several TRB committees have focused on safety on local and rural roads. They include the Transportation Safety Management Committee, which has several subcommittees (Rural Road Safety Policy, Programming and Implementation Joint; Transportation Safety Planning; Toward Zero Deaths; School Transportation; Emergency Management; Global Safety; and Roadway Safety Cultures subcommittees). The following activities, initiatives, and publications of interest to local road practitioners are summarized. Specific projects are normally funded through the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) unless otherwise indicated.

Transportation Safety Management
This parent standing committee is being reconstituted under its new chair, Dr. Susan Herbel. Visit the committee website for more information.

One recently completed synthesis project (No. 486), "State Practices for Local Road Safety" explores state programs and practices that address local agency road safety. The report focuses on changes in local road safety programs since the legislation of Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), and the use of Engineering, Enforcement, Education and Emergency Services (4E) approaches to local road safety. Three-quarters of all road miles in the United States are owned and maintained by local entities. More than half of all fatal crashes occur on rural roads, which are mostly owned by local entities. NCHRP Synthesis 486 documents the state transportation agency programs and practices that address local agency road safety. The report includes information on state program size, funding sources, and administrative procedures; and noteworthy local/state program partnerships and initiatives to improve safety. See Full Report Here. 

Rural Road Safety, Policy, Programming & Implementation Joint Subcommittee (ANB10 & AFB30)
This mission of this joint subcommittee is to provide a focal point/forum within TRB for research-based activities and current activities related to improving rural roadway safety through policies, programming, and countermeasure implementation.

The National Center for Rural Road Safety (Safety Center) opened in December 2014. Funded by the Federal Highway Administration, this Center of Excellence is focused on enhancing safety on rural roadways by supporting local, state and tribal road owners and their stakeholders. Find Link Here

Noteworthy Roadway Safety Practices are included HERE in the FHWA link.

Low Volume Roads Committee (AFB30)
This committee is concerned with all aspects of low-volume roads including planning, design, construction, safety, maintenance, operations, environmental and social issues.  To view the committee website click HERE

One NCHRP synthesis project, No.  485, "Converting Paved Roads to Unpaved" found the practice of converting paved roads to unpaved is relatively widespread.  Recent road conversion projects were identified in 27 states. These are primarily rural, low-volume roads that were paved when asphalt and construction prices were low. Those asphalt roads have now aged well beyond their design service life and are rapidly deteriorating.  It is both difficult and expensive to maintain.  Many local road agencies are now converting these deteriorated paved roads to unpaved as a more sustainable solution. To view this publication, Click HERE

Transportation Safety Planning Subcommittee (ANB10 (3))
Several reports were noted of interest including NCHRP Report 811:Instituting Safety in Transportation Planning Processes: Techniques, Tactics and Strategies
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

FHWA has produced several resources for use by local officials.  For more information on these publications contact Rosemarie Anderson, FHWA Office of Safety at

Local Elected Officials: Leading the Way in Local Road Safety Video available HERE
FHWA Federal Aid Essentials Video: Roadway Safety Fundamentals available HERE
Local-focused safety tools and information available HERE

To read the complete article, PLEASE CLICK HERE
For more information, contact Tony Giancola at
Session Two of the Mid-Atlantic Public Works Institute (M-PWI) a Success

Thirty students gained new skills and insight into Leadership and Management during the second session of the Mid-Atlantic Public Works Institute (M-PWI).  The training was led by a group of talented public works practitioners who volunteered their time to provide a three day experience jam-packed with seasoned knowledge, guidance and practical tips from their daily experiences.  This session was held April 5-7 in Virginia Beach, VA.  

The following volunteer instructors contributed and shared their time and talents with the students:
  • Richard Broad, Norfolk DPW
  • James Jackson (now DC DPW Deputy Director)
  • Scott Smith, Norfolk DPW
  • Shonte` Eldridge, City of Baltimore DPW
  • Matt Earnest, V-Tech Center for High Performance Manufacturing
  • Ashley Barker, V-Tech CPE
  • Tim Berkhimer, VDOT
  • Pete Garner, Norfolk DPW
  • Steve Aitcheson, Fairfax County DPW&ES
  • Harvey Howard, Norfolk DPW
  • Wendy Younk, Fairfax County DPW&ES
  • Roslyn Gervin, Newport News
  • David Ricks, Norfolk DPW
  • Reed Fowler, Newport News DPW
  • Gaynelle Hart, Lynchburg DPW
  • David Jarrell, Annapolis DPW
  • Phil Davenport, Virginia Beach DPW
  • Jennifer Privette, Newport News DPW
  • Denise Thompson, Norfolk DPW
  • Amy Linderman, Fairfax County DPW&ES
  • Patricia Greer, Virginia Beach DPW
  • Eddie Crockett, City of Newport News DPW
  • Joseph Durant, City of Newport News
  • Mike Lombardo, City of Newport News
  • Richard Fink, City of Greenbelt, MD
  • Debra Ware, VCU Health

Session III is scheduled for September 20-22, 2016 at the Woodbridge, VA Hilton Garden Inn. Student registration is now open.  To register, Please click here.

The M-PWI is a great opportunity for organizations to develop current and future leaders to take over the reins of their agencies. The Steering Committee is very appreciative of the Chapter's support for the M-PWI.

Thank You to our Chapter Works Newsletter Sponsors
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For More information contact Co-Chairs Ken Eyre  or Dave King