Trinity United Methodist Church
Tuesday Word
April 26, 2016

Worship: Sundays @ 8:15 am, 9:40 am, 11:00 am | Wednesdays @ 6:35 pm 
Dear Trinity Family,

In order to have the stellar and amazing Children's Ministry that we have at Trinity, it takes a great leader (Elizabeth, check), a great team (check), great parents and volunteers (check), wonderful facilities (check), God's loving presence (check) and Church wide support (check).  Each year, one of the ways Trinity shows its huge support of children, and learns about this special ministry, is through "Children's Sunday" worship, the first Sunday of May each year - at the 9:40 service.  I promise you, it will be an inspiring time of worship for all.

In addition, I will be preaching at the 8:15 and 11:00 services from the Book of Ruth, with the title of my sermon:  "May You Continue to be Kind - Always."  At whichever hour you come to Trinity, it will be a great morning; invite a friend!

Starting next week we will be changing things up a little bit in our communications with you: the Tuesday Word will contain more visuals and will focus on announcing upcoming events at Trinity - without the pastoral letters.  Those we will email separately, on Thursdays.  We think this new format will be an enhancement and we will welcome your feedback - after a week or two of trying it.  Thanks.

Many of you have asked about the General Conference of the UMC coming up May 10-20 in Portland. Here is a brief video inviting you to pray.

One further note - to those of you who have registered for the Trinity Foundation luncheon with Troy - I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at noon in the Worship Center!

Love and prayers, Rev. Dan

Worship This Week
Wednesday: Kimberly Webster
Sunday: Children's Sunday (9:40), Dr. Dan Johnson (8:15 & 11)
Stay Connected
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Upcoming Events
27 | Trinity Endowment Fund Luncheon with Troy Holloway, 12pm (RSVP to Shannon)
May 1 | Coffee with the Pastors, 11am, 222 (RSVP)
1 | Children's Sunday, 9:40am
4 | Sonlight de Mayo, 5:30
6 | ALERT, 10:30 (Bible Study), 11:45 (lunch)
8 | Mother's Day
8 | Gainesville Community Band Concert, Worship Center, 3pm
A Message from Rev. Aaron
Email | Blog | Twitter

This week I am privileged to be representing the North Central District at the Academy of Faith and Money in Dallas, TX. Please pray that this be a time of learning for me. Pray also for Kimberly Webster as she will again be preaching at the 6:35 service in the Chapel tomorrow night and for Lenora as she will again be leading The Marriage Course without me on Thursday evening.

Speaking of Lenora, I want you to know how proud I am that she was selected by the faculty at Asbury Theological Seminary to preach during one of the chapel services for graduating seniors this Friday. So, our family will be traveling to the campus in Orlando to join her for this special, not-to-be-missed moment!

See you on Sunday!

Ted Grueser
  • This week's mission box supports Vacation Bible School, "Surf Shack!" About 125 youth and adults share the love of Jesus with over 300 children in VBS.  In addition to providing an awesome experience here, we are excited to share that we are partnering with Bartley Temple!  We will provide both locations participants with a backpack, t-shirt, music CD, cool crafts, exciting science experiments, and yummy snacks. Your monetary donations help keep the registration costs low and will also go directly towards our VBS mission opportunities: food for the Backpack program or school supplies.  Thank you so much for prayerfully considering making a donation towards VBS.
  • The Missions Garage Sale has been rescheduled to May 14, 8am - 12pm. Sellers - $25 for 2 tables, no reservation needed.
  • The Family Promise Bed Race is on!  It has been rescheduled for the morning of May 21 at the Santa Fe College Track.  Come and cheer on the Trinity Team, "The Force Awakens" starring Lenora Rousseau as Princess Lea.  Keep watching for details!
Faith Mission
Ward Simonton
  • Volunteer opportunities!
    • Be a "May I Volunteer" at Kids Count - UF students are packing up, so May is a slower month for volunteers. Could you come for an hour once a week (anytime between 3-5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 1-4pm Fri) in May to help elementary students with homework and fun activities or simply read with the children?  Please email Bill Hutchinson to sign up!  (Faith Mission)
    • Help organize lunch for Rawlings teachers - May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we'd love to show the teachers and staff how much we value and respect their work.  Email Ward to help out.  (Rawlings Elementary)
    • Provide a meal for the Youth Group - Neighborhood boys gather for basketball, a meal, and life skill activities.  See details and how to sign up to provide the meal one week!  (Faith Mission)
Children's Ministry
Elizabeth Jones 
  • May 1 at 9:40 is Children's Sunday: A service led BY children FOR children of all ages.  We need all of our children's beautiful voices! Parents, please plan to be in town for this special service.
  • May 10, 9:15-11am-VBS Prep Party-Join us for a fun morning of cutting, painting, counting and assembling our craft supplies for VBS! Contact Elizabeth if you can come.
  • May 15 - Baptism Orientation, 8:45am, E125
  • Come "Enjoy the Outdoors" with us at our next Parent's Night Out on May 13, from 5:30-8:30pm!  It will be a fabulous night of pizza, crafts, adventurous outdoor play, and a s'mores dessert. This is for ages 1 - 5th grade. Cost is $12 per child with a $30 cap per family.  Please register and pay on-line by May 11.  For questions contact Virginia Lewis (416-3014).  
  • VBS: Surf Shack! June 13-17, 9am-12pm. Catch the wave of God's amazing love! Register now to be a part of this awesome week. You'll be guaranteed a VBS shirt if you register by May 9. Registration is also open for VBS volunteers and their children.
  • Help us with VBS supplies: visit our "needs" board outside our office (108), and choose an item or 2 to donate.
Youth Ministry
Julie Mishoe
  • This Sunday night is our BIG event night for May: the ever popular SLOPPY SUNDAY: less food/funk edition!  We are toning down the 'fear factor' element to add in some more paint and colored chalk based games so you go home more sloppy, and less stinky.  Bring $8 for dinner and games, and plan to stay until 8:30pm. 
  • Less than 10 spots left on ASP this summer and only 2 left for Radius Camp!  Get your forms and deposits in today, click here to print them off at home.
  • Looking ahead:
    • Special Guest Sunday School Teacher on Mother's Day, May 8: Bill Rosselle will come back to teach both middle and high school for his favorite Mother's Day Sunday School Lesson!  No youth that night, spoil your mom or a special lady in your life!
    • We will have a special salt & light night on May 15, we will be focusing on internet & social media safety, and both parents and yoots are encouraged to attend!  We will have guest speakers and breakout sessions, so mark your calendars now.
Sonlight Youth Choir & Band
Erin Cushing
  • Sonlight de Mayo (Wednesday Night Dinner with Taco Bar!). May 4, 5:30 - 6:30pm. Advance tickets will be available between services on Sunday, you may also pay at the door. Students and parents can sign up here to help.
Adult Ministries
Kim Lewerenz
  • Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends is a 10-week secular study and discussion style class to help people adjust to the ending of a love relationship, as in divorce or death, or in the loss of an engagement or other significant love relationship. Sundays, May 15 - July 31 (skipping May 29 and July 3) from 3-5:30pm. $25 course fee (scholarships available). Books ($15) are available in the bookstore. Childcare is available for kids age 1-5th grade with a reservation. Register now!
  • United Methodist Women:
    • May 5 | ACCAHT Faith Alliance meeting, Sandra Sowards will report on Shared Hope International's Just Faith Summit she attended in April. 7pm, Youth Building
Caring & Support
Lenora Rousseau
  • Caregiver Support Group meets every Monday from 7-8:30pm in the O. Dean Martin Prayer Room. All are welcome. Contact Frank Wallace (516-637-5754).
  • Weekly Prayer Group: All are welcome to join us for prayer or leave a written Prayer Request in the Chapel. We will gather Thursday, 7-8pm to pray.  For more information, contact Jay Schnedl.
  • Are you going through a difficult time? Our trained Stephen Ministers are ready to serve.  The care that you will receive is confidential, free, and very helpful during times of transition, loss, or uncertainty.  To learn how you, a friend, or a relative can receive care, contact Lenora (416.3033).
Sports Ministry
Ben Haines
  • Registration is now open for T-Ball/Coach Pitch this summer. Open for kids age 3-8 (must be 3 by June 1). Register online by May 27.
Trinity Foundation
Assuring God's Vision through Trinity - Today, Tomorrow and Forever

Questions for Trinity Foundation: 

Q: How much can I request?
A: We have $6,514 available for grants from the general fund in 2016. The amount per year will vary according to income.

Q. What is the deadline for making requests?
A: Applications need to be in by May 15 each year for consideration at the Foundation committee June meeting.

Q. What are some examples of grants that have been funded by Trinity Foundation?
A: Family Promise received a grant for transportation needs and Trinity Trustees for a sidewalk in 2015.

Join us for lunch and an inspirational talk by Troy Holloway, April 27, 12-1pm. RSVP to Shannon.
General Announcements
  • This weeks Wednesday Night Dinner menu is chicken stir fry (chicken tenders for kids), mixed vegetables, rice, soup, salad & dessert. The kitchen is open from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Adults are $7, children 5 and up $3.
  • If you are looking for a church home and want to learn more about the vision, mission and ministries of Trinity, we invite you to attend Coffee with the Pastors. It is a casual gathering to learn more about the United Methodist Church, who we are at Trinity, and what is expected of members. The class is designed for visitors and gives you the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn about the many ways to become involved in our church family. The next Coffee with the Pastors is May 1 at 11am in 222. Register here or e-mail Carmen. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church!
  • Register for our Nothing but Net's Fundraiser, a 3 vs 3 basketball tournament fundraiser that has been RESCHEDULED TO JUNE 5, by June 1. You can register as an individual or a team!
  • Don't forget to let us know if you are coming to the Celebration to honor Rev. Dan and Jan Johnson on the occasion of their retirement! The big celebration will be on June 4 at 11am, and will be followed by a barbecue lunch on the grounds. Visit the website to RSVP and sign up to volunteer.
  • If you need to make arrangements for assistance or special accommodations during Sunday services, please contact Shannon (416-3005) Monday - Thursday.
Bible Studies
  • Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, E232
  • Tuesday Morning Moms, 9:30-11:30 am, E203
  • Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7:00 am, E232
  • Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, 9:15 am, Chapel
  • Thursday Morning Bible Study, 10:30 am, E226
  • ALERT, first Friday of the month, 10:30 am, Worship Center
  • Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email (DSE) is available upon request

For more information, please contact Kim  

Family Matters
Christian love and sympathy is extended to Gail Schneider Childs and family on the passing of her father, Arthur Schneider on April 14; Bonnie Hartman and family on the passing of her sister, Judy M. Tarvis on April 15; and Brenda Watson and family on the passing of her father, Clifford Kinsey on April 16.

Happy Birthday to Rubye King, who turns 98 tomorrow.

Altar Flowers
This week's flowers are given to the Glory of God. 

If you would like to place flowers on the Altar in honor or in memory of a loved one please contact Shannon
Trinity United Methodist Church | (352) 376-6615| Email | Website
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm