Worship: Sundays at 8:15, 9:40, 11:00 am | Wednesdays at 6:35 pm

Jesus is the Light

Scripture: "And God said, "Let there be light, and there was light." And God saw the light and was pleased." - Genesis 1:3-4

"I am the light of the world, he that follows me shall not walk in the darkness but shall have the light of life." - John 8:12

"He lives with you and will be in you." - John 14:17

"Let your light shine before men." - Matthew 5:16

Years ago when I taught Sunday School, each class would start with a devotion. I would light 
a candle and ask, "Why do we light this candle?" The children would respond. "because Jesus
is the light of the world."

It was a simplistic and rote response. Through the years, I have come to realize that God created the light. The light of God was in Jesus and through the Spirit that same light dwells with in each of us. Each and every one of us. Every person and every creature on earth was created by God contains His spirit.

Carl Jung coined the term, "collective unconscious," meaning that all people have the same inborn archetypal concepts. Light is one of those archetypes. We light candles, build bonfires and shoot fireworks. All are eternal flames reaching up to God. And in return, He is sending His light to sustain us. The light of the sun nourishes our bodies, the light of the stars guide 
our paths and the light of His spirit within us, bonds us to one another.

The Hindus have a greeting word, Namaste. Basically it can be translated as, "the spirit of God within me, greets the spirit of God within you." I love that word as it reminds me that we are all the children of God, we are all connected to one another and as we reach out,we are sharing God's love. 

In the spirit of peace and light that passeth understanding, I wish you all Namaste and Merry Christmas. 

Prayer: Father, as we worship the Newborn King, let us acknowledge His light within each of us, and help us share that loving light with one another. Amen. 

Tara Thornock
Stay Connected:
(352) 376-6615
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm