Worship: Sundays at 8:15, 9:40, 11:00 am | Wednesdays at 6:35 pm
 Je Suis Paris

Deliver me from my enemies, O God; protect me from those who rise up against me. Deliver me from evildoers and save me from bloodthirsty men. See how they lie in wait for me! Fierce men conspire against me for no offense or sin of mine, O Lord. I have done no wrong, yet they are ready to attack me. Arise to help me; look on my plight  (Psalm 59: 1 - 4).

While the Parisians may not have spoken these exact words from the Psalm, they surely shared their meaning.  Sadly, the Psalms of Lament like Psalm 59 are more and more a part of our vocabulary in these days of terror on the innocents - innocent people eating at a restaurant in Paris, attending a concert or a sports event.  

And so today we pray again for those in France, and for the millions of refugees within Syria, and those who have escaped into Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Europe - for the millions of innocents who suffer because of the evil of a few.

Help us, Lord.  We seem unable or too slow to find our way through these troubled times.  Amen

Love and prayers, Dan

We still need 8 devotionals for our Advent Devotional - by today. Please send to Jim Cook today: jcook@trinitygnv.org.
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(352) 376-6615
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm