Worship: Sundays at 8:15 am | 9:40 am | 11:00 am, Wednesdays at 6:35 pm, Fridays at 7:00 pm




 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of Jesus Christ.  Luke 24:2-3

When my son Tim was turning three many years ago he had one wish - a Big Wheel.  My sister-in-law was like our very own "Auntie Mame" who loved our children as her own. She asked to grant Tim's wish.

Comes the big day and she arrives with a beautifully wrapped gift, just the right size for a Big Wheel. Tim attacked the gift, tore off the paper, worked through the scotch tape and pulled open the cardboard  box. EMPTY!  The joy of the day was gone as Tim crawled into the empty box, crying and wailing. He thought he had figured it out and the disappointment was so heavy.

I often think of this family story as I read of the disciplines' discovery of the empty tomb. They thought they knew the end of Jesus' ministry. Instead of the end, the empty tomb was the beginning.  Need to let you know that our auntie did not fail either. The Big Wheel was brought from the car and loved for a number of years.

Prayer: Precious Father, help us to remember that you always supply the best for us. Help us to fill any empty boxes in our lives with your love. Thank you for the empty tomb and the eternal life given to us in that moment. Amen


Barbara Urban


Contact Barbara Here



P.S.  We are still accepting devotionals in addition to what we have.  Your work will be a blessing to you and others as

well.  Jcook@trinitygnv.org

Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Ave | Gainesville, FL 32653

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm