Henrico Bar News
June 2016
Henrico County Bar Association
P.O. Box 70147
Richmond, Virginia 23255
From the Desk of Julie S. Palmer, HCBA President
On May 18, 2016, I was honored to be sworn in as President of the Henrico County Bar Association for 2016-2017. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to a successful year.
I am surrounded by an outstanding group of people who I know will work hard alongside me this year. I thank the Association's officers, Brian Schneider, Natalie McClearn, Brooks Hundley and Ryan Young, and directors, Julie Cillo, Andrew Newby, Andy Johnson, Susan Parrish and Emily Bishop, for their enthusiasm and willingness to serve. I also thank our Administrator, Mary Lou Wellman, for her invaluable work on behalf of our organization. Her dedication, attention to detail and positive attitude form the foundation of our Association's success.
As I noted in my remarks at the Spring Reception, my goal for this year is to continue the stellar services the Association provides to its members: top-quality, free CLE programming, opportunities to serve our larger community, and enjoyable social events. Our Association is truly a special group. I am proud of what we do each year, and I urge you to commit to participate and to encourage others to do the same this year.

Julie S. Palmer

Annual Spring Reception
On May 18, 2016, the Association held its annual Spring Reception at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. The Flying Sulsers provided musical entertainment while members enjoyed good food, fun and fellowship. The Association would like to extend special thanks to our generous sponsors, Planet Depos and Juridical Solutions.
During the Reception, the Association presented the "Volunteer of the Year" award to Dale Boice. Dale has been instrumental this year in transitioning the handling of the Court Docent Program from the Richmond Bar Auxiliary to the Association. We truly could not have achieved the successful continuation of the program without her. Dale accepted the award with sincere grace and appreciation, exemplifying those qualities which made her the perfect candidate for the award to begin with!
As its final order of business that evening, the Association recognized its outgoing president, Mike Feinmel, for his hard work this past year. The Honorable Catherine C. Hammond then administered the oath of office to the incoming board and officers. The delightful reception was the perfect way to cap off a productive and enjoyable year.

The Hon. Catherine C. Hammond swears in the new

Officers and Board of Directors

Vice President Natalie McClearn honors

Volunteer of the Year, Dale Boice

Judge Irvine, Judge Hammond, Judge Balfour and Judge McGrath
Jason Hart , Joe Rapisarda, Margie Rapisarda and John Mizell
James Olmstead, Carl Schwertz, Brian Schneider and Stan Wellman

John Claytor, Michelle Harman, Susan Claytor,

Amber Ford and Mike Harman

Lisa Leiner, Mark Carlton, Doug Pittman, Clint Verity,

Scott Fisher and Jeff Miller

Mike Feinmel, Judge Yoffy and Julie Palmer
       For more pictures from the Spring Reception, please visit
our website at www.henricobar.org.
10th Annual John Garrett
Memorial Golf Tournament
Sycamore Creek was the setting for the Tenth Annual John Garrett Memorial Golf Tournament hosted by the HCBA on May 24. This year, owing to the tenth anniversary, the tournament featured food trucks that were a big hit with the golfers. Finally, after several years of lousy weather, the golf gods smiled and gave the players a beautiful, sun splashed afternoon of good food, good drink and mostly good golf!
The Harman Claytor team of Jon Nichols, Stan Wellman, John Owen and Tom Garrett took home the hardware, shooting a whopping 16 under par. Mike Gerrard tucked his ball closest to the pin and Mike Blumberg blasted the long drive. And while there were winners and those who didn't win, Camp Comfort Zone, the long-time beneficiary of this event, came away with the biggest prize-a donation of over $1000 from your Bar Association to continue to do the marvelous work for which they are so well known.
The Association thanks all those who sponsored holes, donated prizes for the raffle and played. We also thank Lynn Garrett who continues to come out and let the participants know that while they are playing golf, the reward for the entry fees and donations does impact many who are very close to us.
Each year this event is one that a core group of our membership looks forward to. It is an event that certainly is great fun for those who participate. It is an opportunity to spend quality time with fellow members, judges, clients or whoever else you choose to bring. Here's hoping that the tournament continues to thrive and help make a difference in our community.
Carl Schwertz and Lynn Garrett welcome golfers
Winners of the 10th Annual John Garrett Memorial Golf Tournament - Jon Nichols, Tom Garrett,
John Owen and Stan Wellman
Closest to Pin Winner - Mike Gerrard
For more pictures from the Golf Tournament, please visit
our website at www.henricobar.org.
Member Spotlight

Full Name:  Casey Coleman
Employer and Position:  Henrico Commonwealth's Attorney, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney
College:  American University
Law School:  Washington & Lee University School of Law
Years in Practice:  1.5
Hobbies and Interests:  Tennis, volunteering at The Doorways, Maymont and The Westwood Club and my dog Lex
Favorite Movie:  True Lies
Favorite Book:  East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Favorite Pro and College Sports Team:  Any Oregon team, #westcoastbestcoast!
One Thing You Might Not Know About Me:  I was an exchange student my junior year in High School in Recife, Brazil and I speak Portuguese.
Best Thing About Practicing Law in Henrico:  The relationship between prosecutors and defense attorneys. Someone is always willing to help the new kid in town.
Advice to Young Attorneys:  As a young attorney myself, I would say use your officemates and local bar associations, a coffee meeting can lead to a lasting mentorship.
Save the Date

We are in the process of planning the events for 2016-2017. Please check the Calendar of Events on our website at www.henricobar.org for updates this summer.

In This Issue
VSB Council for Henrico
The Virginia State Bar is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Virginia. It regulates our profession and strives to advance the availability and quality of legal services provided to Virginians and assists in improving the legal and judicial system. It is guided by an elected President, and governed by an Executive Committee, and Bar Council, whose members are elected and appointed from every judicial circuit in the Commonwealth. Dan Rosenthal (dan@lawrosenthal.com), Rhysa South (sou06@henrico.us), and Jon Nichols(jnichols@hccw.com) serve as your elected representatives to the Virginia State Bar Council.
One of the important issues addressed by the Bar Council this year was the procedure by which the President of the Bar is elected.  Members voiced concerns about the electronic voting process utilized for the first time in the 2014 statewide election. For example, some e-mails for the election were directed to members' "spam" folders, and they may not have been aware that voting was open. Some members also expressed concerns that they did not have sufficient knowledge about the candidates, their positions, and how they intend to improve the Bar. One candidate suggested including a ballot for the VSB president or voting information in the same envelope in which members receive their annual dues invoice.
The Bar is attempting to improve this process to ensure that every member has the knowledge and the opportunity to vote for these important elected representatives. It is also seeking ways to give you better access to the candidates so you can get to know the candidates and their positions on important issues facing the Bar.
A committee is studying the election process and would like your input. If you have suggestions, criticisms, or questions about the election process, please send them to any of your Bar Council representative and they will forward them to the committee, which plans to complete its work before the Annual Meeting June 16-19 in Virginia Beach. 
Virginia State Bar
Recognizes Judge Soden
Henrico County J&DR Judge Denis F. Soden will receive the 2016 Tradition of Excellence Award awarded by the Virginia State Bar's General Practice Section on June 18, 2016, at the VSB Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach. The award recognizes a lawyer who embodies the highest tradition of personal and professional excellence and who has benefited the community and enhanced the esteem of general practice attorneys in Virginia. Congratulations Judge Soden!
The Hon. Denis F. Soden
Clerk's Corner
Adoption Celebrations
We want to remind members of the Henrico Bar Association, and family law attorneys in particular, that the Henrico County Circuit Court offers a wonderful and unique opportunity for adopting families.  Adoption celebrations can be arranged with the Judges' Chambers of the Court.  These celebrations give adoptive families a special day in Court to memorialize the joyous occasion.  Friends, family and professionals who have been a part of the adoptive journey are invited to take part in the celebration.  There are always happy surprises in store.
Adoption celebrations are generally held on Friday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  However, additional time may be available, depending on the Court's docket.  If you have not witnessed one of these moving ceremonies yet, we hope that you will someday.
J&DR Twitter Page
Please check out the Twitter page for the Henrico Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court

A Big Thank You to our Golf Tournament Sponsors
Prize Sponsors
Bogeys Sports Park
Capital Ale House
Chuy's Restaurant
Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant
Dave and Buster's
Hondos Prime Restaurant
Ironbridge Sports Park
Kona Grill
Prospect Hill Inn & Restaurant
Richmond Flying Squirrels
Richmond Kickers
Science Museum of Virginia
Tarrant's West
Windy Hill Sports Complex
Hole Sponsors
Chandler & Halasz
Goodman Allen Donnelly
Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman
Law Office of Daniel L. Rosenthal
Los 4 Amigos
Planet Depos
SELTEK Technology Solutions
Spotts Fain
Members on the Move   
If you have recently changed jobs or been promoted, please share your news with the Henrico Bar.  We would like to post your announcement in our newsletter and update your member profile.  Announcements can be emailed to Mary Lou Wellman at admin@henricobar.org.  Please include your name, firm or employer's name, new title and areas of concentration.  

Officers and Directors
Julie S. Palmer

Brian J. Schneider

Vice President
Natalie T. McClearn

Ryan C. Young

D. Brooks Hundley

Immediate Past-President
Michael Y. Feinmel

Emily P. Bishop
Julie M. Cillo
J. Andrew Johnson
Andrew R. Newby
Susan L. Parrish
Mary Lou Wellman