Packard Health
Connecting with Caring
Packard Health Patient Advocates 

Food, a bed, help with an electric bill, health insurance - for some patients, the path to optimal health is complicated. Four problem-solvers are on the job. Meet our patient advocates, Haidar Al-Mohammad, Molli Morgan, Cynthia Fretter, and Katie Marquez.  


From their tiny offices at each Packard Health location they do big things, collaborating with caseworkers, plugging into community resources, pinpointing state and federal aid. They are Certified Application Counselors, experts in helping with health insurance enrollment. Two patient advocates are fluent in Spanish, one in Arabic.  


They link patients to services that can improve lives. Hats off to these "Can-do!" staffers. Here's 3 ways they build CONNECTIONS!   


1. Health Care Coverage  

Patient advocates lead patients through the complexities of eligibility, cost, subsidies, deadlines and penalties to connect with a plan that works for them. As Certified Application Counselors, they are trusty guides.


2. Our Staff - CONNECTED & Committed

Our dynamic duo communicates with Packard's caseworkers - all day, all the time. For patients with lives of hardship and need, this close collaboration and connection translate into exceptional care. Packard is all about whole patient care, and these four staffers are key players.


3. It's All About Community CONNECTION

Our patient advocates are experts on our community's resources and facilitate patient access to them. Whether it's housing, food, drug assistance programs, mental health programs, you name it - Haidar, Molli, Cynthia, and Katie help make the connection. And even experts get stumped, so if a solution is not clear, they send out a community S.O.S to find a resource.


We are proud of our patient advocates. In patient interviews, on the phone, at their computers, in Packard's on-site food pantries they manage so well - they are making connections that count.


Packard Health has been designated a Patient-Centered Medical Home
by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan