Every donation, small or large, helps bring accessible health care to someone who might otherwise go without. Learn more. |
Summer's just hitting its stride, but here at Packard Health we're running full tilt. Good things are happening.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Effect
We're seeing many newly insured individuals. Of particular note are the number of patients newly insured through the expansion of Medicaid; this is great news and highly rewarding. Having worked with uninsured patients every day for most of my career, I see the expansion of health insurance coverage resulting from the ACA as a tremendous improvement in our health care system. We see this every day at Packard Health.
Electronic Medical Records We're tackling a big project this summer - a new software system for electronic medical records. We've chosen Athenahealth, the highest rated software package for organizations our size. Our patients will notice significant improvements - a patient portal and automated results calls. This system will serve Packard Health and our patients well into the future.
I want to give a special shout out to the staff at Packard Health. We're busy, we're learning, but our commitment to patients is first and foremost. Thanks, one and all.
Best wishes,
Dr. Raymond Rion Executive Director |
Packard Health Event
Women's Health Day
"Be proactive," was the message at Packard Health's first Women's Health Day, May 5. Thirty-eight women participated; each eligible patient received a physical, cancer screening and education.
Welcome and support was in the air. Even the patient ever-reluctant to complete her health exam, came in and got it done. She left with a smile, a flower in hand, and the great remark that she hoped Packard Health would do it again next year. Special thanks to Julie Wood, Patient Care Assistant (pictured), and Karen Koeppe, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator for their dedication to this project.
Let us count the ways
Community Partnerships
Packard Health is plugged into the community. Our staff are forging partnerships, building connections, seeking innovative paths to improving patient care. - Dr. Ankoor Soni (right) has been named Medical Director of the Delonis Center. The Shelter clinic is a first point of contact and Dr. Soni works there part-time, linking patients to our services.
. - Dr. Emily Brunner is Medical Director of the Home of New Vision detox unit.
. - Dr. Raymond Rion recently participated in public awareness events:
- Integrated Medicine: Taking Care of Your Body & Your Mind, National Alliance of Mental Illness
- Heroin in Our Backyard, Home of New Vision
Community Caring
Packard Health is glowing strong - with appreciation for the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation's Give Local Day on May 6. Close to $2 million for 50 selected non-profits was generated that day. Packard Health's generous donors gave over $43,000, a remarkable number! Those funds are already at work, supporting women's and family health services and Packard Pacers. We are so proud to have been a part of this celebration of good causes and community commitment - and grateful to our donors one and all.
Ten Years and Walking Strong
Packard Pacers
Sunny skies and beautiful trails - what a great kick-off to the 10th season of the Packard Pacers summer walking program at County Farm Park! June 7 was the day. - Nurse Practitioner Sarah Reits provided motivational messages
- Mary D. (Packard patient) shared her inspirational journey to wellness
- Recent EMU grad Kayla Pfund (Exercise Science major) led group stretches and coordinated our "Kid's Table" including hula hoops and Frisbees!
So far 45 walkers (kids through seniors) have signed up and received Omron pocket pedometers and Packard Health sport bottles. Each participant keeps a walking log to be entered into prize drawings on July 26. Come on out - it's a great day for a walk! For more info, CLICK HERE, or email Karen at kkoeppe@packardhealth.org.
Healthy Eating Recipe
Island Mango Salad With Chicken or Shrimp
Mangos taste so good, people forget that they are healthy! They are nutritionally rich with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and health promoting qualities.
Here's a perfect recipe for a warm summer evening. It's adapted from The New Soul Food Cookbook, For People With Diabetes.
Thanks, Karen Koeppe, Packard Health's Registered Dietitian, for serving it up. Yum!
Attention Facebook Folks!
Treat the Staff to Lunch!
Packard Health Facebook page is looking for 500 fans!
When we reach that magic number our deserving staff will be treated to lunch.
Tell your friends, pass it on, become a fan and feed our crew. Thank you!
Kroger Community Rewards
Have a Kroger Plus card? You can contribute to Packard Health just by shopping at Krogers! Learn more.
Registered in the past? Don't forget to renew! Renew now.
Our Vision: A healthy community in which every individual
has a dependable, high-quality health care home
3174 Packard Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734.971.1073
501 N. Maple Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734.926.4900
Packard Health has been designated a Patient-Centered Medical Home by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan