Learn more about plasmids & streamline your office work!
Given the recent snowstorms, frigid temperatures, and icy sidewalks, there is no mistaking that we are well into the winter season here in Cambridge, MA. While we were bundled up inside for warmth, we put together a few articles that will give you a better understanding of our services and the people behind them. We hope you had a great 2015, and we look forward to working with you again in 2016!
~The Addgene Team
Get to Know an Addgenie: Eddy Page
 Eddy Page is a Customer Support Specialist in Addgene's Office Team. He handles various administrative duties, processes material transfer agreements for requesting scientists and communicates with scientists and their administrative offices on a daily basis. Eddy has also produced some of the media content appearing on Addgene's website. If you've ever processed an MTA for your scientist, you may have worked with Eddy in the past!
How to Streamline your Addgene Workload
While many technology transfer offices (TTOs) have an efficient means of processing Addgene deposits and/or requests, there are other TTOs (both new and old Addgene partners) that have expressed interest in streamlining their steadily increasing Addgene workload. This article will discuss some of the master agreement options that are available to you and will highlight how these master agreements have helped TTOs of all sizes and backgrounds.