Addgene Holidays
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Addgene Newsletter, December 2014
Give the gift of plasmid sharing Addgene

'Tis the Season for Sharing

The holidays are a time for gift giving -even in the lab! Here at Addgene, we encourage you to give the gift of plasmids. By depositing your reagents with Addgene, you are sharing with your colleagues and facilitating scientific discoveries. So wrap up those plasmids (bow optional) and start sharing!

 ~The Addgene Team

Hot Plasmids & Papers 
  • Bomati-Deheyn-bfloGFPa1-and-bfloGFPc1a-newsletter APEX2 for Proteomic Mapping and Electron Microscopy
  • Golden GATEway Cloning
  • Protein Inactivation Using Knocksideways
  • MitoTimer - Reporter for
    Mitochondrial Turnover
  • Updated Mini-transposon
    Vector for Bacterial Mutagenesis
  • And More...

>See Hot Plasmids

Addgene's New & Improved Website


We have lift-off! We've upgraded our website to help you more easily find the plasmids and cloning information that you're looking for. Improvements include: 

Upgraded website launch Rocket Addgenie

  • Access to your account & cart in the header of every page
  • Searchable tables
  • Re-organized plasmid pages
  • Depositing lab & publication listed at the top of each plasmid page
  • "How to cite this plasmid" instructions on each plasmid page 


Read more about our site's new features on our blog or browse our website for yourself. 


New Collection: Luciferase Plasmids


Luciferase reporter assays are commonly used to  investigate the effect of regulatory elements, such as promoters & enhancers, on gene expression. To help you find the plasmids you need for your experiments, we've assembled a collection of luciferase plasmids that have been deposited with Addgene. 

Choose from various empty backbones to create your own reporter constuct or search the collection for a plasmid that contains your regulatory element of interest.

Give the Gift of Plasmids
If you get requests for your plasmids - start sharing. It's free & easy! Join our community.

Share Your Plasmids via Addgene

Merry CRISPR to You

Our CRISPR collection keeps growing...

Whether your goal is gene disruption, DNA insertion, or  CRISPR-based screening, you'll find all the newest tools @Addgene!


Management for Scientists

Read the first post in our 5 part series on learning to manage people. Our Executive Director, Joanne Kamens, shares her tips for managing scientists, factors that contribute to job satisfaction, and more.


Interested in Blogging About Your Research?
Addgene is looking for guest bloggers who want to share their research with the scientific community. Check out some of our past guests and their blog posts.

If you have a topic that you would like to share, email us at:
 Follow Us 

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  Winter Blugene
Winter Savings from Addgene - $20!
To save $20 off your next plasmid order, 
use the following discount code during the checkout process:




(Expires January 31, 2015)


Browse Plasmids at Addgene