PHILMONT BEAUTIFICATION, INC.                                 
                                    a grass-roots community organization Brochure  |  Blog  | Contact |   Donate to PB Inc 

 creating a community-based food system 
10am to 2pm

This Sunday will feature the following
Co-op Producer-Owners

Breakfast, Co-op Curbside Cafe food truck
Common Hands Farm, quality greens & roots 
Liberty Farm, organic, pastured chicken 
Pleroma Farm, pastured eggs 
Hans Schober Farm, grass fed Red Devon Beef 
Community Supported Bakery, using locally grown grains 
Rolling Pin Pies, fruit pies and cookies 

A message from Elizabeth Angello and Philmont Market & Cafe Cooperative, "The goal of our Sunday Market this year is to feature produce from each Co-op producer-owner who will be selling year around in our Market. These farmers have made a commitment to be on the ground floor helping us shape the produce department in our Market.  We value your opinion on the quality of products.  So come to the market, check it out and share your feedback." |   Brochure  |  Blog  | Contact |  Donate to PB Inc