PHILMONT BEAUTIFICATION, INC.                                 
                                    a grass-roots community organization
        Main St.                    Local Food                    Exhibitions                      Assistance
PB Montage REVITALIZATION    FARMERS' MARKET   COMMUNITY ARTS    SMALL BUSINESS Brochure  |  Blog  | Contact |   Donate to PB Inc 

As we count down to the New Year, please join me in congratulating our Executive Director, Sally Baker, named as a Hudson Valley Hero.
Someone who is willing to put themselves on the line for the benefit of others. That is you, my dear!
Carolyn Stern, Co-founder PBI

This year we're trying hard to increase local support by raising $25,000 (25% of annual operating costs) with the help of people like you.


This project has been made possible through a Brownfield Opportunity Area program facilitated with the NYS Department of State.  It is assisting the Village of Philmont to hire professional planners and engineers to conduct a full assessment of Summit Lake for hydro-power potential, a market analysis of Philmont, and produce an economic development plan aimed at vacant mills, abandoned affordable housing, public parks, and the connection of Summit Lake development to existing downtown revitalization.


Make a donation towards opening the Kitchen, Philmont Co-op, Community Supported Bakery, Food and Farm Business Training, expanding the Farmers Market, and improving the Curbside Food Truck Cafe collaborating with local local farmers, bakers, food entrepreneurs and emerging businesses to produce new, local and healthy community-sourced products.
click here to see
Kids Grow and Cook


If The Kitchen can open then our Kids Grow & Cook program will start in May teaching kids and families to grow and cook with our local chefs!
Kitchen community partners include local farm-to-table chefs, gardeners, and bakers who will guide the children in preparing one meal per week to share with their families at the end of every workshop.
Philmont Beautification, Inc. has four major program areas revitalizing the community in the spirit and tradition of a rural barn raising.  Dedicated to improving quality of life in
the Village of Philmont with grass-roots community collaborations and programs on Main St Revitalization, Small Business, Special Projects, Philmont Farmers' Market, and Community Arts/Trades. PBI is a charitable organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  All donations will receive our Acknowledgment Letter and can be deducted to the extent of the law. |   Brochure  |  Blog  | Contact |  Donate to PB Inc