PHILMONT BEAUTIFICATION, INC.                                 
                                    a grass-roots community organization
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Saturday Nov 7
Philmont Village Hall
124 Main St.

Repowering Philmont's Future with Water
Examples of other communities restoring their waterfronts, presented by Jeff Anzevino, AICP, Scenic Hudson. Based on the beautifully illustrated Scenic Hudson book, Revitalizing Hudson Riverfronts: Illustrated Conservation & Development Strategies for Creating Healthy, Prosperous Communities, this presentation will show how communities in upstate New York are working to enhance and preserve the unique qualities of their waterfronts, and how revitalization of Summit Lake and its historic mills can stimulate the village economy, connect people to the waterfront, protect the environment, and offer redevelopment potential for Philmont.

Grab the workshop and then a bite to eat of specials in collaboration with the Master Plan workshops,
Local 111 / Philmont Slammer
Vanderbilt House / Harlem Rail Burger
McNans / High Falls Sandwich
Get your ticket at the workshop for these specials!

Saturday's free workshop is the 2nd of three public presentations funded by the Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) grant awarded to the village from the New York Department of State Office of Planning and Development which is producing an economic development master plan for the village.

Guest speakers and workshops in October & November will highlight Philmont's industrial history as a vibrant mill village, its use of water as a power source, the future possibilities of harnessing micro-hydro technology, and how the Summit Lake waterfront development can play an important role in community revitalization.

These workshops will lead up to finishing the Master Plan anticipated in early December, and will provide community members to continue to contribute towards creating an economic development plan for the village.
All are welcome! Community input and feedback received since October 2014 has already laid a strong foundation for a good economic development revitalization plan, so please attend this next workshop to bring more of your ideas and thoughts.

Philmont Beautification, Inc. has four major program areas revitalizing the community in the spirit and tradition of a rural barn raising.  D
edicated to improving quality of life in the Village of Philmont with grass-roots community collaborations and programs on Main St Revitalization, Small Business, Special Projects, Philmont Farmers' Market, and Community Arts/Trades. PBI is a charitable organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. |   Brochure  |  Blog  | Contact |  Donate to PB Inc