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PHILMONT BEAUTIFICATION, INC.                                                      
 a grass-roots community organization 
 Main St. Program             Local Food                Exhibitions                     Assistance   


YES! - the market has FreshConnect Checks.
Hard to come by in Columbia County, but not for our market as all our vendors care about veterans, their military families, EBT/SNAP food stamp recipients, seniors living on fixed incomes, and mothers with children under 5 years.  We all do our best so everyone can shop at the market who wants to eat healthy local foods!  


Philmont Farmers' Market Helps Veterans by Accepting Fresh Connect Checks


Veterans and their military families receiving FreshConnect Checks from the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets can shop at the Philmont Farmers' Market to buy food from local vendors.


Booklets of 10 $2.00 FreshConnect Checks will be available for pick up by veterans starting this Friday at the Veterans Affairs Office located at the County Office Building at 401 State Street in Hudson. FreshConnect Checks may be used by SNAP/food stamp customers and/or Veterans and their military families to purchase any SNAP/food stamp eligible food item between July 1, 2014 and Nov 30, 2014. FreshConnect Checks may be used in conjunction with other benefits including SNAP/EBT tokens, Health Bucks, and FMNP or SFMNP checks.


The Philmont Farmers' Market additionally operates a full EBT/SNAP table where SNAP eligible recipients can use their EBT/SNAP card to also receive FreshConnect Checks. For every $5.00 purchased at the EBT/SNAP station, individuals receive an extra $2.00 in FreshConnect Checks. The checks can be used to buy all SNAP-eligible foods from vendors, including bread products, produce, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, seeds, and plants that produce food to eat.


 See the map of farmers markets with FreshConnect Checks 

Sharing Pies
Read "Love in a Truck" by Jamie Larson Rural Intelligence

2014 Season 


Diamond Hills Farm
Marshmeadow Farm
Hans Schober Farm
White Oak Farm
Delsia Hilton Baking
Sharing Pies
Asia Luna
Furse Photos


Hawk Studio


Used Books


Curbside Cafe



now available 
for EBT sales

 Veg & Fruit farmers accept FMNP vouchers


PBI is pleased to announce this project is a recipient of funding assistance from the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. Click here  to see Governor Cuomo's award announcement assisting the market and its collaboration with the Philmont Market & Cafe Cooperative. 


If you love shopping at the farmers' markets in Philmont, please consider being a champion for family farmers at the markets.  Take the pledge for Philmont today to show your support! 


Philmont Beautification, Inc. has four major program areas revitalizing the community in the spirit and tradition of a rural barn raising.  D
edicated to improving quality of life in the Village of Philmont with grass-roots community collaborations and programs on Main St Revitalization, Small Business, Special Projects, Philmont Farmers' Market, and Community Arts/Trades. PBI is a charitable organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.      

Special Project:  Small Business Program Food Incubator - 116 Main St. 
Creating a community-based food system in collaboration with the Philmont Market &

Café Cooperative aimed at reaching an environmentally sustainable community that is economically viable, and socially just, including access to affordable foods supporting the local farming economy.          

pbinc.org Brochure  |  Blog  | Contact |  Donate to PB Inc