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January 13, 2014
Click live links to get information from the pages of our website- HERE
torah-reading.jpg    A Touch of Torah by Cantor Mary Thomas
Read our Clergy Blog Here
For January calendar of events and meetings, Click Here.
Worship Schedule       challah-bread.jpg
 Shabbat Worship
Friday January 17th

 7:00 PM - MLK Shabbat



Saturday, January 18th

11:00 am     Shabbat Worship and Jackson Koch and Catherine Plepler B'nei Mitzvah.  Mazel Tov Jackson & Catherine!  Click Here  to read about our B'nei Mitzvah students and send congratulations to their families.

MLK Shabbat Oneg
We would like to make this oneg special with our "home made desserts."  If you would be willing to bake, please email Sara Schreibman Here.  Desserts should be brought to Temple no later than noon on Friday January 17th.  
MLK Shabbat Friday January 17th at 7:00 pm

Join us as we welcome the passionate preacher and pastor Reverend Dr. Jerry Cannon and the choir of C. N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church.  Pastor Cannon will preach and C. N. Jenkin's choir will lift our service with their music.  The evening will conclude with a festive oneg.

 17th Annual 
Comparative Religion Series
Jan. 21st - Feb. 25th 2014   

On six consecutive Tuesdays, from 7:00 - to 9:00 pm at Temple Beth El, educators and religious leaders representing nine Charlotte area faiths will discuss their faith's perspectives on EVIL... Human or Divine?  For more information about the Comparative Religion Series,  Click Here.

 2016 B'nei Mitzvah Date Selection Parent Meeting 

Sunday, January 26th at 9:15am or 11:15am at Temple Beth El in the Archer Chapel

Who should attend? Parents of children with birthdays in 2003 (and those who have deferred their child's B'nei Mitzvah until 2016).


At this meeting you will learn about the date selection process, receive the materials you need to select your child's bar/bat mitzvah date, and have the opportunity to ask questions.

 Religious School


All Religious School families are invited to attend a Shabbat Pot Luck Dinner on January 31st.  There is no charge for the dinner.  For more details,  Click Here.  

  TBEU New Logo

Temple Beth El University

Superheroes and Judaism: Movies, TV, Comics, Books, and More!

Classes meet on three consecutive Wednesdays, February 5th, 12th, & 19th from 7:00-9:00 pm

Join Rabbi Jonathan and Sara Bryan Markovits for a multi-media exploration of the Jewish imagination's expression into the realm of superheroes. 


RSVP required by Tuesday, February 4th  Here. 

Washington, D.C. Wedding for Same Sex Couples
May 2-4, 2014 
Rabbi Judy, along with several Charlotte clergy, is planning another historic weekend of interfaith dialogue, exploring tolerance, inclusion and sanctification in Washington, DC with other faith communities. We have several same sex couples planning to be legally and religiously wed with a reception to follow.  We will be traveling by bus, hotel rooms are being arranged along with filing for the marriage licenses.  If you are interested in being legally or religiously married or want to be a part of this wonderful celebration as a guest participant contact Sera Callif - Here. 


Our Condolences

Sherman Weiler, uncle of Howard Seidler, died on January 8, 2014. The funeral took place on Sunday, January 12, 2014.

January Programs and Events


Uptown Talmud

Wednesdays, Jan. 15 & 29, Noon - 1:15 PM

Bechtler Museum Caf�, 420 S. Tryon St.


Tu biShvat Seder

Wednesday, January 15, 7:00 PM

Creative readings, fruit, juice, wine, dessert, and celebration of the Jewish New Year of the Trees!

Join Rabbi Jonathan and the Temple Beth El community for a celebration of the bounty of the Land of Israel. We will rejoice in the birthday of the trees as we take a taste tour through Israel's native fruits.  Everyone welcome and free! Please RSVP Here.


ChaiLytes Tour of Harvey B. Gantt Center and Havdalah Service

Saturday, January 18, 2014 at 2:45 pm         

Details Here.  RSVP by Wed., Jan. 15 @ 5:00 PM Here. 


January World Caf� 

Sat., January 25th, 9:00 - 10:30 AM at TBE

Matt Kelly will host & has prepared intellectually stimulating topics for discussions on today's hot Jewish topics.

Jewish War Veterans Charlotte american-flag-wavy.jpg

Sunday, January 26th from 10:am to 12 noon at Temple Beth El 

Join Eileen Schwartz, Barry Ross (USA Retired) and others as we meet to re-activate the chapter of the Jewish War Veterans Charlotte.  


Book Club - My Promised Land  Sunday, January 26, 11:30 AM at TBE

Come and discuss the far-reaching implications and current questions raised by Ari Shavit's unapologetic and intriguing history of the Zionist project and Israel, My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel.  Interesting discussion even for those without time to read the book!  Bagels and Coffee for $5 too. 


Torah Yoga NEW Session blue-yoga-matts.jpg

Friday mornings through March 7th

8 am to 9 am


Enter Shabbat Renewed and Replenished! Details Here.  Call 704-749-3070 to RSVP or simply show up. 

S.P.I.C.E. Programs


Wednesday, January 22 - at TBE.  (Note change of day)
Details Here
Register online 
Here by Wed., Jan. 15th.


S.P.I.C.E. Afternoon Out - Sunday, January 26, 2014 
"The Miss Firecracker Contest" at 
Theatre Charlotte 
Register online  Here 
or by calling 704-366-1948 by Tues., January 14th.   


Monday, February 3 - at TBE

Details Here

RSVP required by Tuesday, January 28  Here.

  January Events

Temple Beth El Brotherhood

Man of Distinction Award Request for Nominations 

This award is presented to an active TBE Brotherhood member who has distinguished himself in the areas of SERVICE, SOCIAL ACTION and FRATERNAL LEADERSHIP


Temple Beth El members are encouraged to submit their request for this year's Man of Distinction award to be presented at Brotherhoods Annual Shabbat Dinner and Service on Friday, February 28, 2014. Your nomination must include your reasons for selecting this Brotherhood member and should be sent to Howard Epstein Here no later than January 31, 2014.  Click Here for more information.

Youth Events & News   

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Hatikvah Kallah Early Bird Registration Now Open

Attention 7th and 8th graders at Temple Beth El, this year Hatikvah Kallah will be at The Temple in Atlanta, GA! Sign up by 1/16  to get the early bird rate of $100 by visiting Here.


Want to come to a kallah, but worried about the cost? Temple Beth El has AVODAH hours for you!  For each AVODAH hour that you complete, Temple Beth El will contribute $7.50 toward a Kallah registration or the bus-it's your choice!  The next opportunity:


*Email Dara Gever, Director of Youth Engagement Here to sign up and earn money for upcoming youth programs of your choice!


Have a Child in College?  Click Here for information on COLLEGE CONNECTION.


Family Fun Day Bingo Tournament January 25th from 3-5 PM 

The Youth Engagement Committee is hosting a fabulous "Family Fun Day," featuring a delicious ice cream sundae bar and some entertainment, Bingo with lots of great prizes! Click Here to learn more. RSVP for Family Fun Day by Wednesday, 1/22 by clicking Here

Mariana new collection - meaningful and delightful !


In our Discovered Traditions Gift Shop.

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