Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.
February 2015
In This Issue
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Memorials & Milestones

Trace Haythorn, Executive Director

Clark Goss Pearson, Assistant Editor 

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2015 Annual Conference
Register today for the annual conference!
Behold the New Year is Before You
David Johnson 2x3

By David C. Johnson, ACPE President


"You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going.  What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope"  

- Thomas Merton


During our morning report recently, one of our residents offered the quote by Thomas Merton found above.  Merton's quote inspires me and releases me.  It releases me from my need to control.  It inspires me to live into an unfinished painting or portrait.  At this point in my term and ACPE's history, I think the quote holds something for us all.  ACPE is in a process of becoming much like the students who participate in our various CPE programs.  Certainly, those in SES program feel the unsettledness of "becoming."



Aspirations for a Vibrant Year in ACPE


Ute Schmidt By Ute Schmidt, Annual Campaign Chair


Greetings from your new Sowing Seeds for Our Holy Work Annual Campaign Chair! I would like to thank all of you who have shared your generosity of time, talent and donations this past year to enhance the work of ACPE. As of January 8,330 people have donated $107,366; of that amount $36,202 are from a one-time bequest. Your donations are making a difference every day in the lives of individuals and our association as a whole. Every donation in any amount has helped to bring us closer to the goal of full participation.


As the new chair for the Annual Campaign, I feel privileged to serve all of you - members and friends of ACPE - as an encouraging voice and presence inviting you to tap into your spirit of generosity in 2015.


It is the beginning of a new year and you may be thinking about your hopes, goals and aspirations for the next 12 months. Maybe those aspirations include coming to the ACPE Annual Conference in Atlanta in May, or new programing at your center, or courageous research in CPE or chaplaincy. Whatever it is that stirs up your passion, may you feel supported and encouraged by your colleagues in ACPE.


My aspirations for this ACPE year include supporting all of you in moving forward toward an even greater participation in building a culture of sharing and giving. I will reach out to you via this newsletter, email and in close collaboration with the Regional Champions. And I hope that you will consider contacting me too with any questions, suggestions or concerns. Looking forward to hearing from you.


May 2015 become a vibrant and strong year for ACPE!
Professional Ethics Commission Action

The Final Case Review Panel of the ACPE and APC Joint Ethics Process found Rev. Stephen Spencer in violation of ACPE Standards 100, 101.3, 102.4, 103.4 and 104.1. 


The Sanction is Withdrawal of Certification.

Yuma Regional Medical Center celebrated the 25th anniversary of the CPE Program
Earl Cooper with his horse Bill
Earl Cooper with his horse Bill.

On January 20, 2015, Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC) celebrated the 25th anniversary of its CPE program.  ACPE President David Johnson, Executive Director Trace Haythorn, Regional Directors John Moody and Dennis Kenny, were present for the celebrations. CPE Supervisor Earl Cooper has led the program for the majority of its 25-year existence.


Read more about it in the Yuma Sun.

ACPE Supervisor receives VIP Woman of the Year
Sue Turley ACPE Supervisor Susan G. Turley, M.Ed., M.Div., is recognized as a National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) VIP Woman of the Year for her outstanding leadership and commitment within her profession.

NAPW's mission is to provide an exclusive, highly advanced networking forum to successful women executives, professionals and entrepreneurs where they can aspire, connect and achieve. Through innovative resources, unique tools and progressive benefits, professional women interact, exchange ideas, advance their knowledge and empower each other.

Read more about Sue's honor.
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling
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The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, Vol 68, No 4 (2014) is now available online.  Contact for Latasha Cain for subscriptions and access.
Announcements / Educational Opportunities
February 2015 Holy Days
David B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality

DMin now allowing transfer of Supervisory CPE units as equivalent

National Collaborative on Faith and Disability Webinar Series

Attend a lecture by Rev. Dr. Craig Barnes, President of Princeton Theological Seminary

Transforming Lives, Transforming the World: What Howard Thurman Has to Say to 21st-Century Pilgrims

Houston Methodist Hospital's Bioethics Course

Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) Education

National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) Webinars