Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.
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Trace Haythorn, Executive Director

Clark Goss Pearson, Assistant Editor 

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I Have Only One Small Request
David Johnson 2x3

By David C. Johnson, ACPE President


I assume that many of you are not too different from me.  I have been disturbed by the news about the violence in our culture - how we cannot even agree with what to do with violence within our families, on our streets and in our schools.  Race, class, and social status continue to play into the adjudication of different events.  I realize that this is probably not any different than what has played out over the centuries of our existence.  I have wondered how ACPE should respond to such events.  Our mission statement is clear that we are to have a voice.


"ACPE Mission Statement:  Advancing exceptional experience-based theological education and professional practice to heal a hurting world."  


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A Letter from Greg Stoddard

Greg Stoddard 2x3

By Greg Stoddard, FCPE President


This will be the last opportunity for me to communicate with you in my role as President of the Board for the Foundation for ACPE.  It has been my great honor and privilege to serve ACPE in this capacity for the last four years.  During my time as President, the board of the FCPE has worked steadily to restore trust and assure that FCPE is fully aligned with ACPE as its financial steward and fundraising arm.  At our recent meeting in Atlanta, the FCPE board continued to advance the agenda of alignment.  We voted to appoint Trace Haythorn to serve as Executive Director for both ACPE and FCPE.  We, along with many of you, have been impressed with Trace's leadership and vision.  His experience in the development field serves both arms of our organization well. 


This fall I appointed new members to the FCPE Board Membership committee.  The committee chaired by Robin Brown Haithco, FCPE board secretary, included ACPE President David Johnson, Parkland Foundation CEO and FCPE board member David Krause.  They also consulted with Trace Haythorn and Agnes Bourne, FCPE board member.  In addition to bringing a slate of officers and board members for 2015, Robin's committee made recommendations for changing the FCPE's policy on terms of service.  On their recommendation, the FCPE board has established a two-year term limit for FCPE board president, and a three year term limit for FCPE board members beginning with the 2015 member class.   I am pleased to inform you that Stuart Plummer has been elected by the FCPE board to a term as President of the Board starting in 2015.  All FCPE board appointments are confirmed by the ACPE Board of Representatives by policy.  


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Annual Campaign

By Bill Scrivener, Chair  Bill Scrivener 2x3


This will be my last article for the ACPE News as Chair of the Sowing Seeds for Our Holy Work Annual Campaign.  It has been a gratifying year.  To date we have raised $87,105.53 (includes a $36,202 bequest) from 289 donors. We won't have the final numbers until after the first, and I strongly encourage any of you who have not contributed to please do so before December 31.


The 2012 annual campaign was a rally begun by Miriam Needham, and built upon the prior fundraising activities of FCPE. I think we, the members of ACPE, have turned a corner in understanding that the campaign is vital in supporting our fundraising work, and provides a source of revenue to support new and creative initiatives in ACPE.  I am very pleased to have been able to contribute to this effort.


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Board Actions from the November 2014 Meeting

The ACPE board met in Decatur, GA from November 16-18, 2014.  Below is a list of agenda items the board discussed and acted upon. You are encouraged to contact your board representative with questions or for more information. The board roster is available on the ACPE website.

  • The board enthusiastically heard and received reports from the following task force: Certification Reform, Impaired Supervisors, Professional Development, International Relationships, Conference Structure, and Governance.  Each task force was given an extension to continue their good work and present action items for the board to review at future meetings.
  • The board approved three items from the National Conference Structure Initiative report:
    • A multi-year rotation of three or four cities throughout the country for the annual conference location was established.  The rotation will begin after Denver 2016 as a three city rotation between Atlanta, Phoenix, and Minneapolis.  After six years the pilot-rotation will be evaluated for savings and efficiency.
    • An Annual Competitive Keynote Award was established to highlight one of ACPE's own who are outstanding in their field of practice.  This will take place as one of the plenary sessions.
    • Budget and Finance Policies were established to give guidance to the NCC and REM.
Accreditation Commission

The actions taken by the Accreditation Commission at its November meeting were posted on the ACPE website on December 17, 2014.  Individual centers are being notified of commission actions via email.  If you have not received an email for your center, please be in touch with Kimberly Yates.

Welcome New Members

Please join us in welcoming two new members!  At its recent meeting, the board approved the membership applications of a new seminary member and a new network member.


Seattle University - School of Theology and Ministry


 Evolutionary Spirituality Network

Online Study and Support to Jewish Level 1 & 2 ACPE Students

The field of Jewish spiritual care is still young and in an exciting stage of development.  In order to foster the Jewish groundings of the work and contribute to Jewish identity formation, as well as enhance fellowship for Jewish students, the Center for Pastoral Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary is creating an innovative opportunity for current Jewish CPE students around the country.  This five-session study and consultation group will help students deepen their Jewish foundation for spiritual care and will complement their CPE training experiences Jewish clergy, seminary students and lay leaders of all Jewish backgrounds who are currently enrolled in an accredited ACPE Level 1 & 2 CPE are welcome to enroll.  


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NAJC Conference in Israel

Join a multi-faith trip to Israel!


Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC) is holding their 26th annual conference in Israel January 30 - February 6, 2015.  It is also facilitating multi-faith tours of Israel that will immediately follow the conference.  Visit the NAJC website for more information and to register. 

Announcements / Educational Opportunities
January 2015 Holy Days 

Houston Methodist Hospital's Bioethics Course

ACPE Academy for Continuing Education

Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) Education

National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) Webinars