Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.
September 2013
In This Issue
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Memorials & Milestones

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ACPE Hires an Executive Director
By Robin Brown-Haithco, ACPE President
trace haythorn

I am pleased to announce the hiring of Trace Haythorn as our Executive Director. Trace is an ordained Presbyterian minister (PCUSA) with five years of executive leadership experience in two major non-profits in the Atlanta area.  He received his M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Cultural Foundations of Education at Syracuse University.  He has served as an Assistant Professor of Religion, Associate Pastor, and Chaplain. Trace has also completed eight units of ACPE CPE.


We are excited to have Trace join us in the position of Executive Director and he is excited to be joining us at this time in our history.  His non-profit and fund development experience will serve our Association well as we move forward with our 2020 Strategic Plan.


Trace will join the National Office as the Executive Director October 28, 2013.


Please look for more information on the ACPE Website and the ACPE Academy website. You may send your questions or thoughts to Robin Brown-Haithco.

Requests for Funding for Innovative CPE Projects
Now accepting requests for funding for innovative CPE projects. They may now be submitted for consideration by the ACPE Program Award Committee.  Proposals are to be sent via email to John Roch by October 1, 2013 in a PDF format.  At its Fall 2013 meeting, the Board will award funding based upon recommendation by the Committee.


Criteria for Funding of Innovative CPE projects

Projects to be funded should have goals demonstrably consistent with the mission/vision/ values of ACPE.  Click here for more info.


Journal of Pastoral Care Publications
survey image
At the most recent member meeting of the association in Indianapolis, the membership was informed that the Board of Representatives approved a decision to discontinue ACPE's financial commitment to the Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, in light of budget constraints.  The annual expense for providing complimentary subscriptions of the journal to members of the association is $42,320.  
There was considerable discussion about that decision by the members at the annual meeting.  As a consequence, a task force was appointed by ACPE President Robin Brown-Haithco to review the decision.  The task force is asking the membership to respond to a questionnaire (six questions) regarding the value and use of the journal.   
2015 Standards & Manuals Study Documents



By David Rumbold, Standards Committee Chair


feedback The recently published Study Documents represent the work of Standards as this committee has sought to understand and respond to areas of confusion as well as changes ACPE is facing.  If you have not yet done do, please review the documents and give us your feedback.
2013 ACPE Sowing Seeds for Our Holy Work Annual Campaign
Miriam Needham

By Miriam Needham, Annual Campaign Chair


Our Annual Campaign goal this year is not a monetary one; our goal is to achieve 100% membership giving.  Our Association needs so much beyond what our dues and fees can cover.  This year we want to help fund a much-needed system to help streamline our accreditation processes.  We would also like to support the purchase of new management software to replace the old and outmoded system that the national office has had for many years.  But closest to my heart is our clear intent to help fund creative and new CPE programs in contexts where CPE has not existed but deserves to be present.  A minimum of 20% of the amount we raise will go toward funding ACPE grants for those programs.


All these operating and programmatic needs are helped tremendously by what we are able to raise in our Annual Campaign.  So please consider a gift - no matter the amount.  If we can report 100% giving, then we have strong access to foundations and private donors who are looking to see if the organization is supported by its membership.


I know all our regions will be holding regional meetings this fall.  At those meetings, you will hear from the Annual Campaign CHAMPION who represents your region.  She/he will be encouraging you to give so that your regional membership will be able to compete with other regions as we seek 100% membership giving.  Your Champion will have good information to give and will be able to answer your questions. 


Please look for an opportunity at your regional meeting to give if you have not done so already.  Thank you all for your faithfulness.  I am grateful.

ACPE Academy for Continuing Education


Ruth SchulenbergOctober 24th, 1:00-2:00 EDT, $25.00


ACPE Supervisor V. Ruth Schulenberg is a trained SoulCollage® Facilitator. During this webinar you will be introduced to this creative, transformative process that helps people tap into their intuitive wisdom using symbolism and images as a creative healing process and  means of self-discovery and insight.   Participants will learn how these resources can be applied to patient care and pastoral education. Register now

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling

The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling Vol 67, No 3 (2013) is available online.  Click here for complete instructions
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Racial, Ethnic, Multicultural (REM) Network 27th Invitational

REM 2014 Logo Visioning:  Reclaiming Our Purpose, Offering Our Best, Embracing Race, Ethnicity and Culture


February 5-8, 2014

February 5 - Peer Reviews (Limited Space)
Charlotte, North Carolina

Hilton Executive Park 

5624 Westpark Drive

Charlotte, NC  28217

Make your hotel reservations

Announcements / Educational Opportunities
October 2013 Holy Days

Public Health Ethics Intensive Course - April 1-4, 2014

Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) Education

National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) Webinars