Dont Miss A Twain Tiger in King Arthur's Court 
Tuesday, October 29th
5:30 - 7:30 PM

Math Night is a great way to show our Twain Tigers that math is all around us and it can be FUN . . .  But it takes Volunteers to make it happen. We are in need of over thirty (30) MORE Volunteers . . . . or we will need to reduce the number of Fun Math Activities!!!


Math Activities range from making paper boats, to strategy games and measuring circumferences.  Your Twain Tigers will LOVE Math Night and will  LOVE seeing you involved at their school!

We need Parent and Student (5th Graders and up) Volunteers to help our Twain Tigers with some simple and fun math activities.
Fifth (5th) Grade Twain Tiger Volunteers can sign up with Ms. Daniels at To Volunteer with your Twain Tiger, please enter their name in the comment field of the Signup Genius link below.  Shifts are one (1) hour and can be split between spouses or friends.  Volunteers need to arrive 10 minutes early to sign in at the 'Welcome Table' and get instructions.  If you can spare an hour, please sign up at this SignUpGenius Link.
If you have any questions, please contact Irene Chang or Megan Rose