Boshers | Holiday Home Owner Blog
RNLI Flood Rescue Team
If your holiday home has suffered damage due to the extreme weather we have been experiencing, you can help to mitigate losses by discovering the problem as early as possible through regular inspections. on here>> 

Flooding infographic Check out this useful infographic giving advice on what to do during a flood warning. Follow the advice below to help protect your home and property on here>>

Ten tips to protect yourself and your holiday home in the event of flooding on here>>
Christmas Opening Hours
For our Christmas and New year opening hours ... read on here>> 
Merry Christmas | from Boshers Ltd  

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Mark Lavington Cert CII | Director
Merry Christmas  
to all our holiday home owners. For those of you that have been unfortunate enough to suffer flooding at or near your properties our thoughts are with you.   
As you can imagine, our staff, our colleagues at Ecclesiastical, loss adjusters and revival companies are at full stretch. 
If your holiday home is vacant over the Christmas period I would like to urge you to ensure that your property is inspected in order that you may mitigate any losses in the event that your property has suffered damage due to the inclement weather. 
To remind yourself of Boshers Holiday Home Insurance policy conditions please on here>>
Stay safe! 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mark Lavington 
Boshers Ltd  
Specialist Insurance Solutions 
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