September 3, 2014
FINISHES... It is exciting! It is encouraging! It is enlivening! But we are not finished ... we've only just begun. I have walked through the beautiful, renovated, renewed Preschool facility. It has been brought up to standards that are required of preschool and childcare facilities. We have a far more secure campus and a better organized process of receiving our children and assuring their safety when they leave us. Not to mention, the savings we will reap on utilities, due to the upgraded, efficient air conditioning units and excellent insulation.

It is exciting!!!!... to see the Children's Center in its final stages of completion... Again, a more
secure facility that will house an excellent ministry to our young ones. There is still much to do after the completion to make the walls, halls, and doors welcoming to parents and children. The entrance way on the west side of the building will welcome children and parents to a place of joy, nurture, and safety. Again, this wing will require less utility costs with up-to-date air conditioning and excellent insulation.


NOT FINISHED YET... It is encouraging! Our YOUTH CENTER - The Board of Trustees authorized approximately $21,000 for immediate remedy of needs in the Youth Center ... not complete needs in the Youth Center. Insulation was installed. Electrical was updated. Walls were removed to make larger spaces for activities and to just plain clean up years of varmint invasions and other
degradation from age. The youth worked hard to assist in accomplishing these initial efforts to improve their place of Worship, Discipleship and Fellowship. But the Youth Center is not finished and we have no funds from our Renovation Fund to complete the needs for our Youth Center. I am praying that there just might be some folks who would be willing to step up and help. We need $12,000 for flooring and $4,000 for cabinetry and storage. Perhaps God is nudging some folks to go to bat for our youth in completing this project?


We have commitments to repair and beautify our Sanctuary Steeple and update our church sign on Military Trail. What remains is upgrades and improvements to our Adult Ministry Center adjacent and around Founder's Chapel. There are improvements we hope to make in our Sanctuary, Narthex and  Fellowship Hall.


NEVER ENDING STORY...  I know...I know...I know. It is seems like the lists of needs
never end. The reality is, a vibrant and alive church's needs never end and are never finished. It is
exciting! All we do here should be to the Glory of God and the call of Christ Jesus our Lord. In the words of Paul in Philippians chapter 3:


Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


I pray we all work toward what lies ahead.  Your Servant,

Birthdays - September 3 - 16

03 - Marion Knapp, Judy Wilson
04 - Brendt Becker
05 - Joyce Hildreth
06 - Rae Bonner
07 - Rick Farquhar, Adam Hewko, Cale Schaefer
08 - Rhonda Park, Stacy Spain
09 - Malvin Cedeno, Warren Kulp, Peggy Wickerham
10 - Ian Abraham, Robert Rhodes, Jake Schattie
11 - Arthur Lassick, Linda Monroe, Lorrie Williamson
12 - Elizabeth Henry
13 - Rachel Cartwright-Vanzant, Marcus Stevens,
        Neesha Noel
15 - Vickki Jorge
16 - Gail Eissey, Ilona Remson, Josh Schattie, Henry Webster
Anniversaries - September 3 - 16

03 - Bill & Polly Gillespie, Mike & Leslie Hill
06 - Dennis & Michelle Brookman, Charlie & Maxine Godfrey
07 - Robert & Pat Rhodes
08 - Saen & Laena Olsen
09 - Paul & Faye Wilson, Woddy Woodrow & June Clarke



This Week:

& Biscuits

Study of Romans
Led by: Sam Webb
6:30 pm
Erbey Center Room 128

  Rehearsals 6:30 - 8:00pm
in the Sanctuary

If you are interested in joining the choir please contact Joel Evans.

Read, Talk & Learn

1st & 3rd
Thursdays 3:00pm
Music Suite 

Every 2nd & 4th Fridays

For more information contact
Tony Zmistowski

Christian Martial Arts seminar on
self-defense at 6:30 PM in the gym.
The seminar will last about 1-1.5 hours.
All are welcome to attend.

 9:00 am
in the Sanctuary
10:30 am
in the Fellowship Hall
 9:00 am 

40 Days of Purpose

Erbey Center Room 128  

10:30 am

KLM (Keep Learning More)



Good Sam's Group

Erbey Center Room 109



Erbey Center Room 119




 8:00 - 9:15 am 
 10:00 - 10:30 am 





 7:00 - 9:00 pm 
Youth Center
Due to our renovation project the Men's Group will be meeting in the Pastor's Conference Room.

Trinity United Methodist Church