Please don't forget to change your Facebook cover photo using the image above. For a PC, simply right click on the image and then save it to your computer. For a Mac, click on the photo and drag it to your desktop. Or, just click the download icon on the image to save it.

This month we are inviting you to the Clean Hearting Challenge--30 days of a deeper, fuller, freer, clean-eating conversation! #cleanhearting

September THEME: Clean Hearting

Click HERE to watch Alisa's video!
September Theme #CleanHearting

This month, our theme will be dedicated to the Clean Hearting Challenge, #cleanhearting. Registration is now open, CLICK HERE to sign-up now! On September 12th we will officially begin the this 30-Day Food & Fitness Challenge. The program has been revised and includes meal planning with recipes, food lists & shopping lists now added. As well, there will be daily devotionals, RevWell TV� access for 30 days, a suggested workout calendar to go with it, Facebook LIVE teachings, and exclusive access to a closed Facebook group. We encourage YOU to invite your communities into this deeper, fuller, freer clean-eating conversation. They can be a part of the goodness for ANY $$ donation amount. Please feel free to use the image above to invite them into the conversation.

Your community might ask you, who is this food & fitness challenge for & why do this challenge? It is for the person who pursues weight loss and/or body transformation AND they're willing to find out WHAT God has to do with it. We're going to clean out what's going on in our hearts!!
Leadership Minute: Following

I was asking the Lord to teach me more about leadership the other day, and I heard Him say, "Don't focus on leading; focus on following Me."

When He walked the earth, Jesus did not go out looking for leaders. He looked for disciples, for those who would follow Him. And He said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.'(Matt. 4:19) In the Greek language, this was not a statement, but a command, an imperative. Jesus was not hoping or suggesting they would follow Him, but calling and commanding those who would be His disciples to follow Him. In order to be great leaders in the Kingdom of God, we must first become His followers-daily, moment by moment.
The foundation of godly leadership is found in following.

As you think about your own growth in leadership this month, start with these questions:
  • What does it mean to follow Jesus?
  • How well am I following His lead?
Before we can lead others, we MUST learn to follow His lead. Follow Him through the gospels. Watch what He does. This is Kingdom leadership. This is how we are to lead...
by following!

Heather - 
[email protected]

September Calendar

Aug. 29-Sept. 11 -- Clean Hearting Registration
September 1 -- LAUNCH Leadership Development Program Begins
September 5 -- Labor Day
September 11 -- Clean Hearting Closes @ 12P EST
September 12 -- Clean Hearting Begins!

Coming Soon:
October 1-4 -- Rim to Him 2016 Event
October 1 -- Rim to Him 2017 Registration Opens 
October 11 -- Clean Hearting Ends

October Theme

After the Clean Hearting Challenge ends, we'll turn our focus to family with the theme:
'This is My Legacy'   #thisismylegacy
NEW Core Team Member: Kristen Ulin
Please join us in welcoming our NEW Core Team family member-Kristen Ulin! She will be taking us to new heights as our Events Coordinator. This role will grow into Event Director within a year or so. She is basically stepping into the role of cruise director (Think 'Julie' from the Love Boat, anyone?)! She is a unique and beautiful combination of someone who loves spreadsheets AND people. Who could ask for more? So, please welcome Kristen with open arms!

Prayer Calls

Please check the Revelation Wellness� Family page for reminders about prayer call days & times. HERE is an updated list of all the calls for your reference.
Call: 1(605)475.4700 when prompted,
Access Code: 1053090#  

September Family Call

Revelation Wellness is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Topic: September Family Call (Focus on Kingdom Culture Marriage)
Time: Sep 13, 2016 2:00 PM (GMT-4:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +16465588656,235841135# or +14086380968,235841135#

Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
    Meeting ID: 235 841 135

Latest FREE Podcast/Workout!

Listed below is Alisa's latest episode of Reving the Word on 'Death to Self' (Romans 6:1-7). Each podcast leads you through a coached workout while speaking God's word over your life and is supported by inspirational music. Check in regularly for more episodes coming soon and be sure to share them with your friends & family! 

On iTunes (iPhone users)
On Podbean (Android users)
Core Team Feature: Nick Stohler

  1. What is your full name?:  Nicholas Ryan Stohler
  2. How old are you?: 31
  3. What's your favorite color?: PANTONE PMS 364 (green)
  4. Are you married? Do you have kids?: Yes, to the most beautifully created and amazingly talented Ashlee Lou Ann (Fulp) Stohler. And yes, we have our 3 year-old Rocco Ryan who is set to become a quantum physics engineer & then there's Josee Hope who (at almost 2 months old) seems to be a night owl and enjoys day-sleeping, all you can eat buffets and making daddy do whatever she wants him to...
  5. Where do you live?: Anderson, IN
  6. Favorite book?: Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
  7. Favorite movie?: The Shawshank Redemption and Step Up 2: The Streets
  8. One food you cannot live without?: Donuts (it's just true)
  9. One food you can live without?: Cottage Cheese (regardless of curd size)
  10. Worst habit?: Donuts...... :(
  11. What do you love most about yourself?: I'm easy to get along with.
  12. How did you learn about Rev?: Ashlee became an instructor in Spring 2015.
  13. What is one thing you know for sure?: He is GOOD!
  14. A dream you have for your life?: Sky-diving on the regular!
  15. Something hardly anyone knows about you?:   I was a cheerleader for the girls' basketball team in sixth grade!
  16. Favorite Bible verse?: James 3:1-12 - this piece of scripture was the first time I ever had an epiphany as a Christian. I was so excited and I told pretty much everyone who would listen (and then some)
  17. Favorite type of exercise?: NOT HIGH KNEES!
  18. What do you do for Rev?: I am our Creative Store Front Manager. My job includes working with our marketing team to produce high quality, God-focused apparel and merchandise while keeping up with the latest trends and managing the RevWellApparel Instagram account. Aside from that, I am supporting the local Rev ministries in my home church and surrounding area whenever possible. I am also proud to be a part of Platoon 0016 in Fall of 2016, with hopes of organizing hikes and an annual Rev-infused obstacle event. EXCITED!
HelpDesk/Technolgy Assistant
Approximately 10-15 hours per week
Responsible for assisting the IT team with day to day technology maintenance as well as participate in rolling out new projects.

Job Skills and Requirements
  • General IT knowledge: Understanding of how PC/MAC/smart phones work and communicate
    on the internet
  • General web technology knowledge: Understanding of web technologies such as WordPress
    and HTML
  • Ability to troubleshoot
  • Ability to self-study/research

Nice-to-Have Skills
  • Deep understanding of Network/PC/Server technologies
  • Deep understanding of security best practices
  • Deep understanding of web technologies
  • Project management experience in medium to large environments

Disclaimer: Job description and requirements are as mentioned but not limited to list. All positions will grow, shift and change with the needs of the ministry.

If you have experience, are interested, and feel called to applying for this position, please send your resum� to: [email protected] and put 'HelpDesk/Technology Assistant' in the subject line of your message.
 RevWell Store
Okay family, if you haven't stopped by the store in a while you just might think about it. "Why?" you may ask...
  • Salt & Light, our newest tank, is out and ready to start some conversations.
  • The Fall Line is on it's way, but until then we have some sweet Rev gear waiting in our store! And, beginning today-September 1st, we are cleaning house of our Spring and some of last Fall's merch (I know, right). 25% off just about everything!!!
  • Connect with us on Instagram! @RevWellApparel / #revwellapparel. When you do, get ready for some giveaways throughout the month of September! Don't forget to share photos of yourself in your RevWell apparel and use #revwellapparel.
Lastly, remember the purpose. We represent an amazing and beautiful God and it's our hope to do the same in our apparel!

You can find the Instructor Discount when you use your login/password on the website.
Go to: 
The code is near the top of the page. Get your swag on!

Find us on Instagram @revwellapparel:
NEW! Rev on the Road
As most of you probably know, there will no longer be any more Jesus at the Core events. The union of the Holy Yoga™ and Revelation Wellness� is shifting and changing, as we are each growing. We sense the Lord is doing something new with the wellness events and our ministries. We LOVE coming to your communities and dropping a Holy Spirit bomb & are eager to get back out on the road. Our new event name will be called Rev on the Road. God is doing a new thing and with this we'll have the ability to carve it to your needs. If you are interested in hosting an event in your community, we can talk to you about what that might look like. This is just the beginning of something greater! CLICK HERE & fill out the form if you are interested in hosting a future event in your area.
Flat Butt & Tailbone Tucked Under
by Christina Mroz

Why some people have a flat butt?  How do you fix this?  Should you tuck your tailbone under in squats or not?  These are the questions, that Christina will be handling this month.  Take 5 minutes to find out the answers to these questions.

CLICK HERE to watch the video.
Instructor Feature
RW Instructor: Rachael Gilbert, Flower Mound, Texas
(Platoon 13) 


I grew up an overweight child. I would eat and eat some more. I had no boundaries on food nor did I realize the effect it had on my body. When I was in high school I unexpectedly got hip pain. It grew worse and worse until finally the doctors told me my only option was to stop playing basketball. They also advised me that I shouldn't gain any more weight. Not knowing how to control my weight I made an agreement with them to stop drinking pop and eating candy bars. Within one month I dropped 30 lbs. I was a sophomore in high school and I can still remember the moment I walked down the halls and felt seen for the first time. In that moment I became addicted to being skinny. I had friends who would yo-yo diet with me like it was a hobby. We would starve ourselves for weeks, take diet pills, laxatives, then plan binge nights where we would eat any and everything and start that cycle all over again.

When I went to college I feared nothing more than the "freshman fifteen". I would workout at midnight and often do two a days. It was then that I decided to get my degree in Exercise Physiology so I could be a "pro" at understanding how the body worked and ensure I never became one of those fat moms (my college self speaking).  

My husband & I met in college and got married when I still had a year of school left to finish. I got pregnant in our first year of marriage and boy did a take the "eating for two" to a whole new level. Hello Krispy Kremes and blueberry muffins! I gained 65 lbs. and hated myself. I went into freak out mode after I had our daughter and was in the gym every waking moment. Because I was there so much and appeared to know what I was doing (boy did I have them fooled) the gym manager approached me and asked if I would teach group fitness classes. It sounded like a fun way to make some money and burn a few extra calories so I said yes.

My classes quickly became very popular for two reasons:
  1. I was terrified of public speaking so I purposefully wrote the classes tough so people would be more focused on staying alive than on me.
  2. Because I knew a little science behind how to exercise and fuel your body correctly the people who did attend my classes were shedding weight like crazy.
Again, this was another "I'm hooked" moment in life when I became addicted to being seen by the success of the classes rather than knowing I was seen by God.

Over the next several years I took every training and certification I could in an attempt to get better and do more. Because when your worth is not found in God you will never be good enough.

God intervened when I was pregnant with our second child and I was crying over how much weight I had gained (again). I finally submitted this area of my life to Him and the healing began. In my healing process I asked God if I could please stop teaching group fitness. I loved teaching but did not love how shallow it felt. It seemed everyone (including me) was more excited about burning calories and getting ripped abs then they were to chat with God or read His word. Shortly after I asked Him for permission to quit He placed me in a group with Alisa Keeton at a blogger conference. As I heard her share about Revelation Wellness I knew in my heart He was calling me there. I told my husband about it and He loved the idea. My husband told me we could personally pay for half the training but needed God to provide the other half. The last day for the registration for my platoon came and still no money so I told God, "okay not now." As soon as I said that to him I got a phone call from someone who said God told them to pay for half of my training. I scrambled to get my paperwork in and the rest is history!

I am so thankful that God brought me to this ministry/family and can't wait to see where else He takes me.
Class Format Inspiration
by Rachael Gilbert
This workout consists of  3 rounds with 3 moves for 3 minutes. You will do each move for 1 minute and repeat the round twice.

To make this more challenging you can do one or more of the following: increase weight, do each exercise for longer than a minute, add cardio in between or repeat the rounds more than twice.

Equipment needed: 
Heavy dumbbells. If you have been lifting with 5lbs bump up to 8 and so on. This workout will be more effective if the weight you choose is challenging to you.  

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30


NOTE: When I did this workout in my live class I did cardio stations between each round to mix things up and make the workout longer.

Rachael Gilbert
Platoon 13
Flower Mound, TX

Class Playlist Inspiration
by Rachael Gilbert

RevWell TV� Calendars for September

Click HERE to download a PDF list or use the listing below: 
Chief Operating Officer
Leah Parker
[email protected]
Creative Store Front Manager
Nick Stohler
Customer Care Administrator
Dana Seymour
Director of Administration
Paula Johnson
Director of Finance
Carole Peterson
Director of Marketing
Nicole Church
Enrollment Advisor 
& Leadership Development
Heather Johnson
Enrollment Advisor
Jami Kok
Events Coordinator
Kristen Ulin
Technical Support

Lead Instructor 
& Ambassador Coordinator
Myra Harbaugh
[email protected]
Lead Instructor
Sara Taylor
Lead Instructor
Tammy LaFleur
Store Manager
Staci Ward