Check out our lead article about kidney disease in this issue and watch for our Facebook posts with educational & inspiring patient stories throughout the month.
Well, it is spring again and our feline friends that go outside are faced with a surprising foe: ornamental grasses. These are a tricky foe because who'd ever think grass could be an issue for cats? Cats love to eat grass, no question about it. Many of us provide wheat grass for them to eat and they do fine with it. They will often vomit it, however it doesn't cause an issue. The question as to why cats would want to eat something that causes vomiting ......The problem is.... Read more >
by Pioneer Pet & CatIt
Offered in a variety of sizes and styles, our pet fountains are attractive and help encourage your cat to stay hydrated and healthy. These can be beneficial for cats with kidney disease. Starting at $25.99 (before discount). Discounts good thru 5/4.
A synergistic blend of ingredients for maximum kidney support. And tasty too! $20.99 for one month supply
Joining the family of calming products is the NurtureCALM pheromone collar - a cut-to-fit, lightweight collar that envelopes your cat in relaxing pheromones. One collar = one month,$18.99
Life is good for this American kitty living in Loreto, Mexico
Dennis Wackerbarth, DVM
Founder & Medical Director
Sarah Brandon, DVM
Richard Lester, DVM
Jennifer Fligiel, DVM
Lora Schuldt, DVM
Faythe Vaughan, DVM
Kathryn Mattick, DVM
Jessica Stern, DVM, DABVP
(feline specialty)
There's Hope For Managing Kidney Disease In Cats
Chronic renal failure (CRF), also referred to as kidney disease, is an extremely common condition that typically affects aging cats.
 Fortunately, if caught early more often than not we are able to manage our patient's symptoms and achieve a good quality of life for these cats for years. What are the symptoms of kidney disease? The earliest and most consistent clinical signs are increased thirst (polydipsia) and excess urine production (polyuria). As waste products build-up in the blood stream decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss will develop. Dehydration and lethargy can also occur. What causes kidney disease? CRF can occur in any cat, however Persians, Maine Coons, Siamese, Burmese, and Abyssinian breeds appear to be at higher risk for developing CRF. Predisposing factors that may contribute to the development of CRF include age and genetic predisposition. New research also suggests that acidified diets, low potassium levels, dental disease, and high blood pressure may also be contributing factors. CRF can only be confirmed with clinical tests, as several other diseases, can cause similar clinical signs. Urinalysis will measure urine specific gravity (the kidney's ability to concentrate the urine), and also screen for infection as cats with renal disease are predisposed to secondary bacterial urinary tract infections. Blood tests will measure the levels of waste products in the blood, check electrolyte values, and monitor for anemia. Blood pressure screenings are also important.
Although there is no cure for CRF, many of the symptoms can be supported with various therapies: hydration therapy, anti-nausea medications and antacids, electrolyte supplementation, hormone and blood pressure medications. The therapeutic plan is developed based on each individual cat's needs. With proper treatment, cats can often live years with a good quality life. Your veterinary team is always available to provide guidance in managing this disease. |
Take advantage of this month's testing specials good through May 4th with a physical examination and mention of this MEWSLETTER:
Urinalysis is usually the first test we recommend to check kidney function and if this shows any abnormalities, blood tests and/or blood pressure tests are recommended for cats at risk for kidney disease.
$48 (reg $68)
no access to outdoors
or litter box 3 hrs. prior
Blood Tests
15% OFF
any initial blood tests
if indicated
New Class Coming!
Thursday, May 9, 6-7:15 pm
with Jennifer Fligiel, DVM
Has your cat been diagnosed with cancer? Or perhaps you have an older cat and would like to be informed just in case you need it someday?
Then this is the class for you! Fortunately, in most cases there is much that can be done to keep cats comfortable and happy while they are undergoing cancer treatments and/or are living with symptoms.
Designed to take the mystique and scariness out of a cancer diagnosis, our very own Dr. Fligiel will discuss what the diagnosis means, review the various options for care, and share what you can do to support your kitty in the process. There will also be time allotted for both group and individual questions. The class is complimentary and will be held in our lobby.
Space is limited, so be sure to make your reservation early! To secure your spot, email classes@catsexclusive.com or call 206-546-2287.
Have you tried trimming your cat's nails at home? For indoor cats with nails and especially in older cats with or without outdoor access it is important to keep up on this to prevent ingrown toenails or injury to a toe when a nail gets caught in a fabric and to protect your furniture. Once you understand the basics it can become easy to do and can even be a bonding experience for you and your kitty.
Check out our new YouTube Video where Kelsey, one of our veterinary nurses, discusses and demonstrates how to clip a cat's toenails.
| Tips For Trimming Your Cat's Toenails |
 HOURS:Mon & Fri 8 am - 6 pm Tues, Wed, Thurs 8 am - 8 pm Sat 8 am - 5 pm
19203 Aurora Avenue North
Shoreline, WA 98133
(206) 546-2287 (CATS) The Place For Cat Since 1981
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