Today is a good day to renew your membership or join Kokua Mau as an individual member.  Details below and thank you for your support. 

Let's Talk Turkey. Not cooking advice, but here are 5 great resources to get you started to talk about advance care planning over the holidays, starting with Thanksgiving gatherings. As your loved ones gather from far and wide don't miss the opportunity to have a real conversation about your wishes for end-of-life care.

1. Starter Kit from The Conversation Project - download the PDF file or visit our website for more information.  This easy to follow Kit can get you talking about decision making and following wishes, providing a way to get conversations going before you get to the Advance Directive or POLST. The Starter Kit is also available in Chinese, Korean and Spanish.

2.  Contribute to  Story Corps' "The great Thanksgiving Listen 2016". This year Thanksgiving weekend, StoryCorps will work with teachers and high school students once again across the country to preserve the voices and stories of an entire generation of Americans over a single holiday weekend.

3. Discuss and Complete an Advance Directive with your loved ones - all the materials are on the KM website.  Notice we now have buttons on each webpage for Advance Directives and POLST for easy and quick access! The documents are available in 10 languages this year!

4. Laugh a bit with Pallimed's compilation of advertisements again designed to get you talking. Remember as you celebrate the holidays, there is no better time to have the conversation.

5.  Watch some movies and play some games to get the conversations going.  We created a (PDF) handout with a compilation
of some suggested key resources.  

Thur. December 1: Monthly Kokua Mau Meeting

Please join us for our joint November and December monthly meeting on Dec. 1, to learn, mingle and network.  This month features Self Care over the Holidays facilitated by Felicia Marquez-Wong, St. Francis Hospice and Pat Nishimoto, Tripler Army Medical Center.  We will also be having a small holiday party following the session so please bring along something to share! 

The Crucial Role of Spiritual Care - Case Studies and Practical Tools for Professionals
Thur. Dec 1, 2016

Conference Room 224
Weinberg Building
St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawai'i
2226 Liliha Street in Honolulu

We have set up a conference call for those who are unable to participate in person.  Conference Dial-in Number (712) 775-7100; Participant Access Code 1079885#. Please let us know ASAP if you will be calling in so we can get you the slides. 

Parking is validated and click here for a map and further details.  Please RSVP to Jeannette for a basic headcount.  (You can certainly come even if you didn't RSVP.)
Note: November: No Meeting since time conflicts with Thanksgiving
Aloha United Way Campaign & Kokua Mau

It is that time of the year: The Aloha United Way Campaign started, which supports important organizations in our community. 

For the second year we are honored to be part of it.  You can make a contribution specifically to Kōkua Mau by using our designation number 80410 on the Donor Designation Form (or the online version).  

Please tell your colleagues, friends and loved ones who might be part of an AUW campaign as well. The coconut wireless is still the best way to spread the word about this wonderful opportunity to support Kōkua Mau.

Thur. 1/12/2017 Conference: Making Health Care Whole

Jan. 12, 2017
7:15 am to 3:30 PM
Queen's Conference Center
1301 Punchbowl Street Honolulu, HI 96813

Morning: "Integrating Spirituality and Health Care"
Afternoon: "Witness to Suffering: The Art of being Present"
Half day registration $50, Full Day $100

As a result of attending this conference, spiritual care and healthcare providers will have a deeper understanding on the relevance of spirituality to the overall well-being of patients and their loved ones. Connections will be bridged between the work of medical professionals and religious/spiritual care providers. The day will be divided into two sections, which can be attended separately.

In the morning, Dr. Puchalski will lead us on a journey towards creating healing environments for the people we are called to serve. In the afternoon, she will facilitate small group discussions on how our organizations can increase our effectiveness in providing spiritual care.

For program details and registration download the PDF file.

This conference is with Dr. Christina Puchalski, MD in collaboration with Pacific Health Ministry and Hospice Hawai'i

Multilingual Resources 

All ten languages are now on our website!
    • Chinese Simplified
    • Chinese traditional
    • Ilocano
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Marshallese
    • Spanish
    • Tagalog
    • Tongan
    • Vietnamese
All multilingual resources are intended as tools to help members of our community with limited English proficiency. As is common with such complicated issues, these documents do not replace a one-on-one conversation, sometimes with the help of an interpreter, to walk people through the decisions they have to make for themselves or their loved ones. We translated six key documents into 10 languages:
  • Hawai'i Advance Health Care Directive
  • Advanced Directive Information Brochure
  • The official POLST Form for Hawai'i
  • POLST Information for Consumers
  • Information about CPR
  • Information about Tube Feeding
For all multilingual resources click on the "languages" menu button in the top right corner of our website, with two ways to access the multilingual PDF files:
  • By Language: Click on the language link and you get a list of all resources available in that language. We will add selected materials in the language (such as the Conversation Starter Kit) when we become aware of it.
  • By Document: Further down on the "Languages" page just click on the "multilingual" link for e.g. Consumer Guide to POLST and you find all the languages available for the Consumer Guide to POLST on one webpage.
Once you open one of the PDF files you will see that, for example, the Multilingual Advance Directive or POLST form have a cover sheet in English providing additional specific information. This background information is important for healthcare workers or English-speaking loved ones and make each PDF file a stand-alone document.

Please click on one of the links and explore the multilingual resources. We are looking forward to your ideas and feedback.

We want to thank all the volunteers who have dedicated countless hours reviewing documents and giving us feedback. It has been a herculean task but our community project is finally a reality thanks to all of you that helped us with your expertise.

We thank the collaborative effort of our sponsors that made this translation project possible.
  • AlohaCare
  • Executive Office on Aging (EOA)
  • Hawaii Health Systems Corporation (HHSC)
  • Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA)
  • Kaiser Permanente in Hawaii
  • 'Ohana Health Plan
  • University Health Alliance (UHA)
  • United Healthcare
Dec. 8, Being Mortal - Screening of the Film

"Being Mortal" delves into the hopes of patients and families facing terminal illness. The film investigates the practice of caring for the dying and explores the relationships between patients and their doctors. It follows a surgeon, Dr. Atul Gawande, as he shares stories from the people and families he encounters. When Dr. Gawande's own father gets cancer, his search for answers about how to best care for the dying becomes a personal quest.

Thur. Dec. 8
5:00-7:00pm; Registration 4:30pm
Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children,
1319 Punahou St., Confernce Rooms 4-7, New Diamond Head Tower
(Parking will be validated)

RSVP: 433-7676

ACP and Medicare Reimbursement

Advance Care Planning (ACP) conversations with clients are increasingly recognized as best practice and reimbursements rates from are now available.  HMSA has adopted the Medicare codes and will recognize them in their P4Q program. These codes will be recognized for people with HMSA as a primary or secondary payer.

As of January 1, 2016, Medicare began reimbursing healthcare providers for advance care planning (ACP) discussions with Medicare beneficiaries. Authorization for payment is set forth in the November 2015 Final Rule, published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

To help you better understand the new reimbursement rules, we have two free tools for you.   Please visit our website to access the PDF files.
  • ACP by the Medicare Learning Network
  • FAQs: Advance Care Planning Under Medicare - from Kokua Mau for Hawaii
As you prepare your patients and clients for ACP conversations, we encourage you to look at the free resources available from Kokua Mau.  Having these conversations is an important, but often a difficult and emotionally challenging task and we have resources to help you. The Starter Kit from The Conversation Project is a great resource available for free to all in Hawaii and there is also now a Starter Kit for people with dementia.  

Kokua Mau's Let's Talk Story Program

Help us to get our community talking. We have renamed our Speakers Bureau to the Let's Talk Story Program and we are ready to go out into the community to get conversations going.  A team of 19 speakers are ready to go. We have two avenues you can explore to get 'THE Conversation' started.
  • Let's Talk Story program
  • Free Screening of "Being Mortal"
The goal of our Let's Talk Story Program in a nutshell:
  • Learn how to talk with your loved ones about what matters most to you.
  • Share about the kind of care you want to receive with your doctor. You'll feel more confident and ready for the future.
Kōkua Mau wants to get our community talking about wishes for care at the end of life. Our new Let's Talk Story Program will go out to community organizations, churches and temples with our free, 2-hour interactive sessions facilitated by Kōkua Mau's trained experts. We know these are not easy conversations but they are some of the most important that you will ever have. Please help us spread the word about this great opportunity to facilitate "The Conversation."

Our goal is to help individuals and families understand decisions they may need to make and find resources and information in our community to talk about their wishes for care at the end of life.

If your group or somebody you know is interested in a free workshop on this important topic, contact Kōkua Mau at or (808) 585-9977.

Please visit our website for more details and download the PDF of the flyers for our Let's Talk Story program.
Talk Story Program Option: Free Screening of "Being Mortal"

Do you want to show the documentary "Being Mortal" at your facility, organization or meeting? Kokua Mau is now an 'official site' to show the hour-long PBS documentary for free in Hawaii. Please contact us and we can collaborate on a screening for you.
"Being Mortal" delves into the hopes of patients and families facing terminal illness. The film investigates the practice of caring for the dying and explores the relationships between patients and their doctors. It follows a surgeon, Dr. Atul Gawande, as he shares stories from the people and families he encounters. When Dr. Gawande's own father gets cancer, his search for answers about how to best care for the dying becomes a personal quest.
After the screening, we encourage you to have guided conversation on how to take concrete steps to identify and communicate wishes about end-of-life goals and preferences. Watch a short trailer here

In response to popular demand we have created (hot off the digital press) our brand new Kōkua Mau FaceBook page. We hope FB to become an additional avenue to share information about Advance Care Planning and available resources in Hawaii with a wider community.

Go to and check it out. If you are on FB please do what you do best, such as liking us and/or sharing our events or post. If there is anything else you would like to see on our FB page, please let us know.

Best wishes and Happy Thanksgiving. Please share your updates with us, 

Jeannette Koijane
Executive Director
Useful quick links to Kōkua Mau Topics
Kokua Mau  | 808-585-9977 | Email | Website