Welcome New
GALA Members!
Katherine Brodmerkle Angelo Garofalo
GALA Board of Directors
Deb Giordano President Nowell Francis Treasurer Paula Botch (Secretary) Guy Biechele Ashley Bird Kevin Bird Chuck Heidorn Doreen LaScola Bethany Price
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
PO Box 664
Gardner, MA 01440 a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Newsletter Tip
Clicking on images in this newsletter will generally open a larger image. Underlined text is generally a hyperlink - clicking on it may take you to a related website.
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Dear Friends,
Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather! GALA has been busy with our new home. We just had our first painting workshop last Saturday and it went very well. We had our Poetry Open Mic and it was very well attended. We had so many people we had it across the street in the museum and even had chairs in the hallway. I am very excited to watch things starting to happen and more people wanting to participate in either taking a workshop or giving one. Last Saturday we had our first scrape and paint party for the carriage house. We had a good turnout and completely finished two sides of the building, all scraped and painted. We had volunteers from the Winchendon Historical Commission, Winchendon History and Cultural Museum, local neighbors, firefighters, and GALA members. It was nice to meet new people and see everyone pull together to help GALA. Our next paint party will be scheduled in a few weeks. We will send out an announcement. If anyone is interested in repairing old windows and knows how to re-putty let me know. The Winchendon History and Cultural Museum is having a Pig Roast on July 9th and our Musicians will be playing. Tickets are limited so get yours soon. If you are interested in giving a workshop, let me know.
Deb Giordano
President of GALA
GALA Events/Announcements
GALA Plein Air
2016 Schedule
Saturday, July 16, 10 AM
Location: Joe Smith's house (1035 Willis Rd., Phillipston, MA 01331). Denise's gardens will be in full bloom. Register by Wednesday, July 13Saturday, August 13, 10 AM
Location: 21 Island Rd., Ashburnham, MA 01430We have been invited to the home of GALA member Susan Ellis, located on a beautiful island in Lower Naukeag Lake in Ashburnham. This location provides plenty of lakeside scenery with a view of Mt. Watatic in the background. If the weather is inclement Susan has a large studio and plenty of antiques and curios to keep us busy. Participants are encouraged to bring bathing suits and stay after painting to enjoy the lake. Friday - Sunday, September 23-25
Location: Savoy, MA.Once again, Doreen LaScola's niece, Taryn LaScola and her sweetheart Peter Miner have offered to host us for a weekend of outdoor art and camaraderie in the beautiful Berkshires. The main event will be Saturday, but we are welcome to bring our tents and/or campers (they have a really big yard) to stay from Friday to Sunday. We'll have art during the day and s'mores by the camp fire at night. Bring your own food, camping stuff, spouses etc. (not necessarily in that order!), and, of course, your art supplies. For more information please contact Joe Smith 978-249-2306 woodsman54@verizon.net.
Volunteer/Donation Request
GALA Urgently Needs Your Support for Arts & Culture in Central New England!
We ha  ve been searching for the right place to call our home, and we have finally found it for YOU. A place where we can share our passion for all of the arts. The Winchendon History and Cultural Center purchased the house next door to their museum and has invited GALA to bring the talent of our membership to Winchendon at this location at 135 Front Street. Our office and Gift Shop will be in the main house, but there is also a carriage house on the property with a tall ceiling and large wooden barn beams. We will be renovating this carriage house to be used for art exhibits and other activities. Until this new space is ready, we will have use of a few rooms inside the main house. Besides art exhibits, we will offer classes, coffeehouses, music jams, poetry events, critiques and much more! We plan to continue holding our Annual Spring Show and other events in the Greater Gardner area. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial partnership with the Winchendon History and Cultural Center. In order for our new Arts Gallery to be successful, we urgently need you to donate and volunteer.
Click here to Donate and VolunteerYou may also mail your check to GALA, PO Box 664, Gardner, MA 01440 Thank you for your gift!
GALA Musician Survey
We are working on new plans to help our musicians. We have produced a survey to help us identify what you are looking for, so we are better able to support you as an artist. If you are a musician, please take a few minutes and fill out our survey. Click on this link that will direct you to the survey: https://form.jotform.com/galaform/musician-survey.
Thank You!
2016 Annual Pig Roast
Winchendon History & Cultural Center
Saturday, July 9 12 - 5:00 pm 151 Front Street Winchendon, MA Tickets: $15 Adults, $10 Children
For Tickets, call Don O'Neil at 978-833-3025 Live Music provided by GALA and Winchendon History & Cultural Center 12:00 - 1:30 "Joshua Hill & Friends" 1:30 - 3:00 "Route 2 Revolution" (Marcus Casavant & Chris Boutelle) 3:00 - 5:00 "Shades of Grey" (Civil War reenactment band)
Custom Label Wines to Benefit GALA
Whether you love art or love wine
(or both!), purchasing our wine is a super way to support the local arts community.
They make very creative
and tasteful gifts as well.
Get all the info about the wines & order today here and enjoy a toast to art!
Liz Winchester-Larson
Prime Roast Coffee Company, Keene, NH
|  |
Red Anjou 3 by Liz Winchester-Larson
Liz Winchester-Larson will have a solo exhibition at Prime Roast Coffee Company, 16 Main Street, Keene, NH from July 1 - 31, 2016. Focused primarily on the medium of colored pencil, Liz achieves rich color and intricate detail in her work. Her studio is filled with the objects and plants that inspire her still-life paintings. She was introduced to the medium of colored pencil years ago for precise architectural rendering with her studies in the Interior and Environmental Design BFA program at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY. Now enjoying still-life subjects, Liz uses professional grade colored pencils rated light-fast by the Colored Pencil Society of America and fine art 100% cotton rag drawing papers. Inspired by the 17th Century Dutch still-life masters to Victorian era theorem paintings, she creates elaborate still-life arrangements that are an environment of form, color, and light. Prime Roast Coffee Company
16 Main Street, Keene, NH
Monday - Friday, 7 am - 8 pm
Saturday, 8 am - 8 pm
Sunday 9 am - 5 pm
Artist Contact: Liz Winchester-Larsonfacebook.com/liz.winchesterlarsonlizart39@yahoo.com603-352-1774
Alicia Drakiotes
The Center for Wound Care, Heywood Hospital, Gardner, MA
 Artist Alicia Drakiotes, will be exhibiting her oil paintings during regular business hours at the Center for Wound Care, Heywood Hospital, 242 Green St., Gardner, MA from July 11th through September 12, 2016. Alicia paints in oil on canvas and linen surfaces to create unique works of art. Her subject matter is varied; from wildlife figures to landscapes. Her painterly qualities and colorist applications enhance her works in new and exciting ways. A must see in person!.
Poetry Open Mic
Winchendon History and Culture Center Museum
 On Sunday, June 12, GALA hosted a poetry open mic event, in the lovely surroundings of the Winchendon History and Culture Center's Museum, the Murdock Whitney House. Free and open to the public, approximately 35 people attended, coming from several surrounding cities and towns. A dozen people read or recited an eclectic range of poetic works written by them or favorite pieces by other writers with an audience that was friendly and supportive. Kenisha Coy, our hostess/emcee, kept the event lively and moving along so that it ended right on time! A big hand of thanks to Kenisha, as well as Deb Giordano and Louise Pamenter Hammerman for their legwork setting up and cleaning up.  We are excited to announce our upcoming GALA poetry event on Sunday, October 16, 2:00 - 4:00 PM, with featured poet Ann Marie Meltzer of Greenfield, reading works from her book of poems titled "Coming of Age." This event will include an open mic and we will meet once again at the Whitney Murdock House. More details to come! Please contact Paula J. Botch at 978-575-0863 (home) or email cohen5kids@yahoo.com for more information.
 David Lafrennie from Winchendon is the lucky winner of the Quilt raffle. David's wife, Jen, said she is very excited to have such a gorgeous quilt. The quilt was at the GALA Open House and was made by an exceptional quilter and artist, Janice Queijo. Thank you Janice for supporting the Arts.
The Center for Wound Care
Heywood Hospital, Gardner, MA
Since 2008 GALA has exhibited continuously at The Center for Wound Care at Heywood Hospital. In this cooperative arrangement artists have offered a pleasant diversion to patients and the Wound Care Center has provided a valued venue for our artists. The patient waiting area walls are available for up to twelve pieces, and shows are typically one to three months in duration. Art may be offered for sale with a small commission to GALA. Interested artists are invited to contact Vicki Heidorn. Virginia Krul's artwork is currently on exhibit at the Center For Wound Care through July 8. The Center For Wound Care is located near the cafeteria at Heywood Hospital, 242 Green Street, Gardner, MA. Visitors may view the art during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.
 Last Saturday was our first Scrape and Paint party at GALA's Arts Gallery. It was a hot day but we started at 9 am and worked until 2 pm. We got two sides completely done (scraped and painted with primer and finish coat). The front is almost finished with scraping and ready for painting. The back is also almost done scraping and ready for paint. Volunteers from the Winchendon Historical Commission, Winchendon History and Cultural Museum, local neighbors, Firefighters, and GALA members all helped out. It was nice to meet new people and see everyone pull together to help GALA. Our next work party will be around July 16th so we can finish. If you want to be on the Renovation Volunteer list, email Giordano@verizon.net.
Sky of Mind
Nina's Nook, Turner's Falls, MA
Images from the "sky of mind" of three artists fill the Nook from July 7 through August 27. Clouds light up as wall sculptures; clouds arise from the pen and ink details of brick; clouds scud across small canvases. A reception with artists Marjorie Morgan, Nina Rossi and Barbara Milot will be held on July 22 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Nina's Nook, 125A Avenue A, Turners Falls, next to the Black Cow Burger Bar. For more information: www.ninasnook.com and 413.834.8800.
Teen Art Camp
Jaffrey Civic Center, Jaffrey, NH
Jaffrey Civic Center to offer Teen Art Camp in July
The Jaffrey Civic Center is very excited to announce a summer Art Camp for Teens to be held in July. The class will be held from Monday, July 11th through Friday July 15th from 1pm to 5pm in the upstairs art class room at the Civic Center. The class will be taught by Anna Fairbanks, who is the Head of the Art Department at Conant High School. The cost of the class is $99 and includes all materials. Students will explore various processes in the art world and will be exposed to different styles of drawing using two-dimensional materials. A series of studio problems provides direct experience with the tools and materials employed to produce drawings. Instruction and assigned work emphasizes skill-building in observational drawing and engagement with two-dimensional design, principles and visual communication. Students will also (weather permitting) explore 3-D design as well. This Art Course will act as a FLEXIBLE guideline as to what the students will participate in. This is a summer art camp geared towards meeting the request and interest of the students. This camp is open to any student looking for an opportunity to be in an artistic environment over the summer. Projects will go from observation to 3-d projects and will be hosted in the studio at the Jaffrey Civic Center and outside. Any students taking A.P Art are welcome to bring their art work for informal evaluation. Space is limited and is filling up fast!. Call the Civic Center or email to sign up. The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, next to the Library, parking in rear. Hours are Monday through Friday, 10 am- 12 noon, 1 pm to 5 pm and Sat 10-2. Admission is always free. For more information about us, call 603-532-6527 or email us at info@jaffreyciviccenter.com. www.jaffreyciviccenter.com
Strategies of Large-Scale Painting
Sharon Arts Campus, Sharon, MA
Strategies of Large-Scale Painting Sharon Campus / PTN053SA July 8 - 10 (3 days), Fri - Sun, 10am - 4pm Alicia Drakiotes, Instructor $299
Are you ready to break out big in your painting? Has the 8x10 or 11x14 left you unchallenged? In this three-day workshop students working in acrylic or oil will create a large masterpiece. Supplying their own painting surface (canvas) of at least 20x30 inches, or larger and painting materials! There will be a talk and demo on Friday morning and then plenty of personal help throughout the workshop. This workshop will allow creative time to help you fall in love with painting BIG no matter what your style. Open to acrylics and oil paints. Prerequisite:Intermediate painting experience. To register contact:Sharon Arts Campus457 NH Rt 123Sharon, NH 03458AlexandraWall@nhia.edu(603) 836-2517nhia.edu
Printmaking Workshops with Corinne Rhodes
Cherry Press and Danforth Art
|  | Squid: Monotype on Polyester Plate by Corinne Rhodes |
Cherry Press on the Road: Introducing Summer Printmaking Workshops at DanforthArt
Realistic Still Life in Pastel with Lisa Ober- only 2 spaces left!
Stone Arch Village Community Room, Keene, NH
 Artist Lisa Ober, PSA, will teach a color-filled workshop on how to create beautifully detailed still life paintings in pastel. Lisa will take a step-by-step approach through her unique still life technique, from the first sketch to the finished piece using a photo reference (provided).
Students will get plenty of personal attention, and Lisa's enthusiasm for still life painting is as contagious for the beginner as it is for the experienced painter.
September 17th & 18th, 2016
Stone Arch Village Community Room
835 Court Street, Keene, NH
Summer and Fall Art Courses at MWCC
MWCC Gardner
Summer Teen Art Program
Come join us for our Summer Academic Adventures that couples academic learning with hands on projects - the fun way!
July 11-15 9am-3pm INTRO TO THE POTTER'S WHEEL & DRAWING Ages: 9-12 Cost: $249 Spend mornings learning new drawing techniques & afternoons on the potter's wheel. Dress for mess-bring a smock
July 18-22 3 4 9am-3pm INTRO TO THE POTTER'S WHEEL & PAINTING Ages: 9-12 Cost: $249 Spend mornings learning new drawing techniques & afternoons on the potter's wheel. Dress for mess-bring a smock
July 25-29 5 9am-3pm PAINTERS & SCULPTORS Ages: 8-12 Cost: $249 Explore the world of art with watercolors, acrylics, plaster, clay, wood or mixed media. Dress for mess-bring a smock & a snack. Supervised outdoor activities complement this program.
TEEN ART SCHOOL Ages: 13-18 Cost: $249 A studio art program designed for teens seeking to create a portfolio. This year's focus will be watercolor painting, printmaking & mixed media drawing. Bring a smock & a snack.
More information Register online
All levels of Drawing, Figure Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture, 2D and 3D Design. Classes are open to majors, non-majors, and seniors (tuition free). Students 60 years and older are eligible for a waiver of tuition and fees. Call 978-630-9270.
for more information.
Deadline Approaching: North American Open Show
New England Watercolor Society
| The Pearl by Gerarde Doucette |
The deadline for submissions to the 2016 North American Open Show is midnight, July 28. You can download the prospectus or enter at Smarter Entry.
This year's show is hosted by the North Shore Art Association in Gloucester MA, from September 25 to October 29. Over $7,000 in prizes will be awarded to participating artists.
The show will be juried by Mary Whyte, a renowned and well-respected figurative watercolorist, best known for her sensitive portraits of the Gullah people of her native coastal South Carolina.
Full details are available on the NEWS website.
Download the prospectus.
The Art Exhibit Committee
Athol Public Library
The Art Exhibit Committee of the Athol Public Library invites area artists to submit work for consideration for exhibition in the library's conference room.
The committee will review work for one person shows on an ongoing basis.
Various hanging media including painting, drawing, printmaking, illustration, photography, textiles and mixed media are eligible.
Custom Canvas Stretching
Doreen LaScola is offering services for stretching custom sized blank canvases. You supply the materials, and she will do the work.
Please call 978-297-3427 for a labor-only quote and to arrange an appointment.
The Central Mass Chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art
The Central Mass chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art (CMWCA) is accepting new memberships. We are a national organization that supports, develops and celebrates art making by women. We create exhibition opportunities; network with artists regionally, nationally and internationally; and offer educational programs locally. We are organized as an artists' collective where each member contributes to our vision and works as needed to carry our mission forward.
Art Support & Other
Art Support is a website dedicated to providing support and resources for artists of all types.
The following is just a small list of support provided to artists: Organizations Helping Visual Artists, US Government Art Organizations, State Agencies and Art Commissions, Non Governmental Art Organizations, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Laws Regarding Visual Arts, Artist Consultants, Grants for Artists & Grant Assistance, Artist Health Insurance, and many other legal support and resources for Massachusetts artists.
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake
The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Mini Grants for Professional Development are available through NewVue Communities. More information.
Summer Internship
The Jaffrey Civic Center
The Jaffrey Civic Center is looking for a summer intern for approximately 10 hours a week. Flexible days/hours. This would be a fun opportunity and great resume builder for those interested in art and needing some volunteer credits for either high school or college. Responsibilities include general phone and computer work, greeting guests and patrons, updating artist and patron lists, assisting the Exec. Director with hanging art shows, planning venues/opening receptions and general duties related to the day to day operations of the Center. The mission of the Jaffrey Civic Center is to provide and sustain a public venue where citizens of the Monadnock Region can pursue artistic, educational and civic activities. The Center's goal is to contribute to the cultural enrichment and enlightenment of the community. Contact Regina for more info at 532-6527.
The Creative Underground
 It's time to reveal your hidden talent and show your work!
The Creative Underground is now accepting new members to their artisan gallery. Located at the Hudson Mill, 43 Broad Street in Hudson, TCU offers artists the opportunity to display their work for a low monthly membership fee with an extremely high commission rate back to you!
We are looking for a mix of works - fine art, hand-crafted, glass, wood, metal, and reclaimed, jewelry and out-of-box works.
Applications are now being accepted for new memberships.
Email us at info@thecreativeunderground.org
Provide us with a little info to start:
- Contact info
- 4-6 sample (low-resolution jpeg preferred/zip larger files)
- Short description and motivation
- Materials used
- Price range
- Quantity of inventory available (small-moderate amount is need to start, but replenishing is needed through the year).
TCU mission is to reveal the hidden talent of artists in your communities to both encourage and support the arts.
Exhibit Opportunities
The Arts Alliance has quarterly exhibits at the Hudson Town Hall, so if you are interested in a solo exhibit of your work, contact Danielle Moskowitz at (978) 562-1646 or dmoskowitz@upwitharts.org.
The Library is always looking for exhibitors to show their work in the Art Gallery. If you are interested in exhibiting as an individual or a group, please contact the Library Director, Kathleen D. Leslie at 978-632-5298 or kleslie@cwmars.org
The bank offers the opportunity for a small display of artwork at the 171 Main St. branch in Gardner. For more info, contact Monica Whitehouse at 978-632-9207.
Art & Music Instruction Opportunity
Donating a portion of the course fee to the WBAF to support school arts & music would be most welcome.
If interested, please contact Mark Baldi (508) 767-2803 - work (508) 835-6489 - home
We Need Your Help!
There are many ways to volunteer! Please email info@galagardner.org to express your interest in helping out with our organization.
Have news about exhibits, awards, events, classes, call for artists or other art info?
Please send your news "publication ready" to news@galagardner.org. See previous newsletters for example formats and the type of info to provide. We strongly recommend that you include a digital image related to the news as well as your website address & links to any venues. Image filenames should include the name of the artist and the work. Please post your press releases online whenever possible and submit a link.
Submission deadline is the 23rd of each month
for publication on the 1st of the proceeding month.
Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA, but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited to information deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.
|  | 2015 Winner |  |
GALA won Constant Contact's All Star Award 7 years in a row (2009-2015) for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing.
Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.
GALA continues its efforts to put out an informational, entertaining newsletter every month to inform its members of recent, current and future art news.