GALA Board of Directors
Mike Williams Chairperson
Guy Biechele
Ashley Bird
Chuck Heidorn
Doreen LaScola
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
PO Box 664 (mail)
205 School Street (no mail)
Gardner, MA 01440 - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Art Center Events
Online Link to
205 School Street, Gardner
Confirm Dates & Times
For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
Newsletter Tip
Clicking on images in this newsletter will generally open a larger image. Underlined text is generally a hyperlink - clicking on it may take you to a related website.
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Winchendon Summer Solstice
Wendell Clark Memorial YMCA, Winchendon
Saturday, June 20th
11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
On the Wendell Clark Memorial
YMCA grounds
GALA will have a space at this Summer Solstice Fair.
We are looking for volunteers to help take shifts and help promote the Arts.
We are also looking for Artists who are able to do Caricature drawings, and who would like to put on a demo using your various mediums.
Anyone who is willing to volunteer may bring some small paintings and things to sell at the fair.
Please call Vicki Heidorn at 978-895-6115 or info@galagardner.org for more info and to schedule you in. Thank you and hope to see you there!
GALA Murdock-Whitney Museum Exhibit
Winchendon Historical Society, Winchendon, MA
Winchendon Historical Society 151 Front Street
Winchendon, MA 01475
Bring your camera and/or sketch pads (no paints or messy mediums) and
tour the museum and grounds.
Create one or two 2-D pieces of art over the summer months inspired by the 22 room mansion or gardens.
Visit the museum as many times as you wish during the museum's regular tour times. Museum tour fees are $5, but GALA members may tour free for an entire year by becoming a member of the Museum at a discounted rate of $15 (normally $25). Just let the Museum staff know you are a GALA member when you join.
GALA will hold an exhibit at the museum displaying the results of your inspiration with an opening reception on Saturday, September 19th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The opening will include music performances and refreshments.
Watch for the Call for Entries with further details!
Pre-registration and GALA membership will be required to participate in the show.
For more historical background of the Murdock-Whitney House visit their website at: http://www.winchendonhistoricalsociety.org/
GALA En Plein Air
GALA Art Center, Gardner, MA
First GALA En Plein Air of 2015!
Date & Time: Saturday, June 20, 2015 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Templeton Common
This is a typical New England town common with a bandstand and several historic buildings nearby.
FREE for current GALA members! Not a member yet? Join now
Please register by Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Len Haug
Obstructed View awards
After being awarded Second Place in mixed media at the Spring GALA Show, Len Haug's piece titled Obstructed View went on to 1) the Leominster Arts, Crafts and Photography Show where it was awarded First Place and The Gold Award at the advance level and 2) the Princeton Arts Society Spring Show where it was awarded First Place.
Ann Gillespie
Pastel exhibits
Ann Gillespie has had her piece, Autumn Wandering, accepted into the 16th International Juried Exhibition for "Pastels Only" at Portland, Maine Public Library. The exhibit will run from June 5-June 27th.
5 Monument Square Portland, Maine 04101 (207) 871-1700
She also has three pieces in the Pastel NH Members Exhibition at the Jaffrey, NH Civic Center. The exhibition will run from May 30-June 26th.
Joe Smith
Scratchboard Artist
| At the Beach by Joe Smith |
Joe Smith ( www.joeksmith.com) has had his scratchboard painting, At the Beach, accepted in the Cape Cod Museum of Art's Structures and Remnants show to be held August 22 to October 15 at the museum in Dennis. The artist's reception will be held August 27 at 5:30 p.m.
Joe Smith's, White Thanksgiving, has been accepted into the International Society of Scratchboard Artists' 4th Annual Exhibition to be held at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center in Frederick, Maryland from June 27 to July 26.
Another of Joe's scratchboard works, Beech, has been accepted into the Copley Society of Art's summer members' show, Expected, to be held July 1 to August 19 at the Society's Gallery at 158 Newbury St. in Boston, with an artist's reception on July 9 at 5:30 p.m.
Pam Short
Greenbelt's 26th Annual "Art in the Barn" Benefit
| Last Light on Millbrook by Pam Short |
Pam Short is happy to announce she was selected to be a new artist at Greenbelt's 26th Annual "Art in the Barn" show in June benefit. The show runs from June 12th through June 14th with a public reception on June 12th from 6-8:30 p.m.
Pam's piece, "Last Light on Millbrook", has been chosen to be part of the "Art in the Loft" exhibit at the Millbrook Winery in Millbrook, NY. The exhibit runs from May 18th through November 7 where the People's Choice Wine Label winner will be announced at the November 7 closing reception.
The Hudson River Valley is rich in the arts and history. If you want to learn more visit Pam's website, pamshortart.weebly.com for links on the area.
For more information on the show visit:
For hours and directions visit:
Iphigenia Gossios Burg
Wound Center/Heywood Hospital, Gardner, MA
| Anticipation by Iphigenia Gossios Burg |
Iphigenia Gossios Burg will be exhibiting her work at the Wound Center at Heywood Hospital in Gardner, MA.
For more information and directions follow the link below.
Heywood Hospital Wound Center
The Pastel Society of New Hampshire
Jaffrey Civic Center, Jaffrey, NH
The Pastel Society of New Hampshire presents its 10th Annual Members' Exhibition at the Jaffrey
Civic Center in Jaffrey, N.H.
| Porcelains and Peach by Mary Ann Eldred |
The show opens in the second floor Cunningham Gallery on May 30 and runs through June 27, with a reception June 6, from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Paintings by pastel artists throughout the state of New Hampshire are included in the exhibition, as well as the works of other pastelists from New England.
The juror of awards for the exhibition is Paul Ingbretson, an accomplished professional artist from Manchester, N.H. His background includes several years at the Art Students League of New York with numerous of their top artists but who ultimately organized his artistic approach around the values associated with the "Boston School" as interpreted by the late R. H. Ives Gammell.
For more information about the Pastel Society of New Hampshire, follow this link
The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, next to Library, parking in rear. Hours are Tues: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Wed-Fri 1 - 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Admission is always free. For more information about us, call 603-532-6527, e-mail us at jaffreycntr@aol.com, find our website, www.jaffreyciviccenter.com, or "Like" us on Facebook.
Leominster Art Association
50th Anniversary
Please join the Leominster Art Association for an evening of celebration. The 50th ball will take place at the Double Tree Hotel June 12th, 2015 from 6 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Cocktails,dinner, dancing, over 30 door prices will be part of this exciting evening. Special guest artist Mr. Rob Surette ( Hero Artist ) will be the highlight of the night. Mr. Surette has been recognized by the Walt Disney Co. and Oprah. He is sure to entertain us with his motivational presentation.
It is a night not to miss!!!
Tickets are $50.00 and can be purchased by contacting Priscilla Regopoulos at 978-537-9402 and questions contact Brian Beaudoin at 978-874-1144
Also, find more information at http://www.leominsterartassociation.com/uncategorized/laas-golden-anniversary-ball/
**Tentative Workshop** Lisa Ober - Pastel
Monadnock Area Artists Association
The Workshop Committee is considering a pastel workshop with Lisa Ober.
It would be a 2-day workshop (weekend) in either 2016 or 2017. The tentative fee would be $250.
If you would be interested in this workshop (no commitment now), please let us know so we can see if there is enough interest to pursue this workshop. For more information contact: pastels@tpdi.biz
Spring & Summer Art Classes
The Post Road Art Center, Marlborough, MA
We offer a great selection of art classes for adults and kids. The
schedule for spring and summer is now up!
To explore and sign up for classes, please visit the following link:
The Post Road Art Center 1 Boston Post Road East Marlborough, MA 01752 Tel: (508) 485-2580 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Thursday until 7:00pm
New Ipswich Sampler
Jaffrey Civic Center, Jaffrey, NH
The Jaffrey Civic Center is pleased to announce an exhibit of work by the New Ipswich Artists
| On the Main Coast by Roland Coates |
League, "New Ipswich Sampler", in the first floor Auditorium-Gallery, beginning with an opening, free to the public, on Friday, May 29 from 5 - 7 p.m. and running through Saturday, June 27.
Would you like to see how four different artists handle the exact same subject - A seascape in the South Seas? Would you like to see the works of 12 different artists in all stages of their careers? Would you like to see many different mediums from oils to watercolor to colored pencils to encaustic, to fabric, to wood carving, to fairy houses?
If you would, come to our opening. You will be excited and pleased with what you see. And while you're at it, talk with the different artists from the New Ipswich Artists League over wine and hors-d'oeuvres at the opening.
The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, next to Library, parking in rear. Hours are Tues: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Wed-Fri 1 - 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Admission is always free. For more information about us, call 603-532-6527, e-mail us atjaffreycntr@aol.com, find our website, www.jaffreyciviccenter.com, or "Like" us on Facebook.
2015 Workshops: Drawing, Oils, Pastels
Monadnock Area Artists Association
Robert Carsten - Pastels - Saturday, September 12, 2015
All workshops are on Saturdays unless otherwise noted.
Creative Communities Exchange (CCX)
New England Foundation for the Arts
The CCX is a peer-to-peer exchange of the strategies used in successful
creative economy initiatives around New England. CCX professional development workshops are for New England leaders who are engaged in creative economy and creative placemaking projects that leverage their local creative sector for the revitalization and growth of their broader community.
CCX 2015 will take place in Keene, New Hampshire, a community that demonstrates strong cross-sector partnerships between the arts and local
business, local government, the local colleges, the broader Monadnock region, and Arts Alive, this year's local host. The event will take place in various locations, including Keene State College and downtown Keene.
Dates: June 2-3, 2015
Registration: $100 Click here to Register
We hope you can join us!
The Oxbow Gallery
Northampton, MA
The Oxbow Gallery of Northampton, MA is currently accepting applications for new members.
Oxbow is an artist owned and operated gallery with 39 members showcasing a variety of fine art techniques and mediums including painting, sculpture, photography and installation.
The next review of applications will be on July 12, 2015.
For more information about the gallery and complete information about the requirements for the application process, please visit their website or visit the gallery Thursdays through Sundays noon - 5 p.m.
273 Pleasant Street, Northampton, MA 01060 413-568-6300
Westminster Cracker Festival
Westminster, MA
October 24, 2015
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Rain or Shine
Arts & Crafts Juried Show
- 5K Race
- Music
- Food Vendors
- Beer & Wine Garden
Accepting applications for vendors.
PO Box 446, Westminster, MA 01473 978.870.2361
Ashburnham 250th Anniversary Celebration
Ashburnham, MA
The Art Exhibit Committee
Athol Public Library
The Art Exhibit Committee of the Athol Public Library invites area artists to submit work for consideration for exhibition in the library's conference room.
The committee will review work for one person shows on an ongoing basis.
Various hanging media including painting, drawing, printmaking, illustration, photography, textiles and mixed media are eligible.
Art Swap/Sale
Hollis Arts Society, Hollis, NH
Custom Canvas Stretching
Doreen LaScola is offering services for stretching custom sized blank canvases. You supply the materials, and she will do the work.
Please call 978-297-3427 for a labor-only quote and to arrange an appointment.
The Central Mass Chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art
The Central Mass chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art (CMWCA) is accepting new memberships. We are a national organization that supports, develops and celebrates art making by women. We create exhibition opportunities; network with artists regionally, nationally and internationally; and offer educational programs locally. We are organized as an artists' collective where each member contributes to our vision and works as needed to carry our mission forward.
Art Support & Other
Art Support is a website dedicated to providing support and resources for artists of all types.
The following is just a small list of support provided to artists: Organizations Helping Visual Artists,
US Government Art Organizations, State Agencies and Art Commissions, Non Governmental Art Organizations, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Laws Regarding Visual Arts, Artist Consultants,
Grants for Artists & Grant Assistance, Artist Health Insurance, and many other legal support and resources for Massachusetts artists.
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake
The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Exhibit Opportunities
River's Edge Arts Alliance Hudson, MA
The Arts Alliance has quarterly exhibits at the Hudson Town Hall, so if you are interested in a solo exhibit of your work, contact Lyn Johnson at (978) 562-1646 or ljohnson@upwitharts.org.
Levi Heywood Memorial Library Gardner, MA
The Library is always looking for exhibitors to show their work in the Art Gallery. If you are interested in exhibiting as an individual or a group, please see the guidelines and other pertinent information here. You can contact the Library Director, Kathleen D. Leslie at 978-632-5298
The bank offers the opportunity for a small display of artwork at the 171 Main St. branch in Gardner. For more info, contact Monica Whitehouse at 978-632-9207.
Art & Music Instruction Opportunity
Donating a portion of the course fee to the WBAF to support school arts & music would be most welcome.
If interested, please contact Mark Baldi (508) 767-2803 - work (508) 835-6489 - home
Meeting Minutes & Note Taking
The Art Center Committee and the GALA Board of Directors is in need of someone who might be willing to sit in on meetings and take notes and write up minutes and transmit them electronically. Board Meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of the month and other meetings are usually on a week night, monthly or as needed, negotiated with the members.
If you are interested, please send a message introducing yourself and your experience with this type of activity to Vicki Heidorn info@galagardner.org or call 978-630-2340.
There are many ways to volunteer! Please contact Vicki Heidorn info@galagardner.org to express your interest in helping out with our organization.
Have news about exhibits, awards, events, classes, call for artists or other art info?
Please send your news "publication ready" to news@galagardner.org. See previous newsletters for example formats and the type of info to provide. We strongly recommend that you include a digital image related to the news as well as your website address & links to any venues. Image filenames should include the name of the artist and the work. Please post your press releases online whenever possible and submit a link.
Submission deadline is the 23rd of each month
for publication on the 1st of the proceeding month.
Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA, but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited to information deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.
GALA won Constant Contact's All Star Award 6 years in a row (2008-2014) for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing.
Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.
GALA continues its efforts to put out an informational, entertaining newsletter every month to inform its members of recent, current and future art news.