GALA Newsletter
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 664, Gardner, MA 01440 - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
GALA Board of Directors
Kevin Bird, President Mike Williams, Chairperson Jeff Gallant, Treasurer Vicki Heidorn, Secretary Guy Biechele Ashley Bird Chuck Heidorn
Doreen LaScola
Confirm Dates & Times
For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
Newsletter Tip
Clicking on images in this newsletter will generally open a larger image.
Underlined text is generally a hyperlink - clicking on it may take you to a related website.
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Happy Holidays to all our GALA Members and Friends!! It is a busy, busy time of the year, but there is always time for ART. There are a lot of great exhibits and classes this month for all ages in a variety of locations. Enjoy!
Kimberly Beckham, Editor
Art Center Events
This past month the Art Center has hosted a number of great events including the Juried Art Show, ARTLab, Framing Workshop and more! Some of the items coming up this month include:
A Night Out - GALA Coffee House Acoustic Music and Song
The first Friday of every month GALA will offer acoustic music by local and regional singer-songwriters and offer open mic opportunities for aspiring and established artists. The first show is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 5, 2014 at 7:30 pm and will feature Burrie (Andrew) Jenkins.
Visit his website:
We will also have local open mic performers in addition to the featured act. Admission is only $5!! This is an alcohol free event.
For more information, please contact Vicki Heidorn at
2014 December Member ShowStop by from December 5, 2014 - January 4, 2015 to see the 2014 December Member Show! The Artists Reception will be Friday, Dec. 12th from 6-8 pm with Popular Choice Awards presented at 3:30 pm on Sunday, January 4, 2015.
Show Dates/Hours: TBA Art Pick-up at Art Center: Sun. Jan. 4, 4:15-5:15 pm or by arrangement Email with questions or to make pick-up arrangements. The GALA Art Shop is Here!
Need a gift for someone special (or yourself)? Imagine giving beautiful handmade art this year? Now you can, at the GALA Art Shop!
Thanks to the efforts and helping hands of the Gala Art Center Committee members and Board Members, GALA is excited to be able to offer members this opportunity to sell their creations. A Special Thank You to Tom and Linda White, owners of The Pampering Parlor located here in Gardner on 104 Parker Street and Chuck & Vicki Heidorn at Surroundings Gallery and Custom Framing located on 377 Main Street here in Gardner MA for their generous donations of display cases.
The Art Shop will be open during regular Gallery Hours. If you are interested in volunteering your time or having your Art for sale in the shop you can contact Additional coming items are listed below in the Call to Artists and other Sections.
Brad Willard Photography at Heywood Hospital, Gardner, MA
Brad Willard Photography Exhibit
at Heywood Hospital in Gardner
 GALA is pleased to present an exhibit of photographs by Brad Willard in the
reception area of the Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine at Heywood Hospital
242 Green Street, Gardner, MA 01440 from Nov. 7 through Jan. 15, 2015. Visit Brad Online at:
Donna Eaton at Hope & Feathers Gallery, Amherst, MA
 | "Delphiniums Alas" |
Donna Eaton will be participating in the "Small Works Show" in Amherst, Massachusetts to be held at Hope and Feathers Gallery. The show will run from Dec. 4th through January 17, 2015. Holiday Party and Show Reception will be held on Dec. 4th from 5 - 8 pm.Visit Donna's Website here: DonnaEatonsDesigns.comFind The Gallery on Facebook at this link: Hopeandfeathersframing on facebook
Len Haug, Best in Show at Friends of Agawam Public Library, Agawam, MA
Len Haug was awarded the Best in Show Prize at the 6th Annual Open Juried Art Exhibit sponsored by the Friends of the Agawam Public Library. The exhibit included ninety pieces of art submitted by 83 artists from over 36 communities from both Connecticut and Massachusetts. The awards ceremony and opening reception was held on Friday, November 14th. Congratulations Len!! Len's winning entry, "Brief Encounter" may be viewed at his website:
Lisa Regopoulos - News, Exhibit & Studio Opening!!
Lisa Regopoulos was notified that two of her pastel paintings Refuge and Retreat have been juried into the 25th IAPS (International Association of Pastel Societies) Juried Exhibition - The 2014 Web Show! The IAPS web show is their most popular show with pastels from around the world. For more information regarding this show, please visit:
 | "Refuge" |
Lisa Regopoulos will be having a Grand Opening of her Studio and Gallery on Friday evening, December 5th, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at School Street Studios, 205 School Street, Gardner, MA. Please come help her celebrate the opening of her studio! Don't miss this event also in conjunction with School Street Studio's Open Studio night. Come and enjoy live violin music with friend and musician, Dawn Gardetto and enjoy some sweet or savory refreshments! Also a great opportunity to shop local and support the arts!  | "Sanctuary" |
Lisa's painting Sanctuary was also accepted into the Friends of the Agawam Pubic Library Sixth Open Juried Show and won 1st place in the Pastel Category. Congratulations Lisa!! Visit Lisa online at:
Joe Smith, Demonstration & Exhibit, The Copley Society, Boston, MA
Joe Smith will be providing a scratchboard demonstration at the Copley Society of Art on Sunday, December 14 at 2 pm. The Copley Society is located at 158 Newbury St. in Boston. Joe will also have two pieces showing at the Copley Society's New Members' Show, which will run from January 10, 2015 to February 24, 2015. The opening reception will be Saturday, January 10th at 3:30 pm. Visit Joe online at: www.joeksmith.comFor More on The Copley Society, click here:
Doreen LaScola at The Davis Art Gallery, Worcester MA
 Doreen LaScola's mixed media piece "In the beginning..." was accepted to the juried art exhibit entitled "Drawing " at The Davis Art Gallery, 44 Portland Street, Worcester, MA . The show runs through January 9, 2015. For Gallery and Show Info: The Davis Art Gallery. To View More of Doreen's Works Click Here.
Joanne Holtje, Exhibits in Hardwick & Worcester MA
 | "Recurring Thoughts" |
 | "Autumn Sugar Maple" |
Joanne Holtje has a solo exhibit called "A Place in Mind,
paintings by Joanne Holtje" at The Center at Eagle Hill from
through January 31, 2015.
Gallery Hours: Weekdays 3:30-5:00 p.m.
The Center at Eagle Hill 242 Old Petersham Road Hardwick, MA 01037
Joanne will also have a series of paintings on display at the Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge Street, Worcester, MA 01608 from now through early February, 2015. They will be hanging in the front windows, so stroll by any time to enjoy them. Visit Joanne's website here:
Open Themed Show, Post Road Art Center - Marlborough, MA
 The Post Road Art Center will be having an open themed art exhibit in December. The judge for this show is Bob Collins, teacher at the Danforth Museum School and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The opening reception will be Thursday, December 4th from 5:30-8:00pm. For more information please visit the following link. www.postroadartcenter.comPost Road Art Center 1 Boston Post Road E Marlborough, Ma. 01752 508-485-2580
"Off The Wall" Exhibit & Fundraiser at Jaffrey Civic Center, Jaffrey, NH
Off The Wall Gems
In August many, many artist friends of the Jaffrey Civic Center donated artwork for their one night fundraiser called "Off the Wall". By popular demand they are offering an opportunity to buy beautiful and interesting pieces of art work in the first floor Display Cases from Friday, November 14th through Thursday, December 18th.
What's unique about this offering? Each piece is 5" x 7", not signed on the front, not framed, and only $60. And here's the topping on the cake... if you buy three, you get one free!
Come in and leave with what you buy... first come, first serve. They accept cash, checks, VISA and MC. The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, next to Library, parking in rear. Hours are Tues: 10-6, Wed-Fri 1-5, Sat 10-2. Admission is always free. For more information about us, call 603-532-6527, e-mail us at, visit our website,
Annual Autumn Area Art Exhibit at Jaffrey Civic Center, Jaffrey, NH
Annual Autumn Area Art Exhibit
 | "Red Sock", oil by Jan Mercuri Grossman of Amherst, NH |
The Jaffrey Civic Center proudly announces the final exhibit for the year beginning with the grand opening on Friday, November 21 from 5-7 pm. The photography portion is in the first floor Auditorium Gallery and the works of the 138 pieces of many mediums are in the second floor Cunningham Gallery. This is our largest grouping of artwork for the 2014 year and comprises of two and three dimensional representations from artists primarily of the area. Since some of the artists works are for sale, there is an unusual opportunity to Christmas shop for a special gift. You won't find this variety of talent in any store! The show will run until December 20, 2014.
 | "A Streak of Sunshine" acrylic by Teena Keefe of Keene, NH |
The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, next to Library, parking in rear. Hours are Tues: 10-6, Wed-Fri 1-5, Sat 10-2. Admission is always free. For more information about us, call 603-532-6527, e-mail us at, visit our website,
Monadnock Area Artists Assoc. Winter Show in Keene, NH
| Monadnock Area Artists Association will be having their new winter show at their Fine Art Gallery at Syd's at 43 St. James Street in Keene, NH. Opening reception is Friday, December 5th from 6-8 p.m. with refreshments and music.
A percentage of sales from this show will go to the Keene Community Kitchen.
For more information:
Annual Holiday Small Works Art Exhibit - Princeton, MA
Princeton Arts Society is holding their Annual Holiday Small Works Art Exhibit & Handmade Gift Sale December 5, 6, 12 & 13, 2014 This year the Princeton Arts Society's Annual Holiday Small Works Exhibit and Sale at  Princeton Center Building, first floor, 18 Boylston Ave, Princeton will be held for TWO Friday and Saturdays in December with EXPANDED hours for your holiday shopping and enjoyment! Friday, December 5, 6 - 9 pm: Opening reception with refreshments. Saturday, December 6, 10 am - 5 pm: Gallery open. Friday, December 12, 10 am - 2 pm: Gallery open. Saturday, December 13, 10 am - 5 pm: Gallery open. Hundreds of original, handmade, affordable gifts and works of art will be available just in time for the gift giving season. Free gift wrapping will be available. The event is free and the public is welcome! Make your holiday shopping all the more meaningful by supporting your local artists. For more information, email
Holiday Card Making - West Boylston, MA
MaryEllen Cocks leads her very popular Holiday Card making class at 6:30-8 pm on Thursday, December 4, at the Beaman Library to make beautiful handmade cards that people will love receiving! MaryEllen will show the class how to make four Christmas cards and one Hanukah card to wish well and glad tidings. MaryEllen's cards are happy and beautiful mementos that friends and family will cherish. In a day of email "cards", a handmade card is a treat and joy. You'll want to spend the 49 cents for a stamp to mail it. Sponsored by the West Boylston Arts Foundation, Inc. in support of school arts education. (click the flyer to view/print a larger version)
Digital Photography for Artists - GALA Art Center, Gardner, MA
Digital Photography for Artists: How to Make Great Images of Your Artwork, a workshop with Guy Biechele will be held on Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7-9 pm In this two hour workshop, you will learn techniques to make professional looking photographs of your artwork. We will discuss how to set up and photograph your artwork. Then how to use image editing programs to crop, resize, color correct, and sharpen your images. Finally you will learn how to save your images in the proper formats and we will talk about back up strategies. This workshop is a must for all artists in this digital age! Member fee: $15 Non-member fee: $20 Proceeds to benefit the GALA Art Center Not a current member? Join nowEmail if you are not sure of your membership status. Registration by Dec. 7 is REQUIRED. Click Here to Register.Email questions to
December Classes - Leominster Art Center & Gallery, Leominster, MA
Stocking Making for Ages 7+ Saturday December 6th, 2:30 to 4:30 pm Total Cost: $30.00 (all supplies included) Life Drawing Group Ages 18+ Friday Dec. 12th, 6:30 to 9:30 pm Free Event - Donation requested for the model(s) The Life Drawing Group is open to both members and non members in the community! (18 +) Please bring any drawing materials, easels, preferred seating, etc. for your own use. There are some folding chairs and a little table space available on a first come first serve basis. Santa's Workshop (Small Toy and Trinket Making Lessons) Saturday, December 13th, 2:30 to 4:30 pm Total Cost: $30.00 Learning the Card Way (Holiday Card Making Class) Ages 7+ Saturday, December 14th, 2:30~4:30 pm Total Cost: $30.00 For More information on these classes, please visit their website:
Weaving Class - Petersham Art Center, Petersham, MA
"Weave a Scarf in a Day," a class taught by textile artist Jennifer Baum, will be h  eld at the Petersham Art Center on Saturday, December 6, from 11AM to 5PM. Participants will create a beautiful chenille scarf by the end of the day. Ms. Baum will guide beginners and experienced weavers alike through the process of choosing yarn, deciding on patterns and colors, and finally how to weave the scarf itself. The participants will learn the mechanics of the simple Rigid Heddle Loom, also known as a knitters loom, direct warping method, and tabby weave structure, as well as fringe and finishing techniques. A loom will be provided to each class  member to use during the class. Baum operates an arts studio, The Weaving Shed, where she teaches fiber weaving and basket weaving, as well as other fine art and craft. She often supplies wool for her work from her own alpacas. She is a juried fiber artist who has been studying and teaching about weaving for over ten years, while operating her studio and her Sunny Knoll Alpaca farm in Hubbardston. The cost for the class is $27.50 for members and for nonmembers. There is a $35 materials fee for the chenille yarn. People should bring their own brown bag lunch. Teens age 16 and up and adults are encouraged to attend. Call the Petersham Art Center to register or for more information at 978-724-3415. Find The Petersham Art Center on Facebook by clicking here.
First Friday, All Day Demo's & Holiday Party - Leominster, MA
First Friday Full Day Event, December 5th FREE and open to everyone in the community! *12pm-1pm $3.00 Painting Demo with Joy Contois! Bring a sweatshirt or dish towel & a pair of children shoes to create a snowman painted gift for the holidays! all other materials/paints supplied *1pm-2pm free paper flower demo with Nicole Pantaleon *3pm-4pm free christmas ornament demo with Deana Mezoud *4pm-5pm free watercolor painting demo with Luann Hume *5pm-6pm free healing talk with Amy Vaillancourt All day material swap (bring any art/craft materials you do not use or intend to use and swap them with another artist/crafters materials). *6pm-8pm Holiday Party Keurig raffle, shopping, music, food and good conversation! A fun filled day at the Leominster Art Center & Gallery 45 Main St. Leominster, MA More information at their website
Artist of the Month, GALA Art Center, Gardner, MA
Artist of the Month
Beginning in January, 2015 GALA Art Center will be offering space to GALA's Artist of the Month to be selected by the GALA Art Center Committee (ACC) from applications submitted by GALA members. Click here for guidelines
Coming Shows, Post Road Art Center, Marlborough, MA
Local Inspiration Themed Exhibit 2015 - juried The Post Road Art Center is calling all artists! We will be having a local inspiration themed art show in January. Submissions will be accepted from Dec. 29th until Thursday, January 8th at 7:00 pm. The opening reception will be on Thursday, January 15th from 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm. This is a juried show, and there will be cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, People's Choice, and Facebook Fan Page winners (most "likes"). For more drop-off details and registration forms please visit the following link. It's in the Bag Exhibit 2015- call for submissions The bags are here! It's in the Bag has quickly become an artist favorite, and the 2014 bags are sure to be a hit. For those unfamiliar with this show, each participant receives an identical bag  containing a variety of supplies. Using only the supplies in the bag, each artist creates a unique piece showcasing his or her creativity and ingenuity. The price of the bag is $30 which includes the supplies and entry fee for one finished piece. You may choose to create and enter more than one piece of artwork using what's in the bag. The entry fee for each additional piece is $10, with a limit of three pieces entered per artist. This makes a fantastically fun holiday gift! But hurry - only 100 bags are available! This is a great show for both seasoned and emerging artists. Submissions will be accepted Jan. 29th to Feb. 5th until 7:00 pm. The opening reception for the exhibit will be Feb 12th 5:30-8:00 pm. for more information, visit
"Passion", GALA Art Center, Gardner, MA
Valentine's Day Themed Exhibition
This coming February, GALA Art Center will have an exhibition of work based on the theme, "PASSION." The opening night for the exhibit will be "Date Night for the Arts" to be held on Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14, 2015. In addition to our art there will be music, food, and poetry reading celebrating love and passion.
A Call for Artists will be sent out soon, so start planning your work of passion now!
Exhibit Opportunity, Coffeelands Cafe, Clinton, MA
Calling all artists - Coffeelands Cafe in Clinton has opened up space on one of their walls to showcase local artisans and look forward to hosting your pieces! Are you a sculptor, painter, or photographer? Woodworker? Send them a photo of the piece or pieces that you would like to exhibit! While they have not drawn up specific regulations for the type of art that may be displayed in the cafe, they do wish to review each proposed piece before it is displayed and reserve the right to respectfully decline any piece for any reason. - The artist is responsible for the installation and removal of his or her work. Artists should be respectful of other artists when displaying their pieces - please take up only as much space as is needed and understand that other artists will be displaying their works near yours.
- Each piece may be displayed for up to eight weeks to allow all artists the opportunity to showcase their work.
- All art displayed in the cafe must be available for sale, on consignment.
- Consignment terms are 70/30, with 70% of the sale price of the piece going to the artist and 30% going to the cafe. When an item sells, we will notify the artist by e-mail and will have a check sent to him or her in approximately two weeks.
- All pieces must be pre-approved by cafe management prior to its installation. This should be done by e-mailing an image of the piece with its dimensions.
About The Coffeelands Cafe The Cafe is a project of the Polus Center for Social and Economic Development, Inc., a non-profit organization. Read more about them at their website: Cafe - 50 High Street - Clinton, MA 01510 - 978-733-4277 Store Manager - Michelle Miller -
Artist Fellowships, Massachusetts Cultural Council
MCC has announced that the 2015 Artist Fellowships guidelines, dates, and deadlines are now available at this link: Guidelines. MCC's Artist Fellowships are competitive, anonymously-judged grants for Massachusetts individual artists, with awards based solely on the artistic quality and creative ability of the original work submitted. This cycle, applications are accepted in the following categories: Film & Video, Music Composition, and Photography Online applications available: December 15, 2014 Application deadline: January 26, 2015 Read tips on applying. Visual arts disciplines (this year, that includes Crafts, Photography, and Sculpture/Installation/New Genres) will now be accepted through Guidelines Visit the MCC online at:
Treasured Places, Protected Spaces - Keene, NH
The Historical Society of Cheshire County has just released the prospectus & registration form for their exciting new art exhibit "Treasured Places, Protected Spaces" scheduled for May- Sept 2015. The exhibit will consist of artwork depicting historic, conservation, or other protected properties in a widespread area under the rather loose canopy of "Monadnock Region" (it covers areas as far north as Hillsborough and as far east as Milford and all the way out to the VT and MA borders on west and south). Click here to read additional information in their brochure. For further information contact event chair: Alicia Drakiotes at or Alan Rumrill at HSCC, 246 Main St, Keene,NH For more info on the Historical Society of Cheshire County's Exhibits, click here.
Mass Cultural Council - ArtSake Calls for Artists - Various Locations
| ArtSake, the Massachusetts Cultural Council blog, contains a page, updated periodically of many Call to Artist opportunities for all media and performing artists around the Commonwealth. Find it at this link:
Great link to bookmark and visit often.
Exhibit & Other Opportunities for Artists - Ongoing
Exhibit Opportunities
River's Edge Arts Alliance Hudson, MA
The Arts Alliance has quarterly exhibits at the Hudson Town Hall, so if you are interested in a solo exhibit of your work, contact Lyn Johnson at (978) 562-1646 or
Levi Heywood Memorial Library Gardner, MA
The Library is always looking for exhibitors to show their work in the Art Gallery. If you are interested in exhibiting as an individual or a group, please see the guidelines and other pertinent information here.
You can contact the Library Director, Kathleen D. Leslie at 978-632-5298 or
The bank offers the opportunity for a small display of artwork at the 171 Main St. branch in Gardner. For more info, contact Monica Whitehouse at 978-632-9207.
Art & Music Instruction Opportunity
The West Boylston Arts Foundation (WBAF) is always looking for artists, crafters, or musicians that would like to offer workshops or classes. Donating a portion of the course fee to the WBAF to support school arts & music would be most welcome. If interested, please contact Mark Baldi (508) 767-2803 - work (508) 835-6489 - home
Music & Performing Arts Opportunities
A Night Out - GALA Coffee House
Acoustic Music and Song
The first Friday of every month GALA will offer acoustic music by local and regional singer-songwriters and offer open mic opportunities for aspiring and established artists. The first show is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 5, 2014 at 7:30 pm and will feature Burrie (Andrew) Jenkins.
Visit his website:
We will also have local open mic performers in addition to the featured act. Admission is only $5!! This is an alcohol free event.
For more information, please contact Vicki Heidorn at
Resources for Artists
Custom Canvas Stretching - Service Offered
Doreen LaScola offers services for stretching custom sized blank canvases. You supply the materials, and she will do the work. Please call 978-297-3427 for a labor-only quote and to arrange an appointment. Contact Doreen by email at:
The Central Mass chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art
The Central Mass chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art ( CMWCA) is accepting new memberships. We are a national organization that supports, develops and celebrates art making by women. We create exhibition opportunities; network with artists regionally, nationally and internationally; and offer educational programs locally. We are organized as an artists' collective where each member contributes to our vision and works as needed to carry our mission forward. For more information, see our websites: and Art Support
Art Support is a website dedicated to providing support and resources for artists of all types. The following is just a small list of support provided to artists:
Organizations Helping Visual Artists, US Government Art Organizations, State Agencies and Art Commissions, Non Governmental Art Organizations, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Laws Regarding Visual Arts, Artist Consultants, Grants for Artists & Grant Assistance, Artist Health Insurance, and many other legal support and resources for Massachusetts artists.
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake
The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about exhibits, awards, events, classes, Call for Artists or other art info?
Please send your news "publication ready" to See previous newsletters for example formats and the type of info to provide.
We strongly recommend that you include a digital image related to the news as well as your website address & links to any venues.
Image filenames should include the name of the artist and the work.
Please post your press releases online whenever possible and submit a link.
Submission deadline is generally the 23rd of each month for publication on the 1st.
Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA,
but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited to
information deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.
All Star Award
2013 Winner
GALA won Constant Contact's All Star Award 5 years in a row (2008-2013) for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing.
Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.
GALA continues its efforts to put out an informational, entertaining newsletter every month to inform its members of recent, current and future art news.