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TopGALA Newsletter 
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 664, Gardner, MA 01440 -a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization   Visit GALA on Facebook
APRIL 2014

In This Issue
GALA Artists Circle
Guy Biechele's Creative Flower Photography Class
Len Haug's News
Joanne Holtje's Upcoming Shows
MAAA Workshops
Petersham Art Center Student Exhibit
MWCC Exhibits
Leominster Art Center & Gallery First Friday
June En Plein Air With GALA
Ukranian Pysanky Egg Decorating Workshop
Sharon Arts Center's Upcoming Classes
Worcester Art Museum Upcoming Classes
Call for Poetry
Levi Heywood Library Exhibitors Needed
Art Exhibit Opportunities
All Star Award 2013
Send Us Feedback!
Confirm Dates & Times
For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
GALA Board Members
Kevin Bird, President
Mike Williams, Chairperson
Jeff Gallant, Treasurer
Vicki Heidorn, Secretary
Guy Biechele
Ashley Bird
Chuck Heidorn 
Doreen LaScola
Another Successful & Enjoyable GALA Art Show!

Attendance at this show was comparable to our highest on record! Of the estimated 450 visitors, 43 indicated that they were attending for the first time and 31 joined our mailing list to put us over the 500 email subscriber mark! The total funds raised from the Art Raffle, exhibit sales, donations, and Silent Art Auction were the second highest on record. Our exhibit sales dollar amount has been steadily climbing since 2012 and we hit a new high at this show! We continue to be tremendously grateful for and amazed by the generosity of our artists and visitors.

As always, the show could not have taken place without our wonderful volunteers! We are especially indebted to the members of the Art Show Committee for their talent and tireless dedication: Guy Biechele, Ashley Bird, Kevin Bird, Chuck Heidorn, Vicki Heidorn, Doreen LaScola, Anna Ruuska, Gary Ruuska and Mike Williams. Our gratitude to the following volunteers who coordinated specific aspects of the show: Joe Bourgeois & Vicki Heidorn-Music; Sue Weber (ably assisted by Randy Buzzell)-Opening Reception food; Deb Brennan-Raffle; Anna Ruuska-Art drop-off; Kevin Bird & Chuck Heidorn-Installation; Jeff Gallant-Financials; Louise Parmenter Hammerman-Silent Art Auction.

Please patronize our generous donors and tell them you appreciate their support of arts in the community. A special thanks to the volunteers, Doreen LaScola, Nowell Francis and Ashley Bird, who were responsible for the advertising in the Program Guide, which is an important source of funding for GALA.

Thank you to our distinguished judges: Honee A. Hess, Jessica Roscio, and Joan Sinatra Hathaway.

And of course, we want to express our appreciation to the incredible artists and musicians who shared their marvelous artwork and talent with the community! A particular thanks to the demo artists who kindly showed us their creative process at the show.

Congratulations to the judges' award recipients and the
Popular Choice Award winners:
1st: Lori MacDonald, "Lobster Cove Annisquam", Acrylic
2nd: Peter Christoph, "On Silent Wings", Photography
3rd: James O'Rourke, "Flat Pond", Acrylic on Wood

Download the GALA 2014 Spring Art Show Program.

We value your feedback about the show. Please send your comments and suggestions to
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. Visit their website at
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 GALA Artists Circle
 Join the GALA Artists Circle!
Have you been spending the winter months working on your artwork? Would you like to get some feedback on and insight into what you've created? Join us for coffee, tea and conversation. Please bring two pieces of your artwork to present to the group. Whether you are a novice or a master, it's always a fascinating conversation when creative minds come together to talk about color, composition, and technique.
Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 10 am
Levi Heywood Memorial Library  Greenwood Meeting Room
FREE for GALA members!   Not a member yet? Join now
Register by April 3 (click here)
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Fitchburg Art Museum Call for Artists
The 79th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft Show, also known as "The Regional Show," is one of the oldest exhibitions of its kind in New England will be held June 22 to August 31st.  Submissions due by May 16th.  Cash prizes and the opportunity for a solo exhibit in 2015. 
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Guy Biechele's Photography Class

Photo by Guy Biechele

Creative Flower Photography

Hardly anyone can resist photographing flowers. They are everywhere and they present and endless array of colors, shapes and patterns. In this workshop we will explore new ways of seeing and photographing flowers to create beautiful images that go beyond the usual record shot of a flower. We will experiment with light, focus and backgrounds to achieve truly unique images. Capturing images that express beauty and our own personal vision will be the object of this workshop. 

Participants are asked to bring their camera and whatever lenses they have (especially macro, and prime lenses if they have them, in addition to the usual zoom lenses). Also, people are asked to bring a bouquet of flowers in a vase to photograph and share.
This class will be held at the Sharon Arts Center on Saturday May 17, 2014.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. 
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Len Haug's News
Len Haug's paper mosaic "The Corner Maple" was juried into the 25th Annual MassArt College of Art and Design Fund Raising Auction to be held at the Bakalar & Paine Galleries at 
621 Huntington Avenue in Boston. Public free viewing will run April 3rd through the 10th 
from 12 Noon to 7 PM. On line preview at
The Live Auction will take place the evening of April 12th.  
Also, Len's piece titled "The Path" was awarded Second Place in Mixed Media at the Ninth Annual Grafton Fine Arts & Music Festival that took place on Saturday, March 22.
Both of Len's pieces can be viewed on his Website at

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Joanne Holtje's Upcoming Shows
April 5-27
the [space] between
painting, sculpture, installation, video
Save the Date!  Opening reception Saturday, April 5th 6-9 p.m.


Also coming: May, 2014
Joanne's first solo show @ Imagine Gallery, Northampton, MA.

Watch upcoming newsletters for more information on this show.

     Visit Joanne's website to see some of her work.


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  Monadnock Area Artists Association Workshops                      

Monadnock Area Artists Association  2014 Workshops

Steve Previte - oil - April 5, 2014 

Aline Ordman - pastels - May 3, 2014

To register for a workshop follow the link below. 

link to register. 

Monadnock Area Artists Association 

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Petersham Art Center Student Exhibit
Petersham Art Center Opens 2014 Season with Cushing Academy Student Work

Petersham - The Petersham Art Center opens a new season in April and is delighted to host a group exhibition featuring outstanding work by art students from Cushing Academy in Ashburnham. The public is invited to the opening reception of the exhibition, "Wide Ranging: Student Work from Cushing Academy" on Sunday, April 6 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Art Center vice president Clarence Rabideau invites everyone, "to join us to meet the students and their teachers, enjoy fine refreshments, and help the Art Center kick off our 102nd year." The exhibition runs through May 15.
Petersham Art Center is located at 8 North Street, a short distance from Petersham Common. Beginning in April, regular hours for the shop and gallery are 12 noon to 4 pm, Wednesday through Sunday. The Center is home to fine original art and craft created by more than 100 regional artists. Gallery exhibitions change approximately every six weeks. Recent work by illustrator and artist Gary Lippincott will be exhibited beginning May 18
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Mount Wachusett Community College Exhibits
From April 1 through April 11, the East Wing Gallery is showing 340 works of art from 13 of the Montachusett region high schools. It's quite a display of adolescent angst and ecstasy. All are invited to the awards reception from 6-8pm on Thursday, April 10th.

From May 7 through May 21, the East Wing Gallery is the Annual MWCC Art Student Exhibition. Student artwork created in our current courses will be on display. All are invited to a reception from 4-6:30pm on Tuesday, May 13th.

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Leominster Art Center & Gallery
Leominster Art Center & Gallery, 45 Main Street is celebrating April's First Friday with an event on April 4th from 6-8 pm. April's artist of the month is Naida Knox who will do a mixed media demonstration at the event. She has been developing this specific and very interesting technique over the last year. There will be light refreshments and background music. The event is held in the gallery which is now showing and selling the works of over 20 artists in a variety of media, wearable art, jewelry, glass, ceramics and more. In addition to all this, April is the month, which the Leominster Art Center & Gallery will be celebrating its one year anniversary. We got this new location 5 months after the devastating fire in November of 2012.
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 June En Plein Air with GALA
The first 2014 meeting of "En Plein Air with GALA" will be Saturday, June 21 at 10 am at the Birch Hill Wildlife Management Area in Royalston, MA. Come and join your fellow artists for painting, drawing, photography, or any portable medium in the fresh air. GALA member and local artist, Joe Smith will lead the group for an informal day of being creative. In the event of rain we will try again on June 28. What will you need? Anything that will help you create art outside of your studio. The hope is for a couple of hours capturing the scenery as only artists can, then convening for a gathering afterwards to gain perspective on the day's results. Please register by June 18 (click here).
Questions? email

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Petersham Art Center Ukrainian Pysanky Egg Decorating Workshop
The art of decorating beautiful Ukrainian Pysanky eggs will return to the Petersham Art Center on Saturday, April 12, from 9AM-12 Noon. Marc Hamel and Ed Lesage, stained glass and handwoven textile artists from Petersham, will be teaching. The decorated eggs glow with brilliant colors and intricate designs that resemble stained glass. Participants will be able to create beautiful heirlooms and decorations just in time for Easter and springtime celebrations.
The cost is $15 for members and $30 for nonmembers, with a $3 materials fee. Contact the Petersham Art Center at 978-724-3415 for more information and to register. 

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Sharon Arts Center's Upcoming Classes and Workshops 
Sharon Arts Center's Winter/Spring 2014 Catalog of Workshops and Classes is available on their website to review or download.
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Worcester Art Museum Upcoming Classes
Visit Worcester Art Museum's Calendar of upcoming events, exhibits and classes. WAM has a wide variety of classes for adult or children, from novice to advanced. They even offer classes online! Check out their calendar and events, perhaps there is something to interest you or someone you know. WAM is located at 55 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA. 
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Call for Poetry
Attention Poets! 
The Gardner News is looking for poetry submissions from area writers for potential publication in their Monday editions.  It could be a great opportunity to showcase your talents.
For consideration, please submit your works via e-mail to
or mail them to
Attn: Melissa Sandford
309 Central Street
Gardner, MA 01440
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Levi Heywood Memorial Library Exhibitors Needed
The Library is always looking for exhibitors to show their work in the Art Gallery there.
If you are interested in exhibiting as an individual or a group, please see the guidelines and other pertinent information at 
Levi Heywood Memorial Library. 
You can contact Kathleen D. Leslie, Director of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner at
978-632-5298, or email her at
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Art Exhibit Opportunities
Heywood Hospital Wound Care Center: contact Vicki Heidorn by email or phone. Email address is and her phone is 978-630-2340.
The Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery: contact Alice Struthers by email at or call her at 978-597-2057.
Workers' Credit Union offers the opportunity for a small display of artwork at the bank at 171 Main St., Gardner, MA. For more info, contact Monica Whitehouse at 978-632-9207.

More Shows, Classes, Exhibits, Resources, Etc... 
Art & Music Instruction Opportunity
The West Boylston Arts Foundation (WBAF) is always looking for artists, crafters, or musicians that would like to offer workshops or classes. Donating a portion of the course fee to the WBAF to support school arts & music would be most welcome.
If interested, please contact Mark Baldi (508) 767-2803 - work, (508) 835-6489 - home

This is a website dedicated to providing support and resources for artists of all types. The following is just a small list of support provided to artists:
Organizations Helping Visual Artists, US Government Art Organizations, State Agencies and Art Commissions, Non Governmental Art Organizations, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Laws Regarding Visual Arts, Artist Consultants,
Grants for Artists & Grant Assistance, Artist Health Insurance, and many other legal support and resources for Massachusetts artists.
Check out the website for additional information and explore the multiple links to other resources for artists.

The Arts Alliance has quarterly exhibits at the Hudson Town Hall, so if you are interested in a solo exhibit of your work, contact Lyn Johnson at (978) 562-1646 or email her at

Websites of Interest to Artists
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake.
The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Visit the Arts Marketing Project website for info, ideas, tools and training on marketing art.
Princeton Arts Society Blog
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All Star Award
2013 Winner
GALA won Constant Contact's All Star Award 5 years in a row (2008-2013) for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing.
Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.  
GALA continues its efforts to put out an informational, entertaining newsletter every month to inform its members of recent, current and future art news.