GALA Color Logo
TopGALA Newsletter 
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 664, Gardner, MA 01440 -a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization   Visit GALA on Facebook
MARCH 2014

GALA Artists Circle
Guy Biechele's Class
Joe Smith's News
Lisa Regopoulos' Upcoming Solo Show
Joanne Holtje's Upcoming Shows
MAAA Workshops
Studio 4 Potters & Gallery Exhibit
Alicia Drakiotes' Upcoming Art Class
Paula Botch's Photography on Display
Len Haug's News
Call For Artists
Sharon Arts Center's Upcoming Classes
Worcester Art Museum Upcoming Classes
Call for Poetry
Levi Heywood Library Exhibitors Needed
Art Exhibit Opportunities
Send Us Feedback!
Confirm Dates & Times
For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
GALA Board Members
Kevin Bird, President
Mike Williams, Chairperson
Jeff Gallant, Treasurer
Vicki Heidorn, Secretary
Guy Biechele
Ashley Bird
Chuck Heidorn 
Doreen LaScola
Welcome New Members!
Ray Beaudreault
Gaurav Khanna
Heather March
James McKnight
Joanne Quinn
Pam Short
David Valcovic
Roland Woods

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GALA 2014 Spring Art Show with Live Music!
Opening Reception: Friday, March 21, 6-9:30 pm
with Art Awards announced at 7:00 pm
GALA will hold a silent auction,
art raffle & artist demos
Visit our Silent Auction website to see images of the
artwork and read the FAQ on the bidding process
See the Music Schedule
Read about our distinguished judges
Admission is free, but donations are encouraged.
Help publicize the show with the 8x11 color poster and
email or call 978-630-2340
for postcards to mail/distribute.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the GardnerCultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. Visit their website at
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 GALA Artists Circle
 Join the GALA Artists Circle!
Have you been spending the winter months working on your artwork? Would you like to get some feedback on and insight into what you've created? Join us for coffee, tea and conversation. Please bring two pieces of your artwork to present to the group. Whether you are a novice or a master, it's always a fascinating conversation when creative minds come together to talk about color, composition, and technique.
Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 10 am
Greenwood Meeting Room
FREE for GALA members!
Not a member yet? Join now
Register by April 3 (click here)
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Guy Biechele's Photography Class

Make Your Digital Images Come Alive! - Improving and Enhancing Your Digital Photographs 

Island Barn at Dawn

In this class you will learn how to use image editing programs to make the most of your digital photographs. Topics will include resizing, cropping, correcting color and sharpening your images. We will also discuss techniques that will help you get the very best looking prints from you digital photographs. Preparing digital photographs for the internet, as well as, the best ways to store and archive you photographs will be covered. 



This class will be held at the Sharon Arts Center on Saturday March 15, 2014.  Time: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm.
For more information go to 


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Joe Smith's News                           
Forever Afternoon

 Joe Smith has been accepted into the Copley Society of Art. 
 The Copley Society, which has a gallery at 158 Newbury St. in Boston, is the oldest non-profit art association in the United States, with a history dating back to 1879. They currently represent over 400 living artist members, ranging in experience from students to nationally-recognized artists and in style from traditional and academic realists to contemporary and abstract painters, photographers, and sculptors.  The gallery hosts between 15 and 20 exhibitions each year, including solo exhibitions, thematic group shows, juried competitions, and fundraising events.
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Lisa Regopoulos' Solo Show
Waterfall by Lisa Regopoulos
Lisa Regopoulos will be having a Solo Show entitled, "Pastels - Color, Light and Motion" at the Townsend Public Library, 12 Dudley Road, Townsend, MA, which will be open to the public March 30th. A Closing Reception is scheduled March 30th, 2014 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. This show will be compilation of original pastels, Giclee prints, and note cards from her garden/floral series, night scenes, seascapes and will feature her new series of Waterfalls! Save the date, stop by and see the show, listen to live music by violinist, Dawn Gardetto and enjoy some refreshments. Attend her Closing Reception and automatically be entered into a raffle for a limited edition Giclee print.
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Joanne Holtje's Upcoming Shows
                                                           April 5-27
                                                the [space] between
                                     painting, sculpture, installation, video
                          Save the Date!  Opening reception Saturday, April 5th 6-9 p.m.
               More information to come, visit them at


                                                 Also coming: May, 2014
                       Joanne's first solo show @ Imagine Gallery, Northampton, MA ,

             more information to watch upcoming newsletters for more information on this show.

                                  Visit Joanne's website to see some of her work.


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  Monadnock Area Artists Association Workshops                      

Monadnock Area Artists Association  2014 Workshops

Steve Previte - oil - April 5, 2014 

Aline Ordman - pastels - May 3, 2014

To register for a workshop follow the link below. 

link to register. 

Monadnock Area Artists Association 

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Richard Johnson's Photography on Display                           
A love of photography developed when Richard Johnson bought a camera for his grandson.  Noticing the camera was idle, Richard picked it up.  Claiming no special training, Richard has been pleased with the composition and nuances of his photographs.  He enthusiastically shares his work for feedback from others.  Johnson, 80, is exhibiting his photography at the Carriage House Restaurant, 660 Spring St (RT. 12), Winchendon, MA 01475, through March 9.
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It's Not Too Late to Catch the Exhibit!

Studio 4 Potters & Gallery "Creations in Clay" will be featured at Mount Wachusett Community College's East Wing Gallery until Mar 14th. There will be a reception March 9th, 1:00-3:00 PM.  The show is curated by Joyce MIller. The potters displaying selections of their works are: Marion Lyon, Steve Landry, John Bennard and Fe Fandreyer.
Visit their Facebook page to see more on Studio 4 Potters & Gallery.  Gallery hours 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri.

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Alicia Drakiotes' Upcoming Art Class at Sharon Arts Center
COMING APRIL 1st to Sharon Arts Center:
(formerly Out of the Rut)
As artists, we all dream of special projects. "Creating a Series"
reminds us that we need more than one work of art to explore an idea
or technique. In this discussion-based and critique-oriented class,
students will identify their artistic longings, formulate realistic
goals for a series of paintings or drawings which express these
longings and push their creativity to a new level.These goals will be accomplished in a supportive group environment. All members of this class will complete at least five pieces outside of class. Students who need studio time are welcome to create during class. All levels and all media are welcome. Prerequisite: Some drawing and painting skills. Limit: 12   
 To register go to Sharon Arts Center.  Also, visit Alicia's website to view her work.
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Paula Botch's Photography at the Heywood Hospital Center for Wound Care
Paula Botch
The visual art of Paula Botch will be available to view in the waiting room at the Heywood Hospital Center for Wound Care, through March 27. 
Paula's photographs offer a refreshing variety and playfulness. Her art is for sale by contacting the artist. If you are walking through Heywood Hospital on some medical errand or if you would like to see the exhibit, you may visit the Center for Wound Care during regular hours, Monday through Friday. 
More about Paula, go to her Artist's Statement.                  


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GALA's Featured Artist
My Sweet Lady

GALA's featured artist beginning January 1st will be Paula J. Botch. You can read her artist's statement and see her amazing photography on the GALA website.
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Len Haug's News
Congratulations to Len Haug for winning second place with his piece "Autumn Arrives in Town" in the Newton Art Association James King Bonnar Show.  Stop by the Newton City Hall to view the show which will be exhibiting March 8th - March 28th. 
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Call for Artists, Post Road Art Center Art Show
Coffee House by Samantha Carell

Post Road Art Center's
The Post Road Art Center's will be having an Abstract show in April.
The drop off for the show is during business hours from March 20-27th, and the opening reception will be April 3rd from 5:30-8:00pm.
The show will be up for viewing until April 23rd. It will be judged by Bob Collins of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Danforth Museum.
If you are interested in submitting work, please follow the link below for more information and the registration form.
Post Road Art Center Art Shows   

Also, don't forget to check out The Post Road Art Center's art show entitled, "Seasons" which begins March 6th.  The Opening Reception is March 6th, 5:30-8:00 pm.  The show runs through the 26th.  Catch it if you can.  The show will be judged by David Glaser of the Harvard Art Museums

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Sharon Arts Center's Upcoming Classes and Workshops 
Sharon Arts Center's Winter/Spring 2014 Catalog of Workshops and Classes is available on their website to review or download. 
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Worcester Art Museum Upcoming Classes
Visit Worcester Art Museum's Calendar of upcoming events, exhibits and classes.  WAM has a wide variety of classes for adult or children, from novice to advanced.  They even offer classes online! Check out their calendar and events, perhaps there is something to interest you or someone you know.  WAM is located at 55 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA. 
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Call for Poetry
Attention Poets! 
The Gardner News is looking for poetry submissions from area writers for potential publication in their Monday editions.  It could be a great opportunity to showcase your talents.
For consideration, please submit your works via e-mail to
or mail them to The Gardner News
Attn: Melissa Sandford
309 Central Street
Gardner, MA 0144
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Levi Heywood Memorial Library Exhibitors Needed
The Library is always looking for exhibitors to show their work in the Art Gallery there.
If you are interested in exhibiting as an individual or a group,
please see the guidelines and other pertinent information at
Levi Heywood Memorial Library.
You can contact Kathleen D. Leslie, Director of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library
in Gardner at 978-632-5298, or email her at


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Art Exhibit Opportunities
Heywood Hospital Wound Care Center: contact Vicki Heidorn by email or phone. Email address is and her phone is 978-630-2340.
The Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery: contact Alice Struthers by email at or call her at 978-597-2057.
Workers' Credit Union offers the opportunity for a small display of artwork at the bank at 171 Main St., Gardner, MA. For more info, contact Monica Whitehouse at 978-632-9207.

More Shows, Classes, Exhibits, Resources, Etc... 
Art & Music Instruction Opportunity
The West Boylston Arts Foundation (WBAF) is always looking for artists, crafters, or musicians that would like to offer workshops or classes. Donating a portion of the course fee to the WBAF to support school arts & music would be most welcome.
If interested, please contact Mark Baldi (508) 767-2803 - work, (508) 835-6489 - home

This is a website dedicated to providing support and resources for artists of all types. The following is just a small list of support provided to artists:
Organizations Helping Visual Artists, US Government Art Organizations, State Agencies and Art Commissions, Non Governmental Art Organizations, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Laws Regarding Visual Arts, Artist Consultants,
Grants for Artists & Grant Assistance, Artist Health Insurance, and many other legal support and resources for Massachusetts artists.
Check out the website for additional information and explore the multiple links to other resources for artists.

River's Edge Art Alliance
The Arts Alliance has quarterly exhibits at the Hudson Town Hall, so if you are interested in a solo exhibit of your work, contact Lyn Johnson at (978) 562-1646 or email her at

Websites of Interest to Artists
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake.
The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Visit the Arts Marketing Project website for info, ideas, tools and training on marketing art.
Princeton Arts Society Blog
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation?
Have an article you would like to submit?
Please send it "
publication ready
" as we need to minimize the need for editing, 
to Sue Weber at or the GALA mailing address..
If able, please include a digital image to include in the newsletter.  
The image should be no larger than 300 MB for easier publication.
Submission deadline is the 21st of each month to be included in 
the newsletter sent out on the 1st.
Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA,
and inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited to
information deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.
All Star Award
2012 Winner
GALA won Constant Contact's All Star Award 4 years in a row (2008-2012) for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing.
Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.  
GALA continues it's efforts to put out an informational, entertaining newsletter every month to inform it's members of recent, current and future art news.