GALA Newsletter
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440 - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
www.galagardner.org | November, 2012
GALA Featured Artist JoAnn Pellecchia
Visit GALA on Facebook
| Send suggestions & ideas to feedback@galagardner.org
Confirm Dates & Times
For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
GALA Board of Directors
Kevin Bird, Chairperson Jeff Gallant, Treasurer Vicki Heidorn, Secretary Guy Biechele Ashley Bird Mark Fisher Nowell Francis Luis Gonzalez Chuck Heidorn Mike Williams
Greetings! | The GALA Fall Art Show with Live Music is almost here!
Nov. 16-18, 2012 at the Gardner Senior Center
294 Pleasant St., Gardner, MA (wheelchair accessible) Admission is free, but donations are welcome.
Opening Reception Fri., 6-9:30 pm (Art Awards at 7 pm)
Art Show hours: Fri. 6-9:30 pm; Sat. 11-6 pm; Sun. 12-4 pm
Read about our three distinguished show judges
Please publicize the show:
- Invite your friends & family to attend the show. - Post show info on your blog, Facebook, Twitter or website. - Download 8x11 color poster for display & distribution.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council,
a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
New Book of Poems & Photographs by Jean Stabell |
afterimage Introducing the new collection of Poems and Photographsby Jean StabellOn Sale Now!Surroundings Gallery, Gardner, MA or Online
Janet Tibert Oil Painting Solo Exhibit in Princeton |
 The oil paintings of Janet Tibert of Leominster are currently on display at the Princeton Town Hall and the Princeton branch of the Barre Bank through Dec. 31. The exhibit is sponsored by the Princeton Arts Society. More info Visit Janet's website
Image: Brass Pitcher Nautical
PAS Call for Entries: Small Works 2012 |
"Celebrating Cats" Juried Exhibit in Fitchburg
"Celebrating Cats" Juried Exhibit now to Nov. 4, 2012 at Rollstone Studios in Fitchburg, MA .
Call for Entries: Small Works Exhibit in Marlborough | Post Road Art Center "Small Works" Exhibit Artist Drop-off: Nov. 22-29, 2012. Opening Reception: Dec. 6, 5:30-8:00 pm. Show comes down Dec. 27 unless sold for the holidays. The judge for this show will be Bob Collins from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. Go to their website for the registration form & flyer.
Call for Entries: Jaffrey Civic Center Fall Exhibit
Lisa Regopoulos & Paula Murphy Win Awards in National Pastel Show
Congratulations to
Paula Murphy & Lisa Regopoulos!
Paula's "Blown Away" (left) won the Uart/Dakota Award
Lisa's "Salem Street, North End" (right) won the Jack Richeson Award
Lori MacDonald Wins Award at Princeton Hey Day Art Exhibit
Congratulations to Lori MacDonald!
Lori's "Into the Meadow" acrylic painting won Honorable Mention in the judged portion of the highly successful Princeton Hey Day Art Exhibit held on Oct. 6 . Other GALA artists also participated in this exhibit. The weather was perfect and over 1,000 people attended the event and a record $4,500 of artwork sold! Lori MacDonald website.
Joanne Holtje's Artwork in the Exhibit "Tales from a Test Tube"
The artwork of Joanne Holtje will appear along with works by Andrew Duncan, Lionel Reinford, and Emily Sandagata
in the show "Tales From a Test Tube" at the Warner Babcock Institute of Green Chemistry
100 Research Dr., Wilmington, MA. Curated by Jerry Beck,
this exhibit explores conversions between art and science.
Exhibit will be on view until Jan. 11 by appointment only.
Contact Jerry Beck at 978-590-3759. More info Image: With-draw, detail by Joanne Holtje Visit Joanne's blog and website
Night Scenes Pastel Workshop with Donna Rosetti-Bailey
Salvation Army, 15 Roxbury Plaza, Keene, NH
Observation of night-time scenes is really critical to the success of a nocturne painting. Try to become aware of the values as you look at various night time situations. You will notice that most times, the sky is NOT the darkest area! The registration fee for this workshop is $60 for members and $85 for non-members. See the registration form for details & materials list. Registration form
Mary Meyers Pottery Exhibit in Jaffrey |
The Jaffrey Civic Center is pleased to host an exhibit of functional pottery by Mary Meyers in the first floor Display Cases from now through November 15.
For more info
Image: Ribbed Pear Jars
Bolton Artists Guild Group Show |
Artist Studio Space Available for Rent
Blueskies Studios at 3 Broad Street, Suite B307, Hudson, MA
has 4 art studio spaces available for rent! Sunny and affordable, elevator access and parking.
At Blueskies Studios "a natural synergy of inspiration and encouragement develops when artists surround themselves with other artists." Blueskies Studios is a non-profit open studio in the beautifully renovated Hudson Mill Building in Hudson. The open space is subdivided - painters, textile artists and photographers presently occupy the studio. Their main purpose is to create a positive atmosphere for area artists at an affordable rate.
More Shows, Classes, Etc. |
Art Exhibit Opportunities |
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation? Have an article you would like to submit? Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing. Send submissions including your contact info to Anna Ruuska at webawr@comcast.net or the GALA mailing address. Submission deadline is the 21st of each month.Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA,but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited toinformation deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.Go to top
GALA Receives 2011 Constant Contact Email Marketing All Star Award! | 
For the third year in a row, GALA has been named an All Star by Constant Contact for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing. Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.