Preservation Trust of Vermont 

2015 Preservation Retreats Now Open for Registration

The Preservation Trust of Vermont announces the 2015 Grand Isle Lake House Retreats at the Grand Isle Lake House. The Retreats are for anyone undertaking or considering a community development or historic preservation project. Even if you don't have a specific project, you are welcome to join us to share in the discussions.

Fundraising and Project Management 
June 8-9, 2015

What are some techniques that community projects are doing to successfully fundraise while enhancing the use of their historic buildings? Christine Graham will be on hand for training on successful fundraising techniques. This retreat will also explore how to manage a rehabilitation project, work with grantors, contractors, and the community to assure success.

We are grateful to the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation for their partnership on this retreat.

Churches and Sacred Places
June 25-26, 2015

Churches and sacred places continue to play a critical role in the health and wellness of our communities. They often act as overflow shelters for our most vulnerable citizens or as community gathering places for musical performances or events. All the while, these buildings can be challenging to maintain. This retreat is one of our most popular, offered in partnership with Partners for Sacred Places Training and shared stories will explore potential partnerships for existing churches and new uses for under-utilized church buildings. Please register early as space is limited.

We're grateful to the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation and Partners for Sacred Places for partnering on this retreat. This retreat is offered with support from the Adelard A. and Valeda Lea Roy Foundation.

Ferrisburg Grange Historic Preservation and Community Development
July 20-21, 2015

Historic preservation plays an important role in community development,
particularly when so much of Vermont's preservation work acts to strengthen downtowns and village centers. This retreat is for any nonprofit, for profit, community supported enterprise, or public facility taking on or exploring a building rehabilitation project or a project that strengthens their community.

We're grateful to partner with the Vermont Community Development Program and the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation in presenting this retreat.

Accessibility and Maintenance Planning for Historic Buildings Baldwin Block
September 14-15, 2015

In 2015, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This retreat will explore the complex issues of providing accessibility while preserving the integrity and character of historic properties. This retreat will also discuss maintenance planning for your historic property and explore the various resources available to help you.

Libraries, Nonprofit owned and Public Buildings Pawlet Library
October 12-13, 2015

Back by popular demand, this retreat will look at some of the particular challenges and opportunities for Libraries, Nonprofit- and Publicly-owned
buildings. With a strain on town budgets, what help is there to assure that these critical facilities are maintained and well-used in an evolving environment.

Retreat at the Grand Isle Lake House

It works best to have 2-4 people represent a project. Attendees will be asked to present a 10-minute case study about their project that frames a situation or problem that once solved will move that project forward. All retreats begin at 3:00 and end after lunch the following day. 

The cost for overnight, dinner and breakfast is $95/person for a shared room or $125 for a single. Space is limited to around 20 participants with a limited number of single rooms, so reservations should be made as early as possible. For more information contact Lisa Ryan or (802) 917-2994.

Vermont Council on Rural Development's Summit
Creating Prosperity & Opportunity
Confronting Climate Change
February 18, 2015, Vermont Technical College                     

The Vermont Council on Rural Development's Summit on "Creating Prosperity and Opportunity Confronting Climate Change" will bring together scientists, innovative business, non-profit, and community leaders, elected officials, public policy advocates, students, and interested residents. 

Together, over 400 participants will consider the impacts of climate change on Vermont and propose ways to advance prosperity while addressing them. The Summit will focus on how the emerging opportunities will allow us to build a national reputation, create jobs, and attract young people to our rural communities. 

To find out more, check out the full agenda and visit the website for more about the Initiative.


Save the Date: June 5, 2015
Preservation & Downtown Conference
Burlington, VT


Each year, the Preservation Trust of Vermont and the Vermont Downtown Program work together to host an annual statewide conference. This year, Burlington will host the conference on Friday, June 5th at Main Street Landing.


The conference will offer different tracks with inspiring presentations and discussions from downtown and historic preservation leaders. Experience Burlington through walking tours of downtown and the historic waterfront, as well as a look into innovative business success stories and unique historic building renovations. More details on the conference along with registration information will be available soon.  


For more information, please contact Gary Holloway at the Vermont Downtown Program.


Preservation Opportunity: Your Next Passion?                      

Jacob Davis Farmstead
Montpelier, VT

Built as the homestead for one of Montpelier's prominent earliest settlers, the c. 1836 Jacob Davis Home and associated 19 acres of land is among the earliest Greek Revival style buildings in central VT. Read on...



Hometown Fundraising Ideas                      

Local fundraising events and projects are an important part of community preservation. While not usually the biggest part of a plan to raise funds, they frequently provide an opportunity for concerned citizens to participate and show their support for a particular effort.


Do you have a Hometown Fundraising idea to share? If so, please send it along to and we will consider including it for others to see on our website and in our electronic newsletter.


Norwich: Dan & Whit's and the Norwich Inn


Dan & Whit's general store in Norwich, in partnership with the Norwich Inn, is holding community wine tastings on a monthly basis. Each month a selected nonprofit is the beneficiary in return for its promoting the tasting. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door, with $6 from each ticket sold going to the sponsoring nonprofit. For each bottle of wine ordered at the event, $1 goes to the nonprofit. Each ticket also entitles the holder to $5 off dinner at the Inn that evening.  


Since December 2010 the tastings have raised $25,497 for local nonprofits including the Norwich Historical Society, Norwich's two one-room historic
schoolhouses, the Norwich Public Library, and the Haven. Donations going to the nonprofits from a specific wine tasting depend upon the number of folks they attract to the tasting and their purchases.

The largest single event donation was $1,330 for the Hartford-Norwich Holiday Basket Helpers in November 2013. The largest turn-out of participants was 120 people.


The tastings are also wonderful community events - with folks talking with friends and acquaintances as they taste. In addition several local food producers share samples of their products including King Arthur Flour, Vermont Farmhouse Cheese, Yummy Yammy Sweet Potato Salsas, My Brigadeiro chocolates, and VT Savory Syrups.


Dan & Whit's is happy for other communities to use this wonderful model.

PTV Welcomes New Staff                               

Lisa Ryan
Field Service Representative

Lisa Ryan joins the PTV team with 15 years of experience in community development and non-profit management. She earned her Masters of Science in Historic Preservation from the University of Vermont before moving to Thomasville, GA to work first as the Programs Coordinator and later Executive Director of Thomasville Landmarks. She returned to Vermont and joined the team at the Vermont Community Development Program, which administers over $40 million in federal funds to communities throughout the state. In her free time, Lisa enjoys performing in Worst Song Ever competitions, preparing exotic mixed drinks, traveling to small towns all over the globe, and indulging her adorable dog. To contact Lisa, please email

Scott Newman Field Service Representative

Before joining PTV, Scott Newman was the Historic Preservation Officer for the Vermont Agency of Transportation, a position he held since 1999. Prior to his move to state government, Scott owned and operated a historic building restoration company for 12 years, transitioning to independent preservation consulting for 6 years. Scott studied conflict mediation at VT Law School in 2012, has a B.A. in Economics from Concordia University in Montreal, and an M.S. in Conservation of the Built Environment from the University of Montreal. In his free time, Scott pursues adventures and recreation of all kinds: volleyball, water sports, cycling, and sampling Vermont's great food and drink from every corner of the state. To contact Scott, please email

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