Equicizer News!
Special sale, see below!
April 2013

Be prepared to be inspired...  
Para-Equestrian Sydney Collier

Meet our featured rider, Sydney Collier!
by Frankie Lovato

Sydney Collier is no ordinary teenage honor student from Ann Arbor Michigan. This young ambitious para-equestrian is a beaming light of hope, truth and inspiration. I had the privilege to meet Sydney, along with her dedicated mother, family & companion and service dog "Journey."

Syd, at age 7, was diagnosed with an extremely rare congenital birth defect known as Wyburn -Mason Syndrome. A few years later, she suffered a stroke which has left the entire left side of her body all but paralyzed.
Sydney & Frankie 
Syd & Frankie in the Equicizer workshop

Still, Syd pushes onward with a smile as big as Texas. She reaches out encouraging and inspiring others with disabilities while also working very hard to reach her own goals.

She is training to qualify and represent the USA in the Paralympics and the World Equestrian Games. To learn more about Sydney, please click here!

Like & Support Syd's Facebook Page!
Syd's ParaQuest

Sydney on her work-out Equicizer she named "Wyburn" and with her real competition horse "Chip"
Equicizer Facebook Sightings!

How about this beautiful photo posted on the Parelli Facebook Page 
Linda Parelli 
Linda Parelli works with a rider on position and balance points with the Equicizer Classic model
For information on becoming a Parelli Savvy Club member, which includes monthly educational materials to advance your horsemanship, visit their website at Parelliconnect.com. Also, be sure to check out their Horse & Soul Tour at Parellihorseandsoul.com to find a tour stop near you!

For a chance to have your Equicizer featured in next month's newsletter, post a photo of you and your Equicizer on our Equicizer facebook page!

Equicizer on NBC Sports!

Hall of Fame Jockey Gary Stevens makes comeback at 50! You have to see this promo clip done by America's Best Racing and shown on NBC Sports; get a peek of Gary working out on the Equicizer!
The Road to the Kentucky Derby Preview: Gary Stevens 
The Road to the Kentucky Derby Preview: Gary Stevens

Horse Racing Education in 365 Days!

Equine Affaire 2012
Frankie Lovato takes educating fans of all ages to a whole new level. Frankie has vowed to make a racing terminology video for every day of the year 2013! Here's a sample! 
Racing Term #104  
Racing Term #104 "Field" of Frankie Lovato's 365 Days of Terminology

If you would like to sign up to receive by email our racing terminology video each morning, visit FrankLovatoJr.com or  JockeyWorld.org

(Sponsorship opportunities also available on our videos, for more info write: info@jockeyworld.org)
This Month's Featured Instructors! 
Big thank you's to our active instructors using the Equicizer and making a difference! Click on their name to learn more about them and their programs!  
Steve Lanvit 
Steve Lantvit with student and "Jazz" his Equicizer
Western Horsemanship
Steve Lantvit Horsemanship
Ed Dabney Horsemanship

Ruth Hogan Poulsen Dressage
Betsy Steiner Dressage
Maria Katsamanis Psy.D, Dressage
Kathy Graber Dressage (fb page)

Therapeutic Riding 
Colleen Cheechaulk - borrowedfreedom.org 
Sandy Lovato - stampedeofdreams.org 
Eddie & Tara Malphrus - Walk on Therapy 

We like to thank and feature horsemen, programs, therapists and riding instructors for sharing their stories and how they are utilizing the Equicizer. If you would like us to feature you in our next newsletter, please email Equicizer@aol.com!

 20% off Sale!
Classic models in stock!
Order by April  30th 2013 and save 20% on Equicizer models!   

For purchasing, go to Equicizer.com and enter "SPRING20" in the coupon code
box at checkout. Or call 347-878-9038 to place your order today!

Be A Better Fitter Rider Today!
Equicizer Exercise & Fitness  
Equicizer Elite  

Learn more about the Equicizer and how it can help your riding, call us at (419) 663-1472 or email: equicizer@aol.com

If you would like to watch videos on how the Equicizer can be used for all Equestrians, Therapy or Racing, click here Equicizer On Youtube!

Happy Trails, even if they are in your living room!

Frankie & Sandy Lovato

(for purchasing, visit)
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