Important Dates 

Tuesday, October 21 

Regular Board Meeting; 6:30 p.m. @ FHS Learning Center

Clip of the Month 


Work on Safe Routes projects to start next summer

Work on 13 infrastructure improvements in and around Fairview Park's public schools will begin in the summer of 2015 now that the Ohio Department of Transportation has awarded the city's Safe Routes to School project $350,000 in grants. Read the full story here.

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1. 2013-14 Local Report Card Highlights

Local report cards for the 2013-14 School year were released by the Ohio Department of Education this September. Superintendent Wagner briefed the board on the results during the board meeting that took place on Tuesday, September 16. During the presentation, Wagner highlighted achievements as well as areas of focus for the upcoming school year. Click here for highlights.

2. Countdown to Homecoming 2014  

Parents, students and community members are invited to join in on the fun on Friday, October 3 as we kick-off Homecoming Weekend with our annual Homecoming Parade. Learn more about the weekend festivities here.


3. We're on Google +!
To better-enhance our web presence and extend our digital footprint, the district recently launched a Google + page. The new tool helps us promote student projects, photos and district information as well as glean valuable insights. Our page has already received 31,454 hits! Check it out via

4. FHS Students take part in Coe Creek Stream Bank Restoration Project

Students in Colleen Sliwinski's Environmental Science class recently took a trip to Bain Park to take part in the Coe Creek Stream Bank Restoration Project. The project, which is funded through a recent EPA grant with the city of Fairview Park will work to identify and address erosion issues at the Coe Creek in Bain Park. Students tested water quality, examined macro invertebrates and recorded stream flow in an effort to help provide baseline testing needed to begin the project. View Photos. 

5. Students put on their Walking Shoes on October 8

To commemorate the annual Walk to School Day, students in the Fairview Park City School District are encouraged to walk or bike to school on Wednesday, October 8. Students at Gilles-Sweet Elementary School will convene at Fairview Shopping Centre in front of Giant Eagle at approximately 7:15 a.m. Following a short program, students will be escorted by parents, police, and volunteers to school. More details to follow. Learn more here.