An Update on Arthur, the Golf Course Bear

Arthur, one of eight black bears currently living at PAWS, was born in the wild and had been living in a culvert on a golf course in southern California before his arrival at our Galt sanctuary 13 years ago. After receiving numerous reports about a bear seen "hobbling on three legs" at the golf course, he was finally captured by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW). X-rays revealed the bear had been shot and the buck shot was embedded in his hips, too deep to be removed. Arthur was treated by veterinarians from both CDFW and U.C. Davis and transferred to PAWS on March 5, 2002. Our veterinarian, Dr. Jackie Gai, developed a treatment plan to address his pain and arthritis. At the time, Arthur's age was estimated to be around 10 years.  


Today, at the estimated age of 23, Arthur is doing well and walking on all fours. He enjoys his large, specially-designed grassy habitat at our Galt sanctuary, a home that includes two pools, pine and fruit trees, and honeysuckle vines. Each day he spends hours searching through the tall grass and trees looking for acorns that his keepers have scattered in the brush or hidden in the trees.


Arthur, like most bears, has a sweet tooth, and each day his dedicated keepers make sure that he gets special medications and supplements, hidden in fresh

Searching for acorns

fruits like pears, apples, or strawberries. Another favorite treat is sweet clover. The clover does not grow inside his habitat, but the Galt staff regularly picks it from other parts of the sanctuary to give to this special bear.


Arthur's habitat has sunny spots, as well as many cool and shaded areas. Arthur can choose where he wants to be depending on his mood and the weather. In cool weather, and in the early morning, Arthur can usually be found curled up in a shallow hole that he dug for himself in the dirt. It is lined with a deep layer of straw bedding. On cool, sunny days he likes lying on his back with his legs up in the air - a very relaxed pose for a bear! Another favorite lounging spot, according to keeper Nicole, is beneath his apricot tree, where he will occasionally reach up, pull down a low branch, and snack on the fruit at his leisure. And of course, he does love his pools and often takes a dip after breakfast, as well as frequent soaks in the cool water when the weather is warm.


Please consider making a donation to PAWS in honor of Arthur, or becoming an adoptive parent to this wonderful bear. You can also help Arthur by purchasing a bottle of Cosequin DS, a glucosamine supplement for arthritis, that Arthur and other older animals at PAWS take each day. Dr. Gai has listed it on our Amazon Wish List. Click here to view.


Arthur enjoying one of his two pools



"Tyke Elephant Outlaw"

Shines at Sarasota Film Festival


The documentary film, "Tyke Elephant Outlaw," premiered this month at the Sarasota Film Festival in Florida. Some are calling it the "Blackfish" (the documentary film about the orca Tilikum at SeaWorld) for captive elephants. Even

Ed Stewart participates in a
panel discussion following
the premiere of the "Tyke Elephant Outlaw" documentary.

before the start of the festival, the Australian film, produced and directed by leading documentary filmmakers Stefan Moore and Susan Lambert, was chosen as one of the top 10 must-see films out of the 278 entries at the festival.


The riveting documentary tells the story of Tyke, a female African elephant who came to a gruesome end in 1994 after she crushed her trainer before thousands of horrified spectators at the Circus International in Honolulu. She then injured a circus groom and charged out into the streets, where she died in a hail of bullets. Tyke's story is told from the perspectives of former trainers and handlers, witnesses, and animal advocates.


PAWS President Ed Stewart is featured in the documentary. He attended the film's premiere and participated in a panel discussion following the screening. PAWS had investigated Tyke in the early 1990s and discovered that circuses continued to use the elephant despite a history of behavioral problems, escapes, and causing serious injury to a groom.


"If you've ever carried a sign, ever written a letter to your legislator, or wanted to know the real story about the abuse of elephants in the circus, you have to see this film," said Ed Stewart. "'Tyke Elephant Outlaw' exposes the despair, confusion and utterly miserable lives that elephants endure in the circus. It joins HBO's 'An Apology to Elephants' as two of the most important documentary films to address this issue."


PAWS cares for two Asian elephants, Gypsy and Nicholas, who for decades performed for the same circus company as Tyke. Fortunately for them they found refuge at PAWS.


You can view the trailer for "Tyke Elephant Outlaw" and learn about other screenings of the film by visiting the documentary's website. PAWS thanks our supporters who attended the premiere.


Dr. Gai: Paying It Forward


PAWS' veterinarian, Dr. Jackie Gai, was an invited speaker recently at the U.C. Davis School of Veterinary Medicine's Animal Welfare Lecture Series, hosted by the students of the Behavior Medicine Club. This is a new and exciting series of evening presentations by 

Dr. Gai speaks with students following her presentation at U.C. Davis
invited guest speakers, covering a broad spectrum of animal welfare topics including equine welfare, shelter animal welfare, and marine mammal rehabilitation.


Dr. Gai spoke to a group of students on the topic Captive Elephant Welfare: A Veterinarian's Perspective. Her hour-long lecture was followed by a lively discussion period, and many students remained afterwards to talk with Dr. Gai about this timely and important topic. The audience of approximately 60 was composed of veterinary students, undergraduate and graduate students, U.C. Davis faculty, and a few of PAWS' staff including cofounder and president Ed Stewart.


A firm believer in "paying it forward", Dr. Gai welcomes opportunities to interact with veterinary students - especially those with interests in welfare, and free-ranging and captive wildlife.




You're Invited to a Very Special Event!


On Sunday, June 7, please join us for the Pat Derby Celebratory Birthday Tea, a special party being held at the Linde Lane Tea Room in Dixon, California. Proceeds from this fun and festive event will benefit the Pat Derby Animal Wellness Center,


now under construction at PAWS' ARK 2000 sanctuary. Guests will enjoy a five-course vegetarian feast, games and fun contests, animal stories with PAWS cofounder Ed Stewart, surprise guests, and more. Our hostesses will be the fun and vivacious Kitty O'Neal, on-air radio personality from radio station KFBK in Sacramento, and the gracious Dr. Kristina Wiley, DDS, the proprietor of Linde Lane Tea Room. 


PAWS cofounder Pat Derby was born in East Sussex, England, on June 7, 1942. Growing up British, Pat developed a life-long love of tea - especially Earl Grey. Visitors to her home were always offered a hot cup of tea, and she had a large selection for her guests to choose from. No matter what the stresses of the day might bring, one could always count on Pat for good conversation and a perfect cup of tea. Ed, her partner of 37 years, recalls visiting many tea rooms and tea shops with Pat, and sampling and shopping for teas when they traveled together. Later in life, Pat enjoyed savory varieties such as Chai, and exotic green teas with acai and wild berries. This first Celebratory Tea will take place on Pat's actual birthday, and will hopefully become an annual event!


On Pat's birthday in 2012, PAWS' veterinarian Dr. Jackie Gai had the delightful pleasure of surprising her with lunch and tea at Linde Lane. Ed was "in" on the secret, pretending that he wanted to take a little sightseeing detour through

Dr. Jackie Gai and Pat Derby
at the Linde Lane Tea Room on
Pat's birthday, June 7, 2012

Dixon on their way to the Napa wine country for a birthday trip. As he slowly drove by Linde Lane, Pat saw the Tea Room and excitedly yelled, "Ed - stop the car! A tea room!" Pat, Ed, and Dr. Gai sat at the big tea cup table where Pat was adorned with a sparkly tiara and received a special commemorative cup. A wonderful and memorable time was enjoyed by all, especially Pat!


The Linde Lane Tea Room is a beautifully appointed and furnished Victorian-style tea room, located about 23 miles from downtown Sacramento in quaint, downtown Dixon. Established in 2010, the Tea Room is located inside a renovated historic building that once housed the Dixon Fire Station, originally built in 1929. It is a feast for the eyes, with antique furniture, a custom-designed wooden tea bar

  The tea cup booth at Linde Lane

housing 49 flavors of tea, whimsical and eclectic decorations, a hat shop, and even a tea cup-shaped booth for guests. Great attention to detail is evident throughout this fine establishment.


Dr. Kristina Wiley, DDS, is the owner of Linde Lane Tea Room, and also operates a successful dental practice upstairs. She is an amazing person - genuine, compassionate, philanthropic, and an animal lover! Through a mutual friend, she heard about PAWS and our work on behalf of performing animals and captive wildlife, and decided that she wanted to do something special to raise money for

Dr. Kristina Wiley, DDS, in Haiti

PAWS. Dr. Wiley generously offered to host this benefit tea with 100% of the proceeds going to PAWS. She has arranged an incredible lineup of food, party favors, fun, and even a three-dimensional cake shaped like elephant "71" - the African elephant calf raised to adulthood by Pat and Ed.


In addition to owning a tea room and running a dental practice, last month Dr. Wiley returned from her second trip to Haiti where she

organized and completed two dental missions. She and her team provided free and much-needed dental care to hundreds of people in this poverty-stricken country where there are no dentists. 


The Pat Derby Animal Wellness Center is currently under construction at PAWS' ARK 2000 sanctuary. This new facility will significantly elevate the level of veterinary care that we can provide to the animals living in our sanctuary. Currently, and historically, the majority of veterinary procedures have been performed in the field (literally), in the animals' enclosures. While the level of veterinary care we currently provide is excellent and comprehensive, there are occasional situations where we have had to transport animals to U.C. Davis for advanced procedures such as major surgery and dental extractions. In the new Center, we will be able to do more procedures on site at the sanctuary, which is less stressful for animals. The Center will also allow us to hospitalize animals in need of specialized treatments and care, and its conference room will also serve as a location for meetings with animal care specialists, scientists, and captive wildlife organizational leaders. 


Seating is limited. For more information, and to purchase tickets for the Pat Derby Celebratory Birthday Tea, click here.


Dr. Gai neuters a tiger


Jesus, like most tigers, liked to swim


Jesus the Tiger: In Memoriam


We are saddened to share the news that Jesus, one of the rescued Colton tigers, has passed away. Jesus endured many years of neglect, and survived horrific and dangerous conditions at a now-defunct roadside zoo in Colton, California. In 2004, PAWS accomplished the single largest rescue of big cats in U.S. history when we provided a permanent home and lifelong care for 39 tigers from this facility.


Once at PAWS, Jesus and his companion Pele soon learned to relax and enjoy a large, grassy, oak-forested habitat at ARK 2000, complete with swimming pools. For the first time in their lives, these two elderly, battle-scarred tigers no

 Pele (left) and Jesus

longer had to fight for their food and live in filthy cages. Even though each of them had his own spacious den box to sleep in, Jesus and Pele chose to sleep together and were never far apart. When Pele passed away in 2009, Jesus took some time to adjust to the loss of his companion, but soon appreciated the company of other nearby tigers, Rex and Sunita.


Jesus was always frail due to severe arthritis and degenerative disc disease of his neck and spine. Curvature of the spine, known as kyphosis, is often seen in older captive big cats, and many factors play a role in its development including irresponsible in-breeding, poor nutrition, and severe confinement. As he aged, Jesus also experienced occasional seizures. PAWS' dedicated keeper staff made sure that he was always comfortable and built special low sleeping platforms that were easy for him to climb on and off of, and they also enclosed his very own section of grassy habitat when he began to have trouble walking up and down hills. He always had an excellent appetite, so it was easy to make sure he took all of his daily medications for arthritis and seizures, hidden in bits of meat. 


Jesus had wide, golden eyes and an inquisitive personality. Our veterinarian Dr. Jackie Gai recalls Jesus fondly. He would always approach the fence and vocalize a special greeting whenever she came to check on him. Jesus held a special place in our hearts, as this tough little survivor always seemed to approach life with trust and optimism despite a long history of mistreatment.


Jesus' comfort and mobility took a sudden decline, and he was humanely euthanized on April 17th, surrounded by many who loved him. We will miss this special tiger. 


None of the rescued Colton tigers arrived with a medical record. Dr. Gai has had to estimate their ages based on the condition of each tiger's teeth. Jesus was approximately 21 at the time of his death. To learn more about the Colton Tiger rescue, watch the following documentary by William Nimmo, founder of "Tigers in America."


39 Tigers: The story of the largest tiger rescue in US history.
39 Tigers: The story of the
largest tiger rescue in US history




PAWS Advocacy Updates and

Ways You Can Take Action for Animals


When PAWS President Ed Stewart and the late Pat Derby founded PAWS in 1984, it was the only animal organization with a comprehensive captive wildlife program. Ed shot some of the first-ever undercover video exposing the abuse of elephants in circuses, showing elephants buckling under the blow of the bullhook.


Many people know PAWS primarily for our work in providing sanctuary for captive wildlife in need, but advocacy is a critical part of our mission. Without it, we would never see an end to the suffering of wild animals used in entertainment, roadside zoos, and those kept as exotic "pets." Following we share some of our recent efforts:


San Francisco Bans Wild Animal Performances


San Francisco is officially the largest U.S. city to ban all performances by wild or exotic animals. The ordinance, which was unanimously passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, was formally adopted last week. Supervisor Katy Tang introduced the measure. PAWS is proud to have contributed to this very important effort, which was spearheaded by the League of Humane Voters - California. Ed Stewart spoke at the Public Safety Committee meeting earlier in April, encouraging members to support this important action.


AB 96 - California Legislation to Ban Sales of Ivory and Rhino Horns


PAWS continues to work on this important bill that addresses the destruction of elephants and rhinos for the illegal wildlife trade. These iconic animals are being poached at alarming rates - an average of 96 elephants are killed each day in Africa, and more than 1,000 rhinos out of a remaining 29,000 in the wild were poached in South Africa alone in 2014. They are being gunned down and poisoned so their tusks or horns can be sold as expensive trinkets and symbols of social status. Unless action is taken now, elephants and rhinos are headed toward extinction.


If you live in California and would like to help, PAWS is looking for volunteers to help collect postcards signed by people in your community who support this important bill. We are especially in need of supporters from the Central Valley area. If you can help, please contact Catherine Doyle at Provide your name, mailing address, and the number of postcards you need. We are asking that people commit to collecting at least 25 signed postcards. Postcards must be collected and sent back to PAWS.


If you have not already contacted your California Assembly member, please call

and urge him or her to support AB 96. Follow up your call with an email. Click here to locate your Assembly member. Follow the link to find your Assembly member's contact information, including phone number. You can send a message via the on-line contact form.


AB 716 - California Legislation to Ban the Bullhook


PAWS is proud to be a key sponsor of newly introduced legislation that would ban the use of bullhooks in California, SB 716. Introduced by state senator Ricardo Lara, the bill would strengthen existing state laws protecting elephants from abuse. PAWS is working alongside the Humane Society of the United States and the Oakland Zoo on this important effort.


The bullhook is a steel-tipped weapon resembling a fireplace poker, with a sharpened tip and hook at the end. It is used to dominate and control elephants through pain and fear. Handlers forcefully prod, hook and strike elephants on sensitive parts of their bodies before and during performances, and as a matter of routine handling. Even when not in use, the bullhook is a constant reminder of the painful punishment that can be delivered at any time.


PAWS has worked with elephants for more than 30 years and, even though we work with bulls and highly dangerous elephants, we have never once used a bullhook. There simply is no way to humanely use a bullhook.


In California, elephants are forced to perform in visiting circuses, to give rides and are used in advertising and film, all the while being subjected to the abusive bullhook. To help us end the use of this cruel and archaic weapon click here



PAWS and Bob Barker

Battle Elephant Rides at Kern County Fair


PAWS traveled to Kern County, California, in April to urge the Kern County Fair to stop offering elephant rides at its annual event. PAWS Director of Science, Research and Advocacy Catherine Doyle testified before the Fair board about the danger of


Catherine Doyle, PAWS director of science,
research and advocacy, addresses the
Kern County Fair Board, asking it to
no longer allow elephant rides at the fair. 

Photo by Felix Adamo, The Bakersfield Californian
using elephants for rides and challenged the idea that children learned anything from seeing elephants walk mindlessly in circles for hours as they carry cash-paying riders.


PAWS also enlisted the help of award-winning television host and elephant advocate Bob Barker, who reached out to the fair board urging members to end the rides. Mr. Barker stated: "If the public knew the terrible suffering that elephants endure in order to be used for rides, they would never ride an elephant. It is astonishing that in this day and age, and with all that we know about these highly intelligent and self-aware animals, the Kern County Fair would even consider offering elephant rides again."


In the end the board voted to end the rides, but not until 2017, even though many board members expressed concern about the safety of elephant rides, and despite video evidence of the abusive treatment of the elephants.


PAWS thanks board members Ned Dunphy, Raji Brar, and Cesar Chavez, who voted against the motion. And we commend local activist Stacey Augustson and everyone who attended the meeting to support an end to the rides.


Other Legislative News


Los Angeles passed a resolution expressing support for AB 96, California legislation that would ban the sale of ivory and rhino horns.


San Francisco passed a resolution to support AB 716, California legislation that would ban use of the bullhook and other similar devices.

Oregon Bill to Ban Ivory and Rhino Horn Sales

Needs Your Help


The Oregon Senate will soon be voting on SB 913, the bill aimed at shutting down the Oregon market in ivory and rhino horn. This bill represents an important opportunity for Oregon to do its part to protect the world's dwindling populations of elephants and rhinos. The bill is headed for the senate floor and will be scheduled for a vote any day.

If you live in Oregon, please contact your state senator right away and urge him or her to vote yes on SP 913. If you don't live in the state, please share with your Oregon animal advocate friends!

Read more about the bill here. Locate your Oregon state senator here.

Good News For Animals

The Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) continues to make progress in its pursuit of legal personhood for a nonhuman animal. Last week, a New York judge issued an Order to Show Cause, which is similar to a writ of habeus corpus. Issuance of the Order may mean the Court believes at minimum that the two chimpanzees at the center of the case, Hercules and Leo, could possibly be legal persons for legal purposes. The issue is yet to be fully argued. Hercules and Leo are currently being used for biomedical experiments at Stony Brook University on Long Island, New York. The next hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, in New York City, and is open to the public. NhRP President Steven Wise was a featured speaker at the PAWS International Captive Wildlife Conference last year. For more information on the case, click here.


Kudos to activists in Virginia who succeeded in convincing the Celebrate South Riding Fair to end the use of animal acts and rides at the festival. The president of the fair's board of directors stated that the action "was in the best interest of our entire community." The fair will now feature live music acts, carnival rides, a high wire act, and other non-animal attractions.


The George Carden International Circus announced it will phase out its elephant acts by 2019. The decision follows the announcement by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus that it will end its elephant acts by 2018.


U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) has introduced legislation - the Targeted Use of Sanctions for Killing Elephants and Rhinoceroses, or TUSKER Act - to save the world's elephants and rhinos from poachers. The bill would impose trade sanctions on countries that facilitate ivory and rhino horn trafficking. Eight countries have been identified as instrumental to the global market for illegal ivory, including China, Thailand and Vietnam. Read Rep. DeFazio's press release here. 


A BIG Thank You!

Above: The Just For Corvettes car club held its 9th Annual Hooters All Corvette Car Show on April 4 in Sacramento. Each year the event raises money for two charities selected by the organization and this year PAWS was one of the two chosen. More than 300 corvettes were entered in this year's show. On April 16, club representatives took the scenic drive to San Andreas to present PAWS with a check for $1,592. Pictured L-R are Just For Corvettes club president Rafael Cancino, PAWS ARK 2000 sanctuary manager Brian Busta, club member Sue Gerber, and club vice president Joe Gerber. Thank you all!

March Amazon Wish List Donors

William Fedun: 10 lbs. of unsalted peanuts, one 20 lb. tub of Psyllium, one bag Missing Link Equine Skin and Coat. Patricia Connelly: two bags of Missing Link Equine Skin and Coat, one flex rake, shovel and spade set. Abby Sherman: two bags of Missing Link Ultimate Skin and Coat. Joyce Hodel: one bottle of RenAvast, one box nitrile gloves size large, one box nitrile gloves size medium, 40 lbs. of oranges, two bottles Renal Essentials. Elizabeth Soles: one bag of Missing Link Ultimate Equine Skin and Coat. Carol Haft: one bottle of Renal

Ergo Chef knife set

Essentials, one bag of Missing Link Ultimate Skin and Coat, and one bag of Missing Link Equine Skin and Coat. Lanette Cooper: two bags of Missing Link Ultimate Skin and Coat. Janice and Dan High: one 5 lb. tub of Psyllium. Elizabeth Stokes: one bottle of Azodyl. The Joyce Family (Tracy Joyce): one 40 lb. case of oranges. Patricia Krisan: one bag of Missing Link Ultimate Equine Skin and Coat. James Cooper: one bottle Renal Essentials. Katherine W. Milan: one bag Missing Link Equine Skin and Coat, one bag Missing Link Ultimate Skin and Coat. Anonymous: one weed trimmer replacement head, two bags of Missing Link Ultimate Skin and Coat, two cases of copy paper.


Thank you Elaine Giammetta who wrote to Ergo Chef asking them to donate knives to PAWS for use in our Galt animal food prep kitchen. Ergo Chef sent us the wonderful set shown in the photo above!


View wish list items that are needed,
but not listed on the Amazon list, here.

There are many ways you can help PAWS animals:
Adopt A PAWS Animal
If you would like to help our animals, one of the best ways is to become an "adoptive parent," or give a PAWS adoption as a gift to an animal lover in your life. PAWS adoptions are symbolic adoptions only. No animal will be sent!
PAWS Amazon Wish List
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PO Box 849
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-2606