A Special Message From Bob Barker

Dear Friend of PAWS,

I cannot begin to tell you how awe-inspiring it was to witness the arrival of African elephants Iringa, Toka and Thika at the PAWS' ARK 2000 sanctuary after their cross-border trip from Canada. I watched them take their first steps toward their new home - an expansive, natural habitat that is far closer to what captive elephants need to thrive and not just survive.

As you may know, I advocated passionately for a number of years to relocate these elephants to PAWS. I truly believe the PAWS sanctuary is the best place for them. Now that Iringa, Toka and Thika are at PAWS, I cannot imagine them anywhere else. But the work is not over.

As PAWS' co-founder, the late Pat Derby, often reminded me: "Rescue and retirement are wonderful, but the arrival of any animal at the PAWS sanctuary is only the beginning."

Now the real work of tending to the elephants begins. That's where you come in.

When you make a donation to PAWS, you directly support the elephants' care by a team of qualified professionals led by PAWS president and co-founder Ed Stewart; a team that is dedicated to providing the best quality of life for the elephants and all the animals at the ARK 2000 sanctuary. You also ensure that PAWS continues its critical work for captive wild animals in need - just as they have been doing for nearly 30 years.

I was very proud to fund the transport to PAWS for Iringa, Toka and Thika. PAWS now cares for 11 elephants at its wonderful sanctuary.

ARK 2000 is the best place you can ever imagine for captive elephants. But it takes a lot of financial support to operate the sanctuary each and every day of the year. Every animal requires feeding and daily care and receives expert veterinary attention when necessary.
I will continue to do my part to help animals in need, and now I am asking you to do yours by making a generous contribution to help continue PAWS' good work.

I am so pleased to have this opportunity to write to you directly. I sincerely hope that we can count on your continued support to help care for all of the animals at the ARK 2000 sanctuary.

Bob Barker

Iringa, Toka and Thika at PAWS




Happy Birthday Bob!

Bob Barker celebrates his 90th birthday on December 12, 2013. Please join PAWS in sending him wonderful wishes for all of his accomplishments and his dedication to helping animals everywhere.

If you would like to send Mr. Barker a birthday card, or message, in honor of this very important day, you can mail it to PAWS and we'll see that he personally receives all of them. 

Mail to:

Bob Barker's Birthday Greeting

c/o PAWS

P.O. Box 849

Galt, CA 95632

P. O. Box 849, Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-2606

PAWS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
PAWS Fed ID # is 94-3005157.
All gifts to PAWS are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

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