Please join the protest of elephant rides
at the 2013 Nevada County Fair!
Despite overwhelming public opposition, video evidence of abusive training, expert testimony, and a letter signed by leading elephant authorities from around the world opposing elephant rides, the Nevada County Fair, located in Grass Valley, California, will offer the rides for the first time in its 100+ year history. Please join PAWS, local animal protection organizations and concerned citizens to protest the rides, August 7-11.
PAWS will be there on August 7, to help kick off five days of educational demonstrations with a special opening night protest. We are proud to be working with local organizations* in organizing these important actions, with the aim of alerting Fair visitors that elephant rides are cruel for elephants and unsafe for the public..
Training for rides involves violently breaking and training elephants, and controlling them through dominance and fear of pain for the rest of their lives. Handlers use the bullhook - a steel rod resembling a fireplace poker - to routinely prod, hook and strike elephants so they comply with every command.
Have Trunk Will Travel, the company providing the rides at the Fair, was caught on video repeatedly striking elephants with bullhooks during training and using electric shock to force an elephant to perform a circus trick.
PLEASE HELP US show the Nevada County Fair - and any other Fair or public event that considers offering elephant rides - that we will not tolerate the use and abuse of elephants for entertainment!
What: Educational Outreach and Demonstrations Against Elephant Rides
When: Wednesday, August 7 through Sunday, August 11 - Please note that the special opening night protest on Wednesday begins at 5:30 p.m. at Gate 1.
Where: Nevada County Fairgrounds, 11228 McCourtney Road, Grass Valley, CA 95945, Gate 1. (The fairgrounds are located approximately 70 miles north of Sacramento.) For map/directions, click here.
There are three shifts for each day of educational demonstrations at the Fair:
10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
You can pick your shift(s) or just show up when you can. Either way, we urge you to contact organizer Shelley Frost at and tell her that you will be attending the demonstration. Shelley will add you to a special email list created to keep people informed of important information such as meeting places and last-minute changes.
This will be a peaceful, POLITE, educational protest that is suitable for all ages. We urge you to bring friends, family and business associates and show your support and compassion for the elephants.
For more information, please contact Catherine Doyle at
*Our admiration and thanks to the local Nevada County organizations involved in this effort, including Coalition for Animal Welfare and Support (CAWS), Center for Animal Protection and Education (CAPE), Animal Save, Animal Place, Scooter's Pals, and Rescue for Pets Sake.