Moves To His New Habitat At ARK 2000 |
Alexander, PAWS' black leopard, was purchased as a small cub to be a pet for a family in Houston, Texas. His "owners", who paid $2,500, kept him chained in their backyard until one day when he scratched a toddler. The incident resulted in Alexander being seized by local animal control officers. Scheduled to be euthanized, he was saved when the Houston SPCA intervened on his behalf. He spent seven months in the care of the SPCA while they searched for an appropriate home, which they ultimately found at PAWS.
Alexander was 11 months old when he arrived at our Galt sanctuary in 1999. Brian Busta, and a crew made up of PAWS staff and dedicated volunteers, quickly built a special enclosure for him that included elevated platforms, a den, and a big plum tree suitable for climbing. Since he was found in Houston, and moved like a rocket, Alexander was named in honor of Nanci and Leslie Alexander, owners of the Houston Rockets, and longtime champions of animal welfare.
Alexander lived in his enclosure in Galt for 14 years, until an incredibly generous donor stepped forward to fund construction of a big new habitat for him at ARK 2000. Inspired by Pat Derby and Ed Stewart, and their dream for a better world for captive wildlife, Mrs. Audrey Steele Burnand donated funds to construct a beautiful new home for Alex. His spacious new habitat includes many climbable oak and pine trees, a pool, and a large, raised deck with a commanding view of the rolling hills of ARK 2000.
On May 30, 2013, Alexander was loaded into a PAWS' animal transport cage and moved from our Galt sanctuary to ARK 2000 in San Andreas, in a comfortable, air-conditioned van driven by Ed Stewart. Alex was accompanied by PAWS' veterinary staff during his journey to his new home. You can watch a video of the move below.
Members of Mrs. Burnand's family were on hand to help us unload Alexander's cage from the van and release him into his new home where he strode confidently into the new habitat, checked out his new den, and seemed very impressed with his new digs!
Pat Derby dreamed of the day PAWS would be able to move Alexander to ARK 2000. One of her biggest wishes was to see him in a larger habitat where he could run, climb trees and have a pool. From her bed, shortly before her death, Pat could see construction of his habitat nearing completion and she spoke often of her excitement at his upcoming big move. Sadly, Pat did not live long enough to see the completion, but we could not help but feel that she was watching last Thursday when Mrs. Burnand's granddaughter, Kristin Stewart, pulled open the gate and Aexander took his first step into his magnificent new home.
With deep and heartfelt gratitude and appreciation, we thank Mrs. Audrey Steele Burnand for her very generous donation, and for making this dream come true for Alexander, for Pat, and for all of us at PAWS.
| Alexander Moves To ARK 2000 |
Alexander relaxes in his new habitat. |
Members of Mrs. Burnand's family helped with Alexander's move. Pictured above: Granddaughter Kristin Stewart (center), Kristin's husband Michael Stewart (left), and Kristin's father Cecil Rossi (right). Kristin and Michael are Calaveras County neighbors of PAWS. They own and operate the "Simply Delicious" cafe in Arnold, CA. | |
Pat Derby
Visionary. Architect. Champion. Mentor. Courageous Leader. Friend.
PAWS co-founder Pat Derby continues to inspire each of us at PAWS, as well as countless people around the world. She was a spirited leader who created an enduring legacy through her unfaltering vision of making the world a better place for captive wildlife, especially performing animals.
"Ed and I built ARK 2000 for 71," Pat Derby once stated. "All of our programs were developed from our experiences with her. Without 71, there would be no PAWS. She lived in an atmosphere of love, peace and dignity, and she led her group of elephants with wisdom and courage. She will always be the cornerstone of PAWS and the elephant sanctuary at ARK 2000."
It is here at ARK 2000 where Pat's memory inspires others to help give animals back their dignity and a sense of peace. This is the place where Pat Derby wanted to, "Just let them be a lion. . . be a tiger. . . a bear, or an elephant."
In honor of Pat's birthday on June 7, and in memory of 71, the special elephant who was indeed the cornerstone of ARK 2000, we invite you to make a pledge of $71 or more to help us care for the animals living at our sanctuaries. Donors of memorial gifts of $71 and above, will each receive a commemorative DVD of the Pat Derby Memorial Celebration held at the Crest Theatre in Sacramento on March 29, 2013, as well as a limited-edition keepsake button featuring a photo of Pat Derby and 71 at ARK 2000. (The DVD is scheduled for a July release. We have a limited number of buttons available and will continue to send until we run out.)
When you make your donation, please let us know that your gift is in memory of Pat and 71.
Thank you!
- Ed Stewart and everyone at PAWS! |
Pat Derby Receives GFAS Award
Ed Stewart traveled to Tennessee last month to accept the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries' (GFAS) Carol Noon Award for Sanctuary Excellence, awarded posthumously to Pat Derby.
The award was established by the GFAS to honor those who dedicate themselves passionately to sanctuary animal care, and is named in honor of Carole Noon, Ph.D., founder of Save the Chimps, and a courageous and innovative sanctuary pioneer. The award was presented at the Humane Society of the United States' Animal Care Expo opening ceremonies in Nashville.
A $5,000 donation to PAWS accompanied the award, made possible by generous contributions from International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Born Free USA, The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS), and individual donors.
Book Review: "Elephants Among Us"
by Catherine Doyle
All too often the sad lives and deaths of captive elephants go unrecorded or they are lost with time. It's as though these individuals never existed. In "Elephants Among Us", author Mike Jaynes sets out to preserve the memories of two elephants, Stoney and Mary. Though they lived decades apart, their stories are united by their exploitation for human entertainment and their tragic ends.
The greater part of the book is dedicated to Stoney, a male Asian elephant who was born at the Oregon Zoo in 1973, removed from his mother by age one, and sent to a life in entertainment. In 1994, while practicing a hind leg stand at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Stoney's rear leg hamstring snapped. The elephant was in excruciating pain and unable to stand, and he was relegated to a windowless building behind the luxurious hotel. Hoping that Stoney's leg could be mended, a veterinarian created a sling-type device meant to only temporarily support the elephant and allow for physical therapy. Unfortunately, this was the beginning of the end for Stoney.
But Stoney was not alone. The author introduces the reader to activist Linda Faso, who, together with PAWS co-founder Pat Derby, fought to save Stoney's life. A chapter written by Faso provides a first-hand account of events and is a moving tribute to Stoney. The author also takes care to point out that despite the horrific nature of Stoney's story, there were positive outcomes, such as increased awareness of the plight of wild animals used for entertainment and a reduction in the use of exotic animals in Las Vegas shows.
The latter part of the book describes the circumstances surrounding the horrific death of Mary, an elephant performing with a circus. In 1916, while being ridden in a parade by an inexperienced handler, Mary moved out of line in order to reach a watermelon rind. The handler struck Mary hard on the side of the head and the elephant responded by grabbing the man, throwing him to the ground, and then quickly dispatching him. An outraged public called for Mary's death, and she was hung to death in a grisly spectacle.
Jaynes' meticulous research brings Mary, Stoney and all the human players to life, and he deftly sifts fact from fiction. More than anything, he strives to be balanced, presenting both sides of each story. (At times he may try too hard to be unbiased, but readers can come to their own conclusions.) Jaynes repeatedly warns against laying blame on any one person, and instead points the finger at the bigger issues: prevailing attitudes that allow the exploitation of elephants for entertainment and an enabling public that continues to purchase tickets to see animals perform.
While the subject matter may be difficult, Jaynes' interesting perspectives keep you engaged. You owe it to yourself, and to Mary and Stoney, to read this book. We guarantee you will never forget these elephants - and that's how it should be.
"Elephants Among Us" is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. Click here for more information or to order.
Pictured above: Immediately following Ed Stewart's presentation, Oakland Zoo staff presented him with this original watercolor painting of Pat Derby, and Annie, one of PAWS' Asian elephants. |
"Celebrating Elephants" 2013
Thank you, Oakland Zoo, for another fantastic fundraiser for ATE
During the 17 years the Oakland Zoo has been presenting its "Celebrating Elephants" event, they have raised more than $200,000 for the Amboseli Trust for Elephants (ATE) in Kenya, led by world-renowned researcher Cynthia Moss. Almost everything we know about African elephants today is because of her ongoing work. Cynthia has led a research team at Amboseli National Park for more than 40 years, studying every aspect of these elephants' lives.
Echo, the elephant matriarch who Cynthia studied for more than 30 years, beginning in 1973, was the subject of several books, as well as documentaries on PBS and the BBC. She was the first subject of the Amboseli Elephant Research Project (AERP), the longest-running study of a land mammal. The study of Echo and her family contributed significantly to the understanding of elephants, including their life-cycles, methods of communication, emotional lives, and cooperative care of their young. Echo died in 2008 at the age of 65.
This year's evening event was held on May 17, and was dedicated to the memory of PAWS' co-founder Pat Derby. Ed Stewart was the featured speaker that night. It was a wonderful evening of friends, food, beverages, the always "to die for" silent auction, and a chance for elephant lovers to gather together to celebrate elephants with the respect, compassion and awareness they deserve.
Pictured above: Karen Sharpe Kramer, Ed Stewart and Katherine "Kat" Kramer at the Petco Foundation's Hope Gala in San Diego. Kat was a featured performer at the event that honored Lily Tomlin and her commitment to animal welfare. Kat sang the beautiful song, "Bless the Beasts and the Children", from her father's movie by the same name. PAWS first met the Kramers when Kat volunteered to sing that same song at our production of Circus PAWS in Hollywood, an event that had been the long-time dream of PAWS' co-founder Pat Derby. Kat would later honor Pat by giving a repeat performance at Pat's memorial service in March of this year. You can listen to Kat's performance at Circus PAWS by clicking here. |
Petco Foundation Honors Lily Tomlin
Celebrating more than 14 years of making a difference for animals, the Petco Foundation hosted its fifth annual Hope Gala on May 18, in San Diego. This year's event honored Lily Tomlin for her dedicated work and commitment to animal welfare.
Each year the Petco Foundation gala recognizes individuals or groups who share the foundation's mission to improve the quality of life for pets, and the people who love and need them. A portion of the proceeds from the event benefitted two non-profits near and dear to Lily's heart - Actors and Others for Animals and the Performing Animal Welfare Society!
Congratulations Lily on this well-deserved honor, and our thanks to you, and to Petco, for thinking of us! |
Pictured above: Havergal College fifth graders Sarah (left) and Shanti (middle) show off the "Save Me" buttons they made with the help of Isabella (right). Isabella is not a student at Havergal, but a friend who provided the button making equipment and taught the others how to use it. Lillian, one of the three girls who worked on the elephant awareness project and fundraiser, was unable to attend the button-making day at Isabella's house, but helped to distribute the buttons to all of the students at Havergal. |
Toronto Fifth Graders Raise Funds
To Help Elephants
Sarah, Shanti and Lillian, three fifth grade students from Havergal College, an independent girls school in Toronto, Canada, recently worked on raising awareness about elephants in captivity. They gave a Power Point presentation to their entire elementary school, showed an animated video, wrote and performed a skit, and raised about $280 (Canadian) at a school pizza lunch.
In October of 2011, the Toronto City Council voted to send the Toronto Zoo's three African elephants to PAWS. On November 27, 2012, Toronto City council voted 32 to 8 to send the Toronto Zoo elephants to PAWS - again. No date has yet to be set for the move.
The girls also made "SAVE ME" pin-back buttons that had an elephant image superimposed over a photo of PAWS sanctuary. Every student at the school received one. Throughout their project, the girls had the support and encouragement of Ann Peel, director of the Institute at Havergal.
The school forwarded the money raised from the pizza lunch to PAWS, along with a request from the girls that the money be used to adopt African elephant Maggie.
From everyone at PAWS, especially Maggie, thank you Sarah, Shanti and Lillian for your hard work and caring hearts! |
Spring Open House: Thank You!
 If you were one of the 700+ visitors to our May 11 open house, you may have noticed the beautiful baskets of flowers on African Hill. All of those baskets were donated to our event by PAWS volunteer Ruth Huffman. Many thanks Ruth, for the flowers, and for all your hard work.
Thank you to all of our open house visitors and volunteers who braved the 95+ degree "spring day" to attend.
We sincerely appreciate and thank our generous friend, Devra Lewis, and her Blue Mountain Transit shuttle team for donating their services at our events time and time again! Can't imagine a PAWS event without them!
Galt Office: Thank You!
A special shout out to John Gardella and Chris Christensen, two long-time PAWS volunteers, for all of the work they have done at our Galt office during the last couple of months. They have moved old files, equipment, furniture, fire extinguishers, and e-waste, and moved broken desks, replacing them with tables. John re-routed all the computer cables that were half-way up the wall and looked like someone's clothes line, to where they are now, barely visible. Chris also re-routed power and telephone cables. And if all this was not enough, they then painted the office walls! Everyone in the Galt office is elated! Many thanks for all of your time and hard work.
Amazon Wish List Donors:Thank You!
ANONYMOUS DONATIONS - 5-lb. Psyllium; 1 20-lb. box of oranges; 1 bottle hand sanitizer; 1 pkg. Banker storage boxes; 1 5-lb. Psyllium; 1 20-lb Psyllium; 1 50-lb. Psyllium; 1 gallon Red Cell; 1 5-lb Psyllium; 1 gallon Optima 365; 2 bottles Renal Essentials; 1 bottle Milk Thistle; 2 boxes Nitrile gloves, size large. THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS - Sandra and Eric Cooley: 2 medium sized safari hats for keepers. Sandra Loey: 1 Dremel 8220 tool set, 1 large size safari hat for keepers. Stephanie Tien: 1 bottle Milk Thistle, 1 bottle Renal Essentials, 2 5-lb Psyllium. Stacie Kelsey: 1 case Clorox bleach, 1 bottle Milk Thistle, 1 bottle Renal Essentials. Karen Wade: Finnoff Ocular Transilluminator with filter for Dr. Gai. Anna Neczypor: 1 Digital Pet Scale for Dr. Gai, 2 bottles Azodyl, 4 bottles Renal Essentials. Ellen Underberg: 1 set Motorola 350R walkie-talkies. Michelle Underfill: 1 40-lb. box of oranges for the elephants. Gloria Horton and Crystal-Lee Young, in memory of Amanda Blake: 1 Mop Bucket sent to Tiger kitchen; 3 boxes Nitrile Gloves LG, 1 box windowed envelopes 500 count, 1 set Motorola Walkie Talkies, 1 bottle Milk Thistle, 1 Vionate Powder, 10 lbs., Photo Paper, 1 pkg. batteries, Kirkland 33 gal. trash bags, Psyllium 50-lb. , 20 lb. and 5 lb., Bounty paper towels, Nitrile Gloves Small, 1 gallon Red Cell, 1 gallon Optima 365, 1 commercial wire shelf for vet office, 1 Renal Essentials, 1 Chlorhexidine Solution, 1 electric knife sharpener, 1 bottle Azodyl, 1 boxes Nitrile gloves SM, 1 scoop shovel for the elephant barns, 1 32-oz wheat germ oil,1 50-lb. bag of popcorn kernals for the elephants.
Thanks everyone! To view our wish list, click here.
Adopt A PAWS Animal
If you would like to help our animals, one of the best ways is to become an "adoptive parent," or give a PAWS adoption as a gift to an animal lover in your life. PAWS adoptions are symbolic adoptions only. No animal will be sent!
PAWS Partnerships
Help us change the life of a victim of captivity by becoming a PAWS Partner.
PAWS partnerships help support our sanctuary operations and the day-to-day care of the animals.
You can help us make sure captive wildlife in need of shelter will always have a PAWS sanctuary to call home!
Donate To PAWS
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PO Box 849
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-2606